mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 13:57:13 +01:00
Remove libogc dependency, convert to libdynamiclibs
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
# any extra libraries we wish to link with the project
LIBS := -ldynamiclibs
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H
#include <gctypes.h>
#include "dynamic_libs/os_types.h"
#endif /* TYPES_H */
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto
# Custom for Visual Studio
*.cs diff=csharp
# Standard to msysgit
*.doc diff=astextplain
*.DOC diff=astextplain
*.docx diff=astextplain
*.DOCX diff=astextplain
*.dot diff=astextplain
*.DOT diff=astextplain
*.pdf diff=astextplain
*.PDF diff=astextplain
*.rtf diff=astextplain
*.RTF diff=astextplain
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Windows image file caches
# Folder config file
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
# =========================
# Operating System Files
# =========================
# =========================
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# dynamic_libs
Dynamic libs for WiiU homebrew
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
#ifndef FS_DEFS_H
#define FS_DEFS_H
#include <gctypes.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* FS defines and types */
#define FS_STATUS_OK 0
#define FS_RET_NO_ERROR 0x0000
#define FS_RET_ALL_ERROR (unsigned int)(-1)
#define FS_STAT_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY 0x80000000
/* max length of file/dir name */
#define FS_MOUNT_SOURCE_SIZE 0x300
#define FS_CLIENT_SIZE 0x1700
#define FS_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE 0xA80
typedef struct
uint32_t flag;
uint32_t permission;
uint32_t owner_id;
uint32_t group_id;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t alloc_size;
uint64_t quota_size;
uint32_t ent_id;
uint64_t ctime;
uint64_t mtime;
uint8_t attributes[48];
} __attribute__((packed)) FSStat;
typedef struct
FSStat stat;
} FSDirEntry;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* FS_DEFS_H */
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "fs_functions.h"
#include "os_functions.h"
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSInit, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSShutdown, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSAddClientEx, void *pClient, int unk_zero_param, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSDelClient, void *pClient);
EXPORT_DECL(void, FSInitCmdBlock, void *pCmd);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSGetMountSource, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int type, void *source, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSMount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, void *source, char *target, uint32_t bytes, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSUnmount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *target, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSGetStat, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, FSStat *stats, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSGetStatAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, void *stats, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRename, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRenameAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRemove, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRemoveAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSFlushQuota, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char* path, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSFlushQuotaAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSGetFreeSpaceSize, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, uint64_t *returnedFreeSize, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSGetFreeSpaceSizeAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, uint64_t *returnedFreeSize, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRollbackQuota, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRollbackQuotaAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSOpenDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int *dh, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSOpenDirAsync, void *pClient, void* pCmd, const char *path, int *handle, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSReadDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int dh, FSDirEntry *dir_entry, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSRewindDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int dh, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSCloseDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int dh, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSChangeDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSChangeDirAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSMakeDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSMakeDirAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSOpenFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, const char *mode, int *fd, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSOpenFileAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, const char *mode, int *handle, int error, const void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSReadFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, void *buffer, int size, int count, int fd, int flag, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSCloseFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSFlushFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSTruncateFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSGetStatFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, void *buffer, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSSetPosFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int pos, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSWriteFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const void *source, int block_size, int block_count, int fd, int flag, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSBindMount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, char *source, char *target, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSBindUnmount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, char *target, int error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSMakeQuota, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path,u32 mode, u64 size, int errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(int, FSMakeQuotaAsync ,void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path,u32 mode, u64 size, int errHandling,const void *asyncParams);
