package de.mas.jnustool; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import de.mas.jnustool.util.Decryption; import de.mas.jnustool.util.Downloader; import de.mas.jnustool.util.ExitException; import de.mas.jnustool.util.Settings; public class NUSTitle { private TitleMetaData tmd; private TIK ticket; private FST fst; private long titleID; public NUSTitle(long titleId,String key) throws ExitException{ setTitleID(titleId); try { if(Settings.downloadContent){ File f = new File(getContentPath()); if(!f.exists())f.mkdir(); } if(Settings.downloadContent){ File f = new File(getContentPath() + "/" + "tmd"); if(!(f.exists() && Settings.skipExistingTMDTICKET)){ System.out.println("Downloading TMD"); Downloader.getInstance().downloadTMD(titleId,getContentPath()); }else{ System.out.println("Skipped download of TMD. Already existing"); } f = new File(getContentPath() + "/" + "cetk"); if(!(f.exists() && Settings.skipExistingTMDTICKET)){ if(key == null){ System.out.print("Downloading Ticket"); Downloader.getInstance().downloadTicket(titleId,getContentPath()); } }else{ System.out.println("Skipped download of ticket. Already existing"); } } if(Settings.useCachedFiles){ File f = new File(getContentPath() + "/" + "tmd"); if(f.exists()){ System.out.println("Using cached TMD."); tmd = new TitleMetaData(f); }else{ System.out.println("No cached TMD found."); } } if(tmd == null){ if(Settings.downloadWhenCachedFilesMissingOrBroken){ if(Settings.useCachedFiles) System.out.println("Getting missing tmd from Server!"); tmd = new TitleMetaData(Downloader.getInstance().downloadTMDToByteArray(titleId)); }else{ System.out.println("Downloading of missing files is not enabled. Exiting"); throw new ExitException("TMD missing."); } } if(key != null){ System.out.println("Using ticket from parameter."); ticket = new TIK(key,titleId); }else{ if(Settings.useCachedFiles){ File f = new File(getContentPath() + "/" + "cetk"); if(f.exists()){ System.out.println("Using cached cetk."); ticket = new TIK(f,titleId); }else{ System.out.println("No cached ticket found."); } } if(ticket == null){ if(Settings.downloadWhenCachedFilesMissingOrBroken){ if(Settings.useCachedFiles) System.out.println("getting missing ticket"); ticket = new TIK(Downloader.getInstance().downloadTicketToByteArray(titleId),tmd.titleID); }else{ System.out.println("Downloading of missing files is not enabled. Exiting"); throw new ExitException("Ticket missing."); } } } if(Settings.downloadContent){ File f = new File(getContentPath() + "/" + String.format("%08x", tmd.contents[0].ID) + ".app"); if(!(f.exists() && Settings.skipExistingFiles)){ System.out.println("Downloading FST (" + String.format("%08x", tmd.contents[0].ID) + ")"); Downloader.getInstance().downloadContent(titleId,tmd.contents[0].ID,getContentPath()); }else{ if(f.length() != tmd.contents[0].size){ if(Settings.downloadWhenCachedFilesMissingOrBroken){ System.out.println("FST already existing, but broken. Downloading it again."); Downloader.getInstance().downloadContent(titleId,tmd.contents[0].ID,getContentPath()); }else{ System.out.println("FST already existing, but broken. No download allowed."); throw new ExitException("FST missing."); } }else{ System.out.println("Skipped download of FST. Already existing"); } } } Decryption decryption = new Decryption(ticket.getDecryptedKey(),0); byte[] encryptedFST = null; if(Settings.useCachedFiles){ String path = getContentPath() + "/" + String.format("%08x", tmd.contents[0].ID) + ".app"; File f = new File(path); if(f.exists()){ System.out.println("Using cached FST"); Path file = Paths.get(path); encryptedFST = Files.readAllBytes(file); }else{ System.out.println("No cached FST (" + String.format("%08x", tmd.contents[0].ID) + ") found."); } } if(encryptedFST == null){ if(Settings.downloadWhenCachedFilesMissingOrBroken){ if(Settings.useCachedFiles)System.out.println("Getting FST from server."); encryptedFST = Downloader.getInstance().downloadContentToByteArray(titleId,tmd.contents[0].ID); }else{ System.out.println("Downloading of missing files is not enabled. Exiting"); throw new ExitException(""); } } byte[] decryptedFST = decryption.decrypt(encryptedFST); fst = new FST(decryptedFST,tmd); tmd.setNUSTitle(this); if(Settings.downloadContent){ tmd.downloadContents(); } System.out.println("Total Size of Content Files: " + ((int)((getTotalContentSize()/1024.0/1024.0)*100))/100.0 +" MB"); System.out.println("Total Size of Decrypted Files: " + ((int)((fst.getTotalContentSizeInNUS()/1024.0/1024.0)*100))/100.0 +" MB"); System.out.println("Entries: " + fst.getTotalEntries()); System.out.println("Entries: " + fst.getFileCount()); System.out.println("Files in NUSTitle: " + fst.getFileCountInNUS()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public FST getFst() { return fst; } public void setFst(FST fst) { this.fst = fst; } public TitleMetaData getTmd() { return tmd; } public void setTmd(TitleMetaData tmd) { this.tmd = tmd; } public TIK getTicket() { return ticket; } public void setTicket(TIK ticket) { this.ticket = ticket; } public long getTotalContentSize() { return tmd.getTotalContentSize(); } public String getContentPath() { return getContentPathPrefix() + String.format("%016X", getTitleID()); } public String getContentPathPrefix() { return "tmp_"; } private long getTitleID() { return titleID; } private void setTitleID(long titleId) { this.titleID = titleId; } }