#!/bin/bash -ex if [ "$TARGET" = "appimage" ]; then # Compile the AppImage we distribute with Clang. export EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAGS=(-DCMAKE_LINKER=/etc/bin/ld.lld) else # For the linux-fresh verification target, verify compilation without PCH as well. export EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAGS=(-DCITRA_USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS=OFF) fi mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-18 \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-18 \ "${EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAGS[@]}" \ -DENABLE_QT_TRANSLATION=ON \ -DCITRA_ENABLE_COMPATIBILITY_REPORTING=ON \ -DENABLE_COMPATIBILITY_LIST_DOWNLOAD=ON \ -DUSE_DISCORD_PRESENCE=ON ninja if [ "$TARGET" = "appimage" ]; then ninja bundle # TODO: Our AppImage environment currently uses an older ccache version without the verbose flag. ccache -s else ccache -s -v fi ctest -VV -C Release