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// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
namespace DefaultINI {
const char* sdl2_config_file = R"(
# The input devices and parameters for each 3DS native input
# It should be in the format of "engine:[engine_name],[param1]:[value1],[param2]:[value2]..."
# Escape characters $0 (for ':'), $1 (for ',') and $2 (for '$') can be used in values
# for button input, the following devices are available:
# - "keyboard" (default) for keyboard input. Required parameters:
# - "code": the code of the key to bind
# - "sdl" for joystick input using SDL. Required parameters:
# - "joystick": the index of the joystick to bind
# - "button"(optional): the index of the button to bind
# - "hat"(optional): the index of the hat to bind as direction buttons
# - "axis"(optional): the index of the axis to bind
# - "direction"(only used for hat): the direction name of the hat to bind. Can be "up", "down", "left" or "right"
# - "threshold"(only used for axis): a float value in (-1.0, 1.0) which the button is
# triggered if the axis value crosses
# - "direction"(only used for axis): "+" means the button is triggered when the axis value
# is greater than the threshold; "-" means the button is triggered when the axis value
# is smaller than the threshold
# for analog input, the following devices are available:
# - "analog_from_button" (default) for emulating analog input from direction buttons. Required parameters:
# - "up", "down", "left", "right": sub-devices for each direction.
# Should be in the format as a button input devices using escape characters, for example, "engine$0keyboard$1code$00"
# - "modifier": sub-devices as a modifier.
# - "modifier_scale": a float number representing the applied modifier scale to the analog input.
# Must be in range of 0.0-1.0. Defaults to 0.5
# - "sdl" for joystick input using SDL. Required parameters:
# - "joystick": the index of the joystick to bind
# - "axis_x": the index of the axis to bind as x-axis (default to 0)
# - "axis_y": the index of the axis to bind as y-axis (default to 1)
# for motion input, the following devices are available:
# - "motion_emu" (default) for emulating motion input from mouse input. Required parameters:
# - "update_period": update period in milliseconds (default to 100)
# - "sensitivity": the coefficient converting mouse movement to tilting angle (default to 0.01)
# - "tilt_clamp": the max value of the tilt angle in degrees (default to 90)
# - "cemuhookudp" reads motion input from a udp server that uses cemuhook's udp protocol
# for touch input, the following devices are available:
# - "emu_window" (default) for emulating touch input from mouse input to the emulation window. No parameters required
# - "cemuhookudp" reads touch input from a udp server that uses cemuhook's udp protocol
# - "min_x", "min_y", "max_x", "max_y": defines the udp device's touch screen coordinate system
# Most desktop operating systems do not expose a way to poll the motion state of the controllers
# so as a way around it, cemuhook created a udp client/server protocol to broadcast the data directly
# from a controller device to the client program. Citra has a client that can connect and read
# from any cemuhook compatible motion program.
# IPv4 address of the udp input server (Default "")
# Port of the udp input server. (Default 26760)
# The pad to request data on. Should be between 0 (Pad 1) and 3 (Pad 4). (Default 0)
# Whether to use the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for CPU emulation
# 0: Interpreter (slow), 1 (default): JIT (fast)
use_cpu_jit =
# Whether to use software or hardware rendering.
# 0: Software, 1 (default): Hardware
use_hw_renderer =
# Whether to use hardware shaders to emulate 3DS shaders
# 0: Software, 1 (default): Hardware
use_hw_shader =
# Whether to use accurate multiplication in hardware shaders
# 0: Off (Default. Faster, but causes issues in some games) 1: On (Slower, but correct)
shaders_accurate_mul =
# Whether to fallback to software for geometry shaders
# 0: Off (Faster, but causes issues in some games) 1: On (Default. Slower, but correct)
shaders_accurate_gs =