void InitFSFunctionPointers(void)
unsigned int *funcPointer = 0;
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSInit);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSShutdown);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSAddClientEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSDelClient);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSInitCmdBlock);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetMountSource);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSUnmount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetStat);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetStatAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRename);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRenameAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRemove);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRemoveAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSFlushQuota);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSFlushQuotaAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetFreeSpaceSize);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetFreeSpaceSizeAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRollbackQuota);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRollbackQuotaAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenDirAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSReadDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRewindDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSCloseDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSChangeDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSChangeDirAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeDirAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenFileAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSReadFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSCloseFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSFlushFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSTruncateFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetStatFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSSetPosFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSWriteFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSBindMount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSBindUnmount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeQuota);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeQuotaAsync);
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifndef __FS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#define __FS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <gctypes.h>
#include "fs_defs.h"
void InitFSFunctionPointers(void);
extern int (* FSInit)(void);
extern int (* FSShutdown)(void);
extern int (* FSAddClientEx)(void *pClient, int unk_zero_param, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSDelClient)(void *pClient);
extern void (* FSInitCmdBlock)(void *pCmd);
extern int (* FSGetMountSource)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int type, void *source, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSMount)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, void *source, char *target, uint32_t bytes, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSUnmount)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *target, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSRename)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, int error);
extern int (* FSRenameAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSRemove)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error);
extern int (* FSRemoveAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSGetStat)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, FSStat *stats, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSGetStatAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, void *stats, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSRename)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, int error);
extern int (* FSRenameAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSRemove)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error);
extern int (* FSRemoveAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSFlushQuota)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char* path, int error);
extern int (* FSFlushQuotaAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSGetFreeSpaceSize)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, uint64_t *returnedFreeSize, int error);
extern int (* FSGetFreeSpaceSizeAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, uint64_t *returnedFreeSize, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSRollbackQuota)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error);
extern int (* FSRollbackQuotaAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSOpenDir)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int *dh, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSOpenDirAsync)(void *pClient, void* pCmd, const char *path, int *handle, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSReadDir)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int dh, FSDirEntry *dir_entry, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSRewindDir)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int dh, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSCloseDir)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int dh, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSChangeDir)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSChangeDirAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSMakeDir)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSMakeDirAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, int error, void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSOpenFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, const char *mode, int *fd, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSOpenFileAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, const char *mode, int *handle, int error, const void *asyncParams);
