# JNUSLib Decryptor A simple wrapper of [JNUSLib](https://github.com/Maschell/JNUSLib) to decrypt local files (.app/.h3/.tmd). # Usage Optional: - Create file `common.key` containing the Wii U common key in binary into the folder next to the .jar instead of providing it via the command line. ``` JNUSLib Decryptor 0.1 - Maschell usage: -commonkey Optional. HexString. Will be used if no "common.key" in the folder of this .jar is found -file Decrypts the files that matches the given regular expression. -help shows this text -in Input file. Expects a folder which contains the .app, and .tmd files. -out The path where the result will be saved -overwrite Optional. Overwrites existing files -titlekey Optional. HexString. Will be used if no "title.tik" in the folder is found -whole Decrypts the whole content files. ``` Requires Java 8. # Building This is a maven project. Use following command to create a .jar with dependencies in the `target` folder. ``` mvn clean package ``` # Used libraries - [JNUSLib](https://github.com/Maschell/JNUSLib) - [lombok](https://projectlombok.org/) - [commons-cli](https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli/)