# Whether to use the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for shader emulation
# 0: Interpreter (slow), 1 (default): JIT (fast)
use_shader_jit =
# Resolution scale factor
# 0: Auto (scales resolution to window size), 1: Native 3DS screen resolution, Otherwise a scale
# factor for the 3DS resolution
resolution_factor =
# Whether to enable V-Sync (caps the framerate at 60FPS) or not.
# 0 (default): Off, 1: On
use_vsync =
# Turns on the frame limiter, which will limit frames output to the target game speed
# 0: Off, 1: On (default)
use_frame_limit =
# Limits the speed of the game to run no faster than this value as a percentage of target speed
# 1 - 9999: Speed limit as a percentage of target game speed. 100 (default)
frame_limit =
# The clear color for the renderer. What shows up on the sides of the bottom screen.
# Must be in range of 0.0-1.0. Defaults to 0.0 for all.
bg_red =
bg_blue =
bg_green =
# Toggles Stereoscopic 3D
# 0 (default): Off, 1: On
toggle_3d =
# Change 3D Intensity
# 0 - 100: Intensity. 0 (default)
factor_3d =
# Layout for the screen inside the render window.
# 0 (default): Default Top Bottom Screen, 1: Single Screen Only, 2: Large Screen Small Screen, 3: Side by Side
layout_option =
# Toggle custom layout (using the settings below) on or off.
# 0 (default): Off, 1: On
custom_layout =
# Screen placement when using Custom layout option
# 0x, 0y is the top left corner of the render window.
custom_top_left =
custom_top_top =
custom_top_right =
custom_top_bottom =
custom_bottom_left =
custom_bottom_top =
custom_bottom_right =
custom_bottom_bottom =
# Swaps the prominent screen with the other screen.
# For example, if Single Screen is chosen, setting this to 1 will display the bottom screen instead of the top screen.
# 0 (default): Top Screen is prominent, 1: Bottom Screen is prominent
swap_screen =
# Which audio output engine to use.
# auto (default): Auto-select, null: No audio output, sdl2: SDL2 (if available)
output_engine =
# Whether or not to enable the audio-stretching post-processing effect.
# This effect adjusts audio speed to match emulation speed and helps prevent audio stutter,
# at the cost of increasing audio latency.
# 0: No, 1 (default): Yes
enable_audio_stretching =
# Which audio device to use.
# auto (default): Auto-select
output_device =
# Output volume.
# 1.0 (default): 100%, 0.0; mute
volume =
[Data Storage]
# Whether to create a virtual SD card.
# 1 (default): Yes, 0: No
use_virtual_sd =
# The system model that Citra will try to emulate
# 0: Old 3DS (default), 1: New 3DS
is_new_3ds =
# The system region that Citra will use during emulation
# -1: Auto-select (default), 0: Japan, 1: USA, 2: Europe, 3: Australia, 4: China, 5: Korea, 6: Taiwan
region_value =
# The clock to use when citra starts
# 0: System clock (default), 1: fixed time
init_clock =
# Time used when init_clock is set to fixed_time in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# set to fixed time. Default 2000-01-01 00:00:01
# Note: 3DS can only handle times later then Jan 1 2000
init_time =
# Which camera engine to use for the right outer camera
# blank (default): a dummy camera that always returns black image
camera_outer_right_name =
# A config string for the right outer camera. Its meaning is defined by the camera engine
camera_outer_right_config =
# The image flip to apply
# 0: None (default), 1: Horizontal, 2: Vertical, 3: Reverse
camera_outer_right_flip =
# ... for the left outer camera
camera_outer_left_name =
camera_outer_left_config =
camera_outer_left_flip =
# ... for the inner camera
camera_inner_name =
camera_inner_config =
camera_inner_flip =
# A filter which removes logs below a certain logging level.
# Examples: *:Debug Kernel.SVC:Trace Service.*:Critical
log_filter = *:Info
# Port for listening to GDB connections.
# To LLE a service module add "LLE\<module name>=true"
# Whether or not to enable telemetry
# 0: No, 1 (default): Yes
enable_telemetry =
# URL for Web API
web_api_url = https://api.citra-emu.org
# Username and token for Citra Web Service
# See https://services.citra-emu.org/ for more info
citra_username =
citra_token =