extern int (* FSReadFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, void *buffer, int size, int count, int fd, int flag, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSCloseFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSFlushFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int error);
extern int (* FSTruncateFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int error);
extern int (* FSGetStatFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, void *buffer, int error);
extern int (* FSSetPosFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int pos, int error);
extern int (* FSWriteFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const void *source, int block_size, int block_count, int fd, int flag, int error);
extern int (* FSBindMount)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, char *source, char *target, int error);
extern int (* FSBindUnmount)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, char *target, int error);
extern int (* FSMakeQuota)( void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path,u32 mode, u64 size, int errHandling);
extern int (* FSMakeQuotaAsync)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path,u32 mode, u64 size, int errHandling,const void *asyncParams);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __FS_FUNCTIONS_H_
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "os_functions.h"
#include "gx2_types.h"
unsigned int gx2_handle __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2Init, u32 * init_attribs);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2Shutdown, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2Flush, void);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, GX2GetMainCoreId, void) ;
EXPORT_DECL(s32, GX2DrawDone, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2ClearColor, GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetViewport, f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h, f32 nearZ, f32 farZ);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetScissor, u32 x_orig, u32 y_orig, u32 wd, u32 ht);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetContextState, const GX2ContextState* state);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2DrawEx, s32 primitive_type, u32 count, u32 first_vertex, u32 instances_count);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2DrawIndexedEx, s32 primitive_type, u32 count, s32 index_format, const void* idx, u32 first_vertex, u32 instances_count);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2ClearDepthStencilEx, GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, f32 depth_value, u8 stencil_value, s32 clear_mode);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetClearDepthStencil, GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, f32 depth_value, u8 stencil_value);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer, const GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, s32 scan_target);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SwapScanBuffers, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetTVEnable, s32 enable);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetSwapInterval, u32 swap_interval);
EXPORT_DECL(u32, GX2GetSwapInterval, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2WaitForVsync, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CalcTVSize, s32 tv_render_mode, s32 format, s32 buffering_mode, u32 * size, s32 * scale_needed);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2Invalidate, s32 invalidate_type, void * ptr, u32 buffer_size);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetTVBuffer, void *buffer, u32 buffer_size, s32 tv_render_mode, s32 format, s32 buffering_mode);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CalcSurfaceSizeAndAlignment, GX2Surface *surface);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitDepthBufferRegs, GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitColorBufferRegs, GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CalcColorBufferAuxInfo, GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, u32 *size, u32 *align);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CalcDepthBufferHiZInfo, GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, u32 *size, u32 *align);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitDepthBufferHiZEnable, GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, s32 hiZ_enable);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetupContextStateEx, GX2ContextState* state, s32 enable_profiling);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetColorBuffer, const GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, s32 target);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDepthBuffer, const GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetAttribBuffer, u32 attr_index, u32 attr_size, u32 stride, const void* attr);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitTextureRegs, GX2Texture *texture);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitSampler, GX2Sampler *sampler, s32 tex_clamp, s32 min_mag_filter);
