package de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool.gui.NUSGUI; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool.gui.UpdateChooser; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool.util.NUSTitleInformation; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool.util.Settings; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool.util.UpdateListManager; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.jnustool.util.Util; public class Starter { public static void main(String[] args) { Logger.log("JNUSTool 0.3b - by Maschell"); Logger.log(""); try { Settings.readConfig(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error while reading config! Needs to be:"); System.err.println("DOWNLOAD URL BASE"); System.err.println("COMMONKEY"); System.err.println("updateinfos.csv"); System.err.println("UPDATELIST VERSION URL"); System.err.println("UPDATELIST URL PATTERN"); return; } long titleID = 0; String key = null; if(args.length != 0 ){ titleID = Util.StringToLong(args[0]); int version = -1; if( args.length > 1 && args[1].length() == 32){ key = args[1].substring(0, 32); } if(titleID != 0){ String path = ""; boolean dl_encrypted = false; boolean download_file = false; for(int i =0; i< args.length;i++){ if(args[i].startsWith("v")){ version = Integer.parseInt((args[i].substring(1))); } if(args[i].equals("-dlEncrypted")){ dl_encrypted = true; } if(args[i].equals("-file")){ if(args.length > i){ i++; path = args[i]; } download_file = true; } } if(dl_encrypted){ NUSTitle title = new NUSTitle(titleID,version, key); try { title.downloadEncryptedFiles(null); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); }else if(download_file){ NUSTitle title = new NUSTitle(titleID,version, key); title.decryptFEntries(title.getFst().getFileEntriesByFilePath(path), null); System.exit(0); } NUSGUI m = new NUSGUI(new NUSTitle(titleID,version, key)); m.setVisible(true); } }else{ List updatelist = UpdateListManager.getTitles(); List result = new ArrayList<>(); if(updatelist != null){ UpdateChooser.createAndShowGUI(updatelist,result); synchronized (result) { try { result.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } for(final NUSTitleInformation nus : result){ final long tID = nus.getTitleID(); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { NUSGUI m = new NUSGUI(new NUSTitle(tID,nus.getSelectedVersion(), null)); m.setVisible(true); } }).start();; } } } public static void downloadMeta(List output_, final Progress totalProgress) { ForkJoinPool pool = ForkJoinPool.commonPool(); List> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(final NUSTitleInformation nus : output_){ final long tID = nus.getTitleID(); list.add(pool.submit(new Callable(){ @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { NUSTitle nusa = new NUSTitle(tID,nus.getSelectedVersion(),Util.ByteArrayToString(nus.getKey())); Progress childProgress = new Progress(); totalProgress.add(childProgress); Util.deleteFolder(new File(nusa.getLongNameFolder() + "/updates")); nusa.setTargetPath(nusa.getLongNameFolder()); nusa.decryptFEntries(nusa.getFst().getMetaFolder(),childProgress); return true; } })); } for(ForkJoinTask task : list){ try { task.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void downloadEncrypted(List output_, final Progress progress) { ForkJoinPool pool = ForkJoinPool.commonPool(); List> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(final NUSTitleInformation nus : output_){ final long tID = nus.getTitleID(); list.add(pool.submit(new Callable(){ @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { NUSTitle nusa = new NUSTitle(tID,nus.getSelectedVersion(), Util.ByteArrayToString(nus.getKey())); Progress childProgress = new Progress(); progress.add(childProgress); nusa.downloadEncryptedFiles(progress); return true; } })); } for(ForkJoinTask task : list){ try { task.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static AtomicInteger finished = new AtomicInteger(); public static void downloadEncryptedAllVersions(List output_, final Progress progress) { ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(25); List> list = new ArrayList<>(); final int outputsize = output_.size(); for(final NUSTitleInformation nus : output_){ final long tID = nus.getTitleID(); list.add(pool.submit(new Callable(){ @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { int count = 1; for(Integer i : nus.getAllVersions()){ NUSTitle nusa = new NUSTitle(tID,i, Util.ByteArrayToString(nus.getKey())); Progress childProgress = new Progress(); progress.add(childProgress); nusa.downloadEncryptedFiles(progress); System.out.println("Update download progress " + "(" + nus.getLongnameEN() + ") version "+ i + " complete! This was " + count + " of " + nus.getAllVersions().size() + "!"); count++; } System.out.println("Update download complete " + "(" + nus.getLongnameEN() +")" +"! Loaded updates for " + nus.getAllVersions().size() + " version. Now are " + finished.incrementAndGet() + " of " + outputsize + " done! "); return true; } })); } for(ForkJoinTask task : list){ try { task.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } }