/* * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert * Copyright (c) 2018-2021 CTCaer * Copyright (c) 2018 Atmosphère-NX * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 shchmue * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "se.h" #include "se_t210.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct _se_ll_t { vu32 num; vu32 addr; vu32 size; } se_ll_t; static u32 _se_rsa_mod_sizes[SE_RSA_KEYSLOT_COUNT]; static u32 _se_rsa_exp_sizes[SE_RSA_KEYSLOT_COUNT]; static void _gf256_mul_x(void *block) { u8 *pdata = (u8 *)block; u32 carry = 0; for (int i = 0xF; i >= 0; i--) { u8 b = pdata[i]; pdata[i] = (b << 1) | carry; carry = b >> 7; } if (carry) pdata[0xF] ^= 0x87; } static void _gf256_mul_x_le(void *block) { u32 *pdata = (u32 *)block; u32 carry = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { u32 b = pdata[i]; pdata[i] = (b << 1) | carry; carry = b >> 31; } if (carry) pdata[0x0] ^= 0x87; } static void _se_ll_init(se_ll_t *ll, u32 addr, u32 size) { ll->num = 0; ll->addr = addr; ll->size = size; } static void _se_ll_set(se_ll_t *dst, se_ll_t *src) { SE(SE_IN_LL_ADDR_REG) = (u32)src; SE(SE_OUT_LL_ADDR_REG) = (u32)dst; } static int _se_wait() { while (!(SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG) & SE_INT_OP_DONE)) ; if (SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG) & SE_INT_ERR_STAT || (SE(SE_STATUS_REG) & SE_STATUS_STATE_MASK) != SE_STATUS_STATE_IDLE || SE(SE_ERR_STATUS_REG) != 0) return 0; return 1; } se_ll_t *ll_dst, *ll_src; static int _se_execute(u32 op, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size, bool is_oneshot) { ll_dst = NULL; ll_src = NULL; if (dst) { ll_dst = (se_ll_t *)malloc(sizeof(se_ll_t)); _se_ll_init(ll_dst, (u32)dst, dst_size); } if (src) { ll_src = (se_ll_t *)malloc(sizeof(se_ll_t)); _se_ll_init(ll_src, (u32)src, src_size); } _se_ll_set(ll_dst, ll_src); SE(SE_ERR_STATUS_REG) = SE(SE_ERR_STATUS_REG); SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG) = SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG); bpmp_mmu_maintenance(BPMP_MMU_MAINT_CLN_INV_WAY, false); SE(SE_OPERATION_REG) = op; if (is_oneshot) { int res = _se_wait(); bpmp_mmu_maintenance(BPMP_MMU_MAINT_CLN_INV_WAY, false); if (src) free(ll_src); if (dst) free(ll_dst); return res; } return 1; } static int _se_execute_finalize() { int res = _se_wait(); bpmp_mmu_maintenance(BPMP_MMU_MAINT_CLN_INV_WAY, false); if (ll_src) { free(ll_src); ll_src = NULL; } if (ll_dst) { free(ll_dst); ll_dst = NULL; } return res; } static int _se_execute_oneshot(u32 op, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { return _se_execute(op, dst, dst_size, src, src_size, true); } static int _se_execute_one_block(u32 op, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { if (!src || !dst) return 0; u8 *block = (u8 *)malloc(SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); memset(block, 0, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = 1 - 1; memcpy(block, src, src_size); int res = _se_execute_oneshot(op, block, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, block, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); memcpy(dst, block, dst_size); free(block); return res; } static void _se_aes_ctr_set(const void *ctr) { u32 data[SE_AES_IV_SIZE / 4]; memcpy(data, ctr, SE_AES_IV_SIZE); for (u32 i = 0; i < SE_CRYPTO_LINEAR_CTR_REG_COUNT; i++) SE(SE_CRYPTO_LINEAR_CTR_REG + (4 * i)) = data[i]; } void se_rsa_acc_ctrl(u32 rs, u32 flags) { if (flags & SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_ACCESS_FLAG) SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG + 4 * rs) = (((flags >> 4) & SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUSE_FLAG) |(flags & SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_READ_UPDATE_FLAG)) ^ SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_READ_UPDATE_USE_FLAG; if (flags & SE_RSA_KEY_LOCK_FLAG) SE(SE_RSA_SECURITY_PERKEY_REG) &= ~BIT(rs); } // se_rsa_key_set() was derived from Atmosphère's set_rsa_keyslot void se_rsa_key_set(u32 ks, const void *mod, u32 mod_size, const void *exp, u32 exp_size) { u32 *data = (u32 *)mod; for (u32 i = 0; i < mod_size / 4; i++) { SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = RSA_KEY_NUM(ks) | SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_TYPE(RSA_KEY_TYPE_MOD) | i; SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = byte_swap_32(data[mod_size / 4 - i - 1]); } data = (u32 *)exp; for (u32 i = 0; i < exp_size / 4; i++) { SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = RSA_KEY_NUM(ks) | SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_TYPE(RSA_KEY_TYPE_EXP) | i; SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = byte_swap_32(data[exp_size / 4 - i - 1]); } _se_rsa_mod_sizes[ks] = mod_size; _se_rsa_exp_sizes[ks] = exp_size; } // se_rsa_key_clear() was derived from Atmosphère's clear_rsa_keyslot void se_rsa_key_clear(u32 ks) { for (u32 i = 0; i < SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE / 4; i++) { SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = RSA_KEY_NUM(ks) | SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_TYPE(RSA_KEY_TYPE_MOD) | i; SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = 0; } for (u32 i = 0; i < SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE / 4; i++) { SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = RSA_KEY_NUM(ks) | SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_TYPE(RSA_KEY_TYPE_EXP) | i; SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = 0; } } // se_rsa_exp_mod() was derived from Atmosphère's se_synchronous_exp_mod and se_get_exp_mod_output int se_rsa_exp_mod(u32 ks, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { int res; u8 stack_buf[SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE]; for (u32 i = 0; i < src_size; i++) stack_buf[i] = *((u8 *)src + src_size - i - 1); SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_RSA) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_RSAREG); SE(SE_RSA_CONFIG) = RSA_KEY_SLOT(ks); SE(SE_RSA_KEY_SIZE_REG) = (_se_rsa_mod_sizes[ks] >> 6) - 1; SE(SE_RSA_EXP_SIZE_REG) = _se_rsa_exp_sizes[ks] >> 2; res = _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, stack_buf, src_size); // Copy output hash. u32 *dst32 = (u32 *)dst; for (u32 i = 0; i < dst_size / 4; i++) dst32[dst_size / 4 - i - 1] = byte_swap_32(SE(SE_RSA_OUTPUT_REG + (i << 2))); return res; } void se_key_acc_ctrl(u32 ks, u32 flags) { if (flags & SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_ACCESS_FLAG) SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG + 4 * ks) = ~flags; if (flags & SE_KEY_LOCK_FLAG) SE(SE_CRYPTO_SECURITY_PERKEY_REG) &= ~BIT(ks); } u32 se_key_acc_ctrl_get(u32 ks) { return SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG + 4 * ks); } void se_aes_key_set(u32 ks, const void *key, u32 size) { u32 data[SE_AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE / 4]; memcpy(data, key, size); for (u32 i = 0; i < (size / 4); i++) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | SE_KEYTABLE_PKT(i); // QUAD is automatically set by PKT. SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = data[i]; } } void se_aes_key_partial_set(u32 ks, u32 index, u32 data) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | index; SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = data; } void se_aes_iv_set(u32 ks, const void *iv) { u32 data[SE_AES_IV_SIZE / 4]; memcpy(data, iv, SE_AES_IV_SIZE); for (u32 i = 0; i < (SE_AES_IV_SIZE / 4); i++) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | SE_KEYTABLE_QUAD(ORIGINAL_IV) | SE_KEYTABLE_PKT(i); SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = data[i]; } } void se_aes_key_get(u32 ks, void *key, u32 size) { u32 data[SE_AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE / 4]; for (u32 i = 0; i < (size / 4); i++) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | SE_KEYTABLE_PKT(i); // QUAD is automatically set by PKT. data[i] = SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG); } memcpy(key, data, size); } void se_aes_key_clear(u32 ks) { for (u32 i = 0; i < (SE_AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE / 4); i++) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | SE_KEYTABLE_PKT(i); // QUAD is automatically set by PKT. SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = 0; } } void se_aes_iv_clear(u32 ks) { for (u32 i = 0; i < (SE_AES_IV_SIZE / 4); i++) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | SE_KEYTABLE_QUAD(ORIGINAL_IV) | SE_KEYTABLE_PKT(i); SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG) = 