EXPORT_DECL(u32, GX2CalcFetchShaderSizeEx, u32 num_attrib, s32 fetch_shader_type, s32 tessellation_mode);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitFetchShaderEx, GX2FetchShader* fs, void* fs_buffer, u32 count, const GX2AttribStream* attribs, s32 fetch_shader_type, s32 tessellation_mode);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetFetchShader, const GX2FetchShader* fs);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetVertexUniformReg, u32 offset, u32 count, const void *values);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetPixelUniformReg, u32 offset, u32 count, const void *values);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetPixelTexture, const GX2Texture *texture, u32 texture_hw_location);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetVertexTexture, const GX2Texture *texture, u32 texture_hw_location);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetPixelSampler, const GX2Sampler *sampler, u32 sampler_hw_location);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetVertexSampler, const GX2Sampler *sampler, u32 sampler_hw_location);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetPixelShader, const GX2PixelShader* pixelShader);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetVertexShader, const GX2VertexShader* vertexShader);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2InitSamplerZMFilter, GX2Sampler *sampler, s32 z_filter, s32 mip_filter);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetColorControl, s32 lop, u8 blend_enable_mask, s32 enable_multi_write, s32 enable_color_buffer);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDepthOnlyControl, s32 enable_depth, s32 enable_depth_write, s32 depth_comp_function);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetBlendControl, s32 target, s32 color_src_blend, s32 color_dst_blend, s32 color_combine, s32 separate_alpha_blend, s32 alpha_src_blend, s32 alpha_dst_blend, s32 alpha_combine);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CalcDRCSize, s32 drc_mode, s32 format, s32 buffering_mode, u32 *size, s32 *scale_needed);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDRCBuffer, void *buffer, u32 buffer_size, s32 drc_mode, s32 surface_format, s32 buffering_mode);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDRCScale, u32 width, u32 height);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDRCEnable, s32 enable);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetPolygonControl, s32 front_face_mode, s32 cull_front, s32 cull_back, s32 enable_mode, s32 mode_font, s32 mode_back, s32 poly_offset_front, s32 poly_offset_back, s32 point_line_offset);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetCullOnlyControl, s32 front_face_mode, s32 cull_front, s32 cull_back);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDepthStencilControl, s32 enable_depth_test, s32 enable_depth_write, s32 depth_comp_function, s32 stencil_test_enable, s32 back_stencil_enable,
s32 font_stencil_func, s32 front_stencil_z_pass, s32 front_stencil_z_fail, s32 front_stencil_fail,
s32 back_stencil_func, s32 back_stencil_z_pass, s32 back_stencil_z_fail, s32 back_stencil_fail);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetStencilMask, u8 mask_front, u8 write_mask_front, u8 ref_front, u8 mask_back, u8 write_mask_back, u8 ref_back);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetLineWidth, f32 width);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetTVGamma, f32 val);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2SetDRCGamma, f32 gam);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, GX2GetSystemTVScanMode, void);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, GX2GetSystemDRCScanMode, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2RSetAllocator, void * (* allocFunc)(u32, u32, u32), void (* freeFunc)(u32, void*));
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2CopySurface, GX2Surface * srcSurface,u32 srcMip,u32 srcSlice,GX2Surface * dstSurface,u32 dstMip,u32 dstSlice );
EXPORT_DECL(void, GX2ClearBuffersEx, GX2ColorBuffer * colorBuffer,GX2DepthBuffer * depthBuffer,f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a,f32 depthValue,u8 stencilValue,int clearFlags);
void InitAcquireGX2(void)
OSDynLoad_Acquire("gx2.rpl", &gx2_handle);
void InitGX2FunctionPointers(void)
unsigned int *funcPointer = 0;
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Init);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Shutdown);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Flush);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetMainCoreId);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2DrawDone);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2ClearColor);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetViewport);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetScissor);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetContextState);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2DrawEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2DrawIndexedEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2ClearDepthStencilEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SwapScanBuffers);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetTVEnable);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetSwapInterval);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetSwapInterval);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2WaitForVsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcTVSize);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Invalidate);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetTVBuffer);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcSurfaceSizeAndAlignment);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitDepthBufferRegs);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitColorBufferRegs);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcColorBufferAuxInfo);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcDepthBufferHiZInfo);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitDepthBufferHiZEnable);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetupContextStateEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetColorBuffer);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDepthBuffer);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetAttribBuffer);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitTextureRegs);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitSampler);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcFetchShaderSizeEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitFetchShaderEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetFetchShader);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexUniformReg);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelUniformReg);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelTexture);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexTexture);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelSampler);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexSampler);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelShader);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexShader);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitSamplerZMFilter);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetColorControl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDepthOnlyControl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetBlendControl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcDRCSize);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCBuffer);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCScale);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCEnable);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPolygonControl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetCullOnlyControl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDepthStencilControl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetStencilMask);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetLineWidth);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCGamma);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetTVGamma);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetSystemTVScanMode);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetSystemDRCScanMode);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2RSetAllocator);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CopySurface);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2ClearBuffersEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetClearDepthStencil);
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifndef __GX2_FUNCTIONS_H_
#define __GX2_FUNCTIONS_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "gx2_types.h"
extern unsigned int gx2_handle;
void InitGX2FunctionPointers(void);
void InitAcquireGX2(void);
extern void (* GX2Init)(u32 * init_attribs);
extern void (* GX2Shutdown)(void);
extern void (* GX2Flush)(void);
extern s32 (* GX2GetMainCoreId)(void) ;
extern s32 (* GX2DrawDone)(void);
extern void (* GX2ClearColor)(GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a);
extern void (* GX2SetViewport)(f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h, f32 nearZ, f32 farZ);
extern void (* GX2SetScissor)(u32 x_orig, u32 y_orig, u32 wd, u32 ht);
extern void (* GX2SetContextState)(const GX2ContextState* state);
extern void (* GX2DrawEx)(s32 primitive_type, u32 count, u32 first_vertex, u32 instances_count);
extern void (* GX2DrawIndexedEx)(s32 primitive_type, u32 count, s32 index_format, const void* idx, u32 first_vertex, u32 instances_count);
extern void (* GX2ClearDepthStencilEx)(GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, f32 depth_value, u8 stencil_value, s32 clear_mode);
extern void (* GX2SetClearDepthStencil)(GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, f32 depth_value, u8 stencil_value);
extern void (* GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer)(const GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, s32 scan_target);
extern void (* GX2SwapScanBuffers)(void);
extern void (* GX2SetTVEnable)(s32 enable);
extern void (* GX2SetSwapInterval)(u32 swap_interval);
extern u32 (* GX2GetSwapInterval)(void);
extern void (* GX2WaitForVsync)(void);
extern void (* GX2CalcTVSize)(s32 tv_render_mode, s32 format, s32 buffering_mode, u32 * size, s32 * scale_needed);
extern void (* GX2Invalidate)(s32 invalidate_type, void * ptr, u32 buffer_size);
extern void (* GX2SetTVBuffer)(void *buffer, u32 buffer_size, s32 tv_render_mode, s32 format, s32 buffering_mode);
extern void (* GX2CalcSurfaceSizeAndAlignment)(GX2Surface *surface);
extern void (* GX2InitDepthBufferRegs)(GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer);
extern void (* GX2InitColorBufferRegs)(GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer);
extern void (* GX2CalcColorBufferAuxInfo)(GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, u32 *size, u32 *align);
extern void (* GX2CalcDepthBufferHiZInfo)(GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, u32 *size, u32 *align);
extern void (* GX2InitDepthBufferHiZEnable)(GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, s32 hiZ_enable);
extern void (* GX2SetupContextStateEx)(GX2ContextState* state, s32 enable_profiling);
extern void (* GX2SetColorBuffer)(const GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, s32 target);
extern void (* GX2SetDepthBuffer)(const GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer);
extern void (* GX2SetAttribBuffer)(u32 attr_index, u32 attr_size, u32 stride, const void* attr);
extern void (* GX2InitTextureRegs)(GX2Texture *texture);
extern void (* GX2InitSampler)(GX2Sampler *sampler, s32 tex_clamp, s32 min_mag_filter);
extern u32 (* GX2CalcFetchShaderSizeEx)(u32 num_attrib, s32 fetch_shader_type, s32 tessellation_mode);
extern void (* GX2InitFetchShaderEx)(GX2FetchShader* fs, void* fs_buffer, u32 count, const GX2AttribStream* attribs, s32 fetch_shader_type, s32 tessellation_mode);
extern void (* GX2SetFetchShader)(const GX2FetchShader* fs);
extern void (* GX2SetVertexUniformReg)(u32 offset, u32 count, const void *values);
extern void (* GX2SetPixelUniformReg)(u32 offset, u32 count, const void *values);
extern void (* GX2SetPixelTexture)(const GX2Texture *texture, u32 texture_hw_location);
extern void (* GX2SetVertexTexture)(const GX2Texture *texture, u32 texture_hw_location);
extern void (* GX2SetPixelSampler)(const GX2Sampler *sampler, u32 sampler_hw_location);
extern void (* GX2SetVertexSampler)(const GX2Sampler *sampler, u32 sampler_hw_location);
