/* * Copyright (c) 2018 shchmue * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Shared font code adapted from https://github.com/switchbrew/switch-examples/tree/master/graphics/shared_font */ #include "Common.hpp" #include "Key.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sha256.h" #ifdef RGBX8 #define LIBNX_200 #endif namespace Common { static u32 framebuf_width = 0; #ifdef LIBNX_200 static Framebuffer fb; static u32 stride; #endif static u32 *framebuf; // FreeType vars static FT_Library library; static FT_Face face; void draw_glyph(FT_Bitmap *bitmap, u32 x, u32 y, u32 color) { u32 framex, framey; u8* imageptr = bitmap->buffer; for (u32 tmpy = 0; tmpy < bitmap->rows; tmpy++) { for (u32 tmpx = 0; tmpx < bitmap->width; tmpx++) { framex = x + tmpx; framey = y + tmpy; // color calculation is extremely simplistic and only supports 0 or 0xff in each element for proper antialiasing framebuf[framey * framebuf_width + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(imageptr[tmpx], imageptr[tmpx], imageptr[tmpx]) & color; } imageptr += bitmap->pitch; } } void draw_line(u32 x, u32 y, u32 length, u32 color) { for (u32 tmpx = x; tmpx < x + length; tmpx++) framebuf[y * framebuf_width + tmpx] = color; } void draw_set_rect(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, u32 color) { for (u32 tmpy = y; tmpy < y + height; tmpy++) draw_line(x, tmpy, width, color); } void draw_text(u32 x, u32 y, u32 color, const char *str) { u32 tmpx = x; FT_UInt glyph_index; FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph; for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) { if (str[i] == '\n') { tmpx = x; y += face->size->metrics.height / 64; continue; } glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, (FT_ULong)str[i]); if (R_FAILED(FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_COLOR) || FT_Render_Glyph(face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL) != 0)) { return; } draw_glyph(&slot->bitmap, tmpx + slot->bitmap_left, y - slot->bitmap_top, color); tmpx += slot->advance.x >> 6; y += slot->advance.y >> 6; } } void draw_text_with_time(u32 x, u32 y, u32 color, const char *str, const float time) { char time_str[32]; sprintf(time_str, "%1.6f seconds", time); draw_text(x, y, color, str); draw_text(0x190, y, color, time_str); } void draw_text_with_time(u32 x, u32 y, u32 color, const char *str, const int64_t time) { draw_text_with_time(x, y, color, str, time / 1000000.0f); } void intro() { appletLockExit(); PlFontData font; #ifndef LIBNX_200 consoleInit(NULL); #endif plGetSharedFontByType(&font, PlSharedFontType_Standard); FT_Init_FreeType(&library); FT_New_Memory_Face(library, static_cast(font.address), font.size, 0, &face); FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, 6*64, 300, 300); #ifdef LIBNX_200 framebufferCreate(&fb, nwindowGetDefault(), FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 2); framebufferMakeLinear(&fb); framebuf = (u32 *)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = stride / sizeof(u32); memset(framebuf, 0, stride*FB_HEIGHT); framebufferEnd(&fb); #else gfxSetMode(GfxMode_LinearDouble); framebuf = (u32 *)gfxGetFramebuffer(&framebuf_width, NULL); memset(framebuf, 0, gfxGetFramebufferSize()); #endif draw_text(0x010, 0x020, YELLOW, "Lockpick! by shchmue"); draw_text(0x190, 0x020, YELLOW, "Note: Only dumps keys 00-06 on 6.2.0"); draw_text(0x190, 0x040, YELLOW, " and keys 00-05 on all other firmwares including 7.0.0+"); draw_set_rect(814, 452 + 42 * 0, 450, 42, FLAG_RED); draw_set_rect(814, 452 + 42 * 1, 450, 42, FLAG_ORANGE); draw_set_rect(814, 452 + 42 * 2, 450, 42, FLAG_YELLOW); draw_set_rect(814, 452 + 42 * 3, 450, 42, FLAG_GREEN); draw_set_rect(814, 452 + 42 * 4, 450, 42, FLAG_BLUE); draw_set_rect(814, 452 + 42 * 5, 450, 42, FLAG_VIOLET); if ( !