0; } } int se_aes_unwrap_key(u32 ks_dst, u32 ks_src, const void *input) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_DEC_ALG(ALG_AES_DEC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_KEYTABLE); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks_src) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_DECRYPT); SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = 1 - 1; SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DST_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(ks_dst) | SE_KEYTABLE_DST_WORD_QUAD(KEYS_0_3); return _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, input, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); } int se_aes_crypt_ecb(u32 ks, u32 enc, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { if (enc) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT); } else { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_DEC_ALG(ALG_AES_DEC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_DECRYPT); } SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = (src_size >> 4) - 1; return _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, dst, dst_size, src, src_size); } int se_aes_crypt_cbc(u32 ks, u32 enc, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { if (enc) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_VCTRAM_SEL(VCTRAM_AESOUT) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_XOR_POS(XOR_TOP); } else { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_DEC_ALG(ALG_AES_DEC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_VCTRAM_SEL(VCTRAM_PREVMEM) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_DECRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_XOR_POS(XOR_BOTTOM); } SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = (src_size >> 4) - 1; return _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, dst, dst_size, src, src_size); } int se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(u32 ks, u32 enc, void *dst, const void *src) { return se_aes_crypt_ecb(ks, enc, dst, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, src, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); } int se_aes_crypt_ctr(u32 ks, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size, const void *ctr) { SE(SE_SPARE_REG) = SE_ECO(SE_ERRATA_FIX_ENABLE); SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_XOR_POS(XOR_BOTTOM) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_LNR_CTR) | SE_CRYPTO_CTR_CNTN(1); _se_aes_ctr_set(ctr); u32 src_size_aligned = ALIGN_DOWN(src_size, 0x10); u32 src_size_delta = src_size & 0xF; if (src_size_aligned) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = (src_size >> 4) - 1; if (!_se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, dst, dst_size, src, src_size_aligned)) return 0; } if (src_size - src_size_aligned && src_size_aligned < dst_size) return _se_execute_one_block(SE_OP_START, dst + src_size_aligned, MIN(src_size_delta, dst_size - src_size_aligned), src + src_size_aligned, src_size_delta); return 1; } // random calls were derived from Atmosphère's int se_initialize_rng() { static bool initialized = false; if (initialized) return 1; u8 *output_buf = (u8 *)malloc(0x10); SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_RNG) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_RANDOM); SE(SE_RNG_CONFIG_REG) = SE_RNG_CONFIG_MODE(MODE_FORCE_INSTANTION) | SE_RNG_CONFIG_SRC(SRC_ENTROPY); SE(SE_RNG_RESEED_INTERVAL_REG) = 70001; SE(SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_REG) = SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_ENTR_SRC(RO_ENTR_ENABLE) | SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_ENTR_SRC_LOCK(RO_ENTR_LOCK_ENABLE); SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = 0; int res =_se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, output_buf, 0x10, NULL, 0); free(output_buf); if (res) initialized = true; return res; } int se_generate_random(void *dst, u32 size) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_RNG) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_RANDOM); SE(SE_RNG_CONFIG_REG) = SE_RNG_CONFIG_MODE(MODE_NORMAL) | SE_RNG_CONFIG_SRC(SRC_ENTROPY); u32 num_blocks = size >> 4; u32 aligned_size = num_blocks << 4; if (num_blocks) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = num_blocks - 1; if (!