MainWindow 0 0 1081 730 Citra src/pcafe/res/icon3_64x64.icosrc/pcafe/res/icon3_64x64.ico QTabWidget::Rounded true 0 0 0 0 0 0 1081 21 &File Recent Files &Emulation &View Debugging Screen Layout true Multiplayer &Help Load File... Install CIA... Load Symbol Map... E&xit false &Start false &Pause false &Stop FAQ About Citra true Single Window Mode Configure... true Display Dock Widget Headers true Show Filter Bar true Show Status Bar Select Game Directory... Selects a folder to display in the game list Create Pica Surface Viewer true Browse Public Game Lobby true Create Room false Close Room Direct Connect to Room false Current Room true Fullscreen Modify Citra Install Opens the maintenance tool to modify your Citra installation true Default true Single Screen true Large Screen true Side by Side true Swap Screens Check for Updates false Report Compatibility false