A port of smea's client (WUPClient.py) for the wupserver. Open it with ``` java -jar jwupclient.jar 192.168.x.x ``` The following commands are supported (in my ulgy written shell). cd: change directory to parent dir: cd .. change directory to relative dir: cd code change directory to absolute dir: cd /vol/storage_mlc01 ls: lists content of the directory dl: downloads a file. dl filename [targetdir] dlfp: same as dl but keeps the absolute path of the wiiu dldir: downloads a directory downloading the current dir dldir arguments: -src (sets the source folder on the wiiu) -dst (sets the destination folder on your PC) -fullpath (keeps the absolute path of the wiiu) ###dumping a disc### Command to dump the whole disc (code, content and meta folder) to sd ``` dumpdisc ``` The result will be stored on sd:/dumps/[TITLEID] You can set a regular expression all files and dir will be checked to. *Examples* To dump only the code folder ``` dumpdisc -file /code/.* ``` To disable the check on dir (and so check the pattern on ALL files of the disc) use the -deepSearch parameter Example: to dump all .szs files ``` dumpdisc -file .*.szs -deepSearch ``` Server and smea's client. https://github.com/smealum/iosuhax/tree/master/wupserver Everything is from Smea, I'm just porting and extending it!