_se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, dst, aligned_size, NULL, 0)) return 0; } if (size > aligned_size) return _se_execute_one_block(SE_OP_START, dst + aligned_size, size - aligned_size, NULL, 0); return 1; } int se_generate_random_key(u32 ks_dst, u32 ks_src) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_RNG) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks_src) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_RANDOM); SE(SE_RNG_CONFIG_REG) = SE_RNG_CONFIG_MODE(MODE_NORMAL) | SE_RNG_CONFIG_SRC(SRC_ENTROPY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DST_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(ks_dst); if (!_se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) return 0; SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DST_REG) = SE_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(ks_dst) | 1; if (!_se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) return 0; return 1; } int se_aes_xts_crypt_sec(u32 tweak_ks, u32 crypt_ks, u32 enc, u64 sec, void *dst, const void *src, u32 sec_size) { u8 tweak[0x10]; u8 orig_tweak[0x10]; u32 *pdst = (u32 *)dst; u32 *psrc = (u32 *)src; u32 *ptweak = (u32 *)tweak; //Generate tweak. for (int i = 0xF; i >= 0; i--) { tweak[i] = sec & 0xFF; sec >>= 8; } if (!se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(tweak_ks, 1, tweak, tweak)) return 0; memcpy(orig_tweak, tweak, 0x10); // We are assuming a 0x10-aligned sector size in this implementation. for (u32 i = 0; i < sec_size / 0x10; i++) { for (u32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) pdst[j] = psrc[j] ^ ptweak[j]; _gf256_mul_x_le(tweak); psrc += 4; pdst += 4; } if (!se_aes_crypt_ecb(crypt_ks, enc, dst, sec_size, dst, sec_size)) return 0; pdst = (u32 *)dst; ptweak = (u32 *)orig_tweak; for (u32 i = 0; i < sec_size / 0x10; i++) { for (u32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) pdst[j] = pdst[j] ^ ptweak[j]; _gf256_mul_x_le(orig_tweak); pdst += 4; } return 1; } int se_aes_xts_crypt(u32 tweak_ks, u32 crypt_ks, u32 enc, u64 sec, void *dst, const void *src, u32 sec_size, u32 num_secs) { u8 *pdst = (u8 *)dst; u8 *psrc = (u8 *)src; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_secs; i++) if (!se_aes_xts_crypt_sec(tweak_ks, crypt_ks, enc, sec + i, pdst + sec_size * i, psrc + sec_size * i, sec_size)) return 0; return 1; } // se_aes_cmac() was derived from Atmosphère's se_compute_aes_cmac int se_aes_cmac(u32 ks, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { int res = 0; u8 *key = (u8 *)calloc(0x10, 1); u8 *last_block = (u8 *)calloc(0x10, 1); // generate derived key if (!se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(ks, 1, key, key)) goto out; _gf256_mul_x(key); if (src_size & 0xF) _gf256_mul_x(key); SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_HASHREG); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_MEMORY) | SE_CRYPTO_XOR_POS(XOR_TOP) | SE_CRYPTO_VCTRAM_SEL(VCTRAM_AESOUT) | SE_CRYPTO_HASH(HASH_ENABLE) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT); se_aes_iv_clear(ks); u32 num_blocks = (src_size + 0xf) >> 4; if (num_blocks > 1) { SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = num_blocks - 2; if (!_se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, src, src_size)) goto out; SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) |= SE_CRYPTO_IV_SEL(IV_UPDATED); } if (src_size & 0xf) { memcpy(last_block, src + (src_size & ~0xf), src_size & 0xf); last_block[src_size & 0xf] = 0x80; } else if (src_size >= 0x10) { memcpy(last_block, src + src_size - 0x10, 0x10); } for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) last_block[i] ^= key[i]; SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = 0; res = _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, last_block, 0x10); u32 *dst32 = (u32 *)dst; for (u32 i = 0; i < (dst_size >> 2); i++) dst32[i] = SE(SE_HASH_RESULT_REG + (i << 2)); out:; free(key); free(last_block); return res; } int se_calc_sha256(void *hash, u32 *msg_left, const void *src, u32 src_size, u64 total_size, u32 sha_cfg, bool is_oneshot) { int res; u32 hash32[SE_SHA_256_SIZE / 4]; //! TODO: src_size must be 512 bit aligned if continuing and not last block for SHA256. if (src_size > 0xFFFFFF || !hash) // Max 16MB - 1 chunks and aligned x4 hash buffer. return 0; // Setup config for SHA256. SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_MODE(MODE_SHA256) | SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_SHA) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_HASHREG); SE(SE_SHA_CONFIG_REG) = sha_cfg; SE(SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG) = 1 - 1; // Set total size to current buffer size if empty. if (!total_size) total_size = src_size; // Set total size: BITS(src_size), up to 2 EB. SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_0_REG) = (u32)(total_size << 3); SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_1_REG) = (u32)(total_size >> 29); SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_2_REG) = 0; SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_3_REG) = 0; // Set size left to hash. SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_0_REG) = (u32)(total_size << 3); SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_1_REG) = (u32)(total_size >> 29); SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_2_REG) = 0; SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_3_REG) = 0; // If we hash in chunks, copy over the intermediate. if (sha_cfg == SHA_CONTINUE && msg_left) { // Restore message left to process. SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_0_REG) = msg_left[0]; SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_1_REG) = msg_left[1]; // Restore hash reg. memcpy(hash32, hash, SE_SHA_256_SIZE); for (u32 i = 0; i < (SE_SHA_256_SIZE / 4); i++) SE(SE_HASH_RESULT_REG + (i * 4)) = byte_swap_32(hash32[i]); } // Trigger the operation. res = _se_execute(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, src, src_size, is_oneshot); if (is_oneshot) { // Backup message left. if (msg_left) { msg_left[0] = SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_0_REG); msg_left[1] = SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_1_REG); } // Copy output hash. for (u32 i = 0; i < (SE_SHA_256_SIZE / 4); i++) hash32[i] = byte_swap_32(SE(SE_HASH_RESULT_REG + (i * 4))); memcpy(hash, hash32, SE_SHA_256_SIZE); } return res; } int se_calc_sha256_oneshot(void *hash, const void *src, u32 src_size) { return se_calc_sha256(hash, NULL, src, src_size, 0, SHA_INIT_HASH, true); } int se_calc_sha256_finalize(void *hash, u32 *msg_left) { u32 hash32[SE_SHA_256_SIZE / 4]; int res = _se_execute_finalize(); // Backup message left. if (msg_left) { msg_left[0] = SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_0_REG); msg_left[1] = SE(SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_1_REG); } // Copy output hash. for (u32 i = 0; i < (SE_SHA_256_SIZE / 4); i++) hash32[i] = byte_swap_32(SE(SE_HASH_RESULT_REG + (i << 2))); memcpy(hash, hash32, SE_SHA_256_SIZE); return res; } int se_calc_hmac_sha256(void *dst, const void *src, u32 src_size, const void *key, u32 key_size) { int res = 0; u8 *secret = (u8 *)malloc(0x40); u8 *ipad = (u8 *)malloc(0x40 + src_size); u8 *opad = (u8 *)malloc(0x60); if (key_size > 0x40) { if (!se_calc_sha256_oneshot(secret, key, key_size)) goto out; memset(secret + 0x20, 0, 0x20); } else { memcpy(secret, key, key_size); memset(secret + key_size, 0, 0x40 - key_size); } u32 *secret32 = (u32 *)secret; u32 *ipad32 = (u32 *)ipad; u32 *opad32 = (u32 *)opad; for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { ipad32[i] = secret32[i] ^ 0x36363636; opad32[i] = secret32[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C; } memcpy(ipad + 0x40, src, src_size); if (!se_calc_sha256_oneshot(dst, ipad, 0x40 + src_size)) goto out; memcpy(opad + 0x40, dst, 0x20); if (!se_calc_sha256_oneshot(dst, opad, 0x60)) goto out; res = 1; out:; free(secret); free(ipad); free(opad); return res; } // _mgf1_xor() and rsa_oaep_decode were derived from Atmosphère static void _mgf1_xor(void *masked, u32 masked_size, const void *seed, u32 seed_size) { u8 cur_hash[0x20] __attribute__((aligned(4))); u8 hash_buf[0xe4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); u32 hash_buf_size = seed_size + 4; memcpy(hash_buf, seed, seed_size); u32 round_num = 0; u8 *p_out = (u8 *)masked; while (masked_size) { u32 cur_size = MIN(masked_size, 