(envIsSyscallHinted(0x60) && // svcDebugActiveProcess envIsSyscallHinted(0x63) && // svcGetDebugEvent envIsSyscallHinted(0x65) && // svcGetProcessList envIsSyscallHinted(0x69) && // svcQueryDebugProcessMemory envIsSyscallHinted(0x6a))) { // svcReadDebugProcessMemory draw_text(0x190, 0x20, RED, "Error: Please run with debug svc permissions!"); wait_to_exit(); } draw_text(0x10, 0x060, CYAN, "Get Tegra keys..."); draw_text(0x10, 0x080, CYAN, "Get keys from memory..."); draw_text(0x10, 0x0a0, CYAN, "Get master keys..."); draw_text(0x10, 0x0c0, CYAN, "Derive remaining keys..."); draw_text(0x10, 0x0e0, CYAN, "Saving keys to keyfile..."); draw_text(0x10, 0x110, CYAN, "Total time elapsed:"); update_display(); } void get_tegra_keys(Key &sbk, Key &tsec, Key &tsec_root) { // support Hekate dump if (std::filesystem::exists("/backup")) { for (auto &p : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator("/backup")) { if (p.is_regular_file()) { if (!sbk.found() && (p.file_size() == 0x2fc) && (std::string("fuse").compare(std::string(p.path().filename()).substr(0, 4)) == 0)) { FILE *fuse_file = fopen(p.path().c_str(), "rb"); if (!fuse_file) continue; byte_vector temp_key(0x10); fseek(fuse_file, 0xa4, SEEK_SET); fread(temp_key.data(), 0x10, 1, fuse_file); sbk = Key("secure_boot_key", 0x10, temp_key); fclose(fuse_file); } else if (!tsec.found() && (p.file_size() == 0x20 || p.file_size() == 0x30) && (std::string("tsec").compare(std::string(p.path().filename()).substr(0, 4)) == 0)) { FILE *tsec_file = fopen(p.path().c_str(), "rb"); if (!tsec_file) continue; byte_vector temp_key(0x10); fread(temp_key.data(), 0x10, 1, tsec_file); tsec = Key("tsec_key", 0x10, temp_key); fread(temp_key.data(), 0x10, 1, tsec_file); tsec_root.find_key(temp_key); fclose(tsec_file); } } if (sbk.found() && tsec.found()) return; } } // support biskeydump v7 dump if (std::filesystem::exists("/device.keys")) { FILE *key_file = fopen("/device.keys", "r"); char line[0x100]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), key_file) && !(sbk.found() && tsec.found())) { if (strncmp("secure_boot_key", line, 15) == 0) sbk = Key("secure_boot_key", 0x10, key_string_to_byte_vector(line)); else if (strncmp("tsec_key", line, 8) == 0) tsec = Key("tsec_key", 0x10, key_string_to_byte_vector(line)); } fclose(key_file); } } void wait_to_exit() { draw_text(0x10b, 0x24b, YELLOW, ">> Press + to exit <<"); while(appletMainLoop()) { hidScanInput(); u64 kDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); if (kDown & KEY_PLUS) break; update_display(); } #ifdef LIBNX_200 framebufferClose(&fb); #else consoleExit(NULL); #endif FT_Done_Face(face); FT_Done_FreeType(library); appletUnlockExit(); } void update_display() { #ifdef LIBNX_200 framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebufferEnd(&fb); #else consoleUpdate(NULL); #endif } void sha256(const u8 *data, u8 *hash, size_t length) { struct sha256_state ctx; sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, data, length); sha256_finalize(&ctx); sha256_finish(&ctx, hash); } byte_vector key_string_to_byte_vector(std::string key_string) { key_string = key_string.substr(key_string.find('=') + 2); byte_vector temp_key((key_string.size() - 1) / 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_key.size() - 1; i += 8) *reinterpret_cast(temp_key.data() + i) = __bswap64(strtoul(key_string.substr(i * 2, 0x10).c_str(), NULL, 16)); return temp_key; } }