0x20); for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) hash_buf[seed_size + 3 - i] = (round_num >> (8 * i)) & 0xff; round_num++; se_calc_sha256_oneshot(cur_hash, hash_buf, hash_buf_size); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { *p_out ^= cur_hash[i]; p_out++; } masked_size -= cur_size; } } u32 se_rsa_oaep_decode(void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *label_digest, u32 label_digest_size, u8 *buf, u32 buf_size) { if (dst_size <= 0 || buf_size < 0x43 || label_digest_size != 0x20) return 0; bool is_valid = buf[0] == 0; u32 db_len = buf_size - 0x21; u8 *seed = buf + 1; u8 *db = seed + 0x20; _mgf1_xor(seed, 0x20, db, db_len); _mgf1_xor(db, db_len, seed, 0x20); is_valid &= memcmp(label_digest, db, 0x20) ? 0 : 1; db += 0x20; db_len -= 0x20; int msg_ofs = 0; int looking_for_one = 1; int invalid_db_padding = 0; int is_zero; int is_one; for (int i = 0; i < db_len; ) { is_zero = (db[i] == 0); is_one = (db[i] == 1); msg_ofs += (looking_for_one & is_one) * (++i); looking_for_one &= ~is_one; invalid_db_padding |= (looking_for_one & ~is_zero); } is_valid &= (invalid_db_padding == 0); const u32 msg_size = MIN(dst_size, is_valid * (db_len - msg_ofs)); memcpy(dst, db + msg_ofs, msg_size); return msg_size; } void se_get_aes_keys(u8 *buf, u8 *keys, u32 keysize) { u8 *aligned_buf = (u8 *)ALIGN((u32)buf, 0x40); // Set Secure Random Key. SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_MODE(MODE_KEY128) | SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_RNG) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_SRK); SE(SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(0) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_RANDOM); SE(SE_RNG_CONFIG_REG) = SE_RNG_CONFIG_SRC(SRC_ENTROPY) | SE_RNG_CONFIG_MODE(MODE_FORCE_RESEED); SE(SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK) = 0; _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_START, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); // Save AES keys. SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_MODE(MODE_KEY128) | SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); for (u32 i = 0; i < SE_AES_KEYSLOT_COUNT; i++) { SE(SE_CONTEXT_SAVE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONTEXT_SRC(AES_KEYTABLE) | SE_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(i) | SE_CONTEXT_AES_KEY_INDEX(0) | SE_CONTEXT_AES_WORD_QUAD(KEYS_0_3); SE(SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK) = 0; _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_CTX_SAVE, aligned_buf, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL, 0); memcpy(keys + i * keysize, aligned_buf, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); if (keysize > SE_KEY_128_SIZE) { SE(SE_CONTEXT_SAVE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONTEXT_SRC(AES_KEYTABLE) | SE_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(i) | SE_CONTEXT_AES_KEY_INDEX(0) | SE_CONTEXT_AES_WORD_QUAD(KEYS_4_7); SE(SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK) = 0; _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_CTX_SAVE, aligned_buf, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL, 0); memcpy(keys + i * keysize + SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, aligned_buf, SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); } } // Save SRK to PMC secure scratches. SE(SE_CONTEXT_SAVE_CONFIG_REG) = SE_CONTEXT_SRC(SRK); SE(SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK) = 0; _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_CTX_SAVE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); // End context save. SE(SE_CONFIG_REG) = 0; _se_execute_oneshot(SE_OP_CTX_SAVE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); // Get SRK. u32 srk[4]; srk[0] = PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH4); srk[1] = PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH5); srk[2] = PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH6); srk[3] = PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH7); // Decrypt context. se_aes_key_clear(3); se_aes_key_set(3, srk, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_crypt_cbc(3, 0, keys, SE_AES_KEYSLOT_COUNT * keysize, keys, SE_AES_KEYSLOT_COUNT * keysize); se_aes_key_clear(3); }