extern void (* GX2SetPixelShader)(const GX2PixelShader* pixelShader);
extern void (* GX2SetVertexShader)(const GX2VertexShader* vertexShader);
extern void (* GX2InitSamplerZMFilter)(GX2Sampler *sampler, s32 z_filter, s32 mip_filter);
extern void (* GX2SetColorControl)(s32 lop, u8 blend_enable_mask, s32 enable_multi_write, s32 enable_color_buffer);
extern void (* GX2SetDepthOnlyControl)(s32 enable_depth, s32 enable_depth_write, s32 depth_comp_function);
extern void (* GX2SetBlendControl)(s32 target, s32 color_src_blend, s32 color_dst_blend, s32 color_combine, s32 separate_alpha_blend, s32 alpha_src_blend, s32 alpha_dst_blend, s32 alpha_combine);
extern void (* GX2CalcDRCSize)(s32 drc_mode, s32 format, s32 buffering_mode, u32 *size, s32 *scale_needed);
extern void (* GX2SetDRCBuffer)(void *buffer, u32 buffer_size, s32 drc_mode, s32 surface_format, s32 buffering_mode);
extern void (* GX2SetDRCScale)(u32 width, u32 height);
extern void (* GX2SetDRCEnable)(s32 enable);
extern void (* GX2SetPolygonControl)(s32 front_face_mode, s32 cull_front, s32 cull_back, s32 enable_mode, s32 mode_font, s32 mode_back, s32 poly_offset_front, s32 poly_offset_back, s32 point_line_offset);
extern void (* GX2SetCullOnlyControl)(s32 front_face_mode, s32 cull_front, s32 cull_back);
extern void (* GX2SetDepthStencilControl)(s32 enable_depth_test, s32 enable_depth_write, s32 depth_comp_function, s32 stencil_test_enable, s32 back_stencil_enable,
s32 font_stencil_func, s32 front_stencil_z_pass, s32 front_stencil_z_fail, s32 front_stencil_fail,
s32 back_stencil_func, s32 back_stencil_z_pass, s32 back_stencil_z_fail, s32 back_stencil_fail);
extern void (* GX2SetStencilMask)(u8 mask_front, u8 write_mask_front, u8 ref_front, u8 mask_back, u8 write_mask_back, u8 ref_back);
extern void (* GX2SetLineWidth)(f32 width);
extern void (* GX2SetTVGamma)(f32 val);
extern void (* GX2SetDRCGamma)(f32 val);
extern s32 (* GX2GetSystemTVScanMode)(void);
extern s32 (* GX2GetSystemDRCScanMode)(void);
extern void (* GX2RSetAllocator)(void * (*allocFunc)(u32, u32, u32), void (*freeFunc)(u32, void*));
extern void (* GX2CopySurface)(GX2Surface * srcSurface,u32 srcMip,u32 srcSlice,GX2Surface * dstSurface,u32 dstMip,u32 dstSlice );
extern void (* GX2ClearBuffersEx)(GX2ColorBuffer * colorBuffer,GX2DepthBuffer * depthBuffer,f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a,f32 depthValue,u8 stencilValue,int clearFlags);
static inline void GX2InitDepthBuffer(GX2DepthBuffer *depthBuffer, s32 dimension, u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth, s32 format, s32 aa)
depthBuffer->surface.dimension = dimension;
depthBuffer->surface.width = width;
depthBuffer->surface.height = height;
depthBuffer->surface.depth = depth;
depthBuffer->surface.num_mips = 1;
depthBuffer->surface.format = format;
depthBuffer->surface.aa = aa;
depthBuffer->surface.tile = GX2_TILE_MODE_DEFAULT;
depthBuffer->surface.swizzle = 0;
depthBuffer->view_mip = 0;
depthBuffer->view_first_slice = 0;
depthBuffer->view_slices_count = depth;
depthBuffer->clear_depth = 1.0f;
depthBuffer->clear_stencil = 0;
depthBuffer->hiZ_data = NULL;
depthBuffer->hiZ_size = 0;
static inline void GX2InitColorBuffer(GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, s32 dimension, u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth, s32 format, s32 aa)
colorBuffer->surface.dimension = dimension;
colorBuffer->surface.width = width;
colorBuffer->surface.height = height;
colorBuffer->surface.depth = depth;
colorBuffer->surface.num_mips = 1;
colorBuffer->surface.format = format;
colorBuffer->surface.aa = aa;
colorBuffer->surface.use = GX2_SURFACE_USE_COLOR_BUFFER_TEXTURE_FTV;
colorBuffer->surface.image_size = 0;
colorBuffer->surface.image_data = NULL;
colorBuffer->surface.mip_size = 0;
colorBuffer->surface.mip_data = NULL;
colorBuffer->surface.tile = GX2_TILE_MODE_DEFAULT;
colorBuffer->surface.swizzle = 0;
colorBuffer->surface.align = 0;
colorBuffer->surface.pitch = 0;
u32 i;
for(i = 0; i < 13; i++)
colorBuffer->surface.mip_offset[i] = 0;
colorBuffer->view_mip = 0;
colorBuffer->view_first_slice = 0;
colorBuffer->view_slices_count = depth;
colorBuffer->aux_data = NULL;
colorBuffer->aux_size = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
colorBuffer->regs[i] = 0;
static inline void GX2InitAttribStream(GX2AttribStream* attr, u32 location, u32 buffer, u32 offset, s32 format)
attr->location = location;
attr->buffer = buffer;
attr->offset = offset;
attr->format = format;
attr->index_type = 0;
attr->divisor = 0;
attr->destination_selector = attribute_dest_comp_selector[format & 0xff];
attr->endian_swap = GX2_ENDIANSWAP_DEFAULT;
static inline void GX2InitTexture(GX2Texture *tex, u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth, u32 num_mips, s32 format, s32 dimension, s32 tile)
tex->surface.dimension = dimension;
tex->surface.width = width;
tex->surface.height = height;
tex->surface.depth = depth;
tex->surface.num_mips = num_mips;
tex->surface.format = format;
tex->surface.aa = GX2_AA_MODE_1X;
tex->surface.use = GX2_SURFACE_USE_TEXTURE;
tex->surface.image_size = 0;
tex->surface.image_data = NULL;
tex->surface.mip_size = 0;
tex->surface.mip_data = NULL;
tex->surface.tile = tile;
tex->surface.swizzle = 0;
tex->surface.align = 0;
tex->surface.pitch = 0;
u32 i;
for(i = 0; i < 13; i++)
tex->surface.mip_offset[i] = 0;
tex->view_first_mip = 0;
tex->view_mips_count = num_mips;
tex->view_first_slice = 0;
tex->view_slices_count = depth;
tex->component_selector = texture_comp_selector[format & 0x3f];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tex->regs[i] = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __GX2_FUNCTIONS_H_
@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifndef _GX2_TYPES_H_
#define _GX2_TYPES_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <gctypes.h>
//! Constants
#define GX2_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE 0x400000
#define GX2_SHADER_ALIGNMENT 0x100
//! Common
#define GX2_FALSE 0
#define GX2_TRUE 1
#define GX2_DISABLE 0
#define GX2_ENABLE 1
//! GX2InitAttrib
//! GX2 compare functions
#define GX2_COMPARE_LESS 1
//! GX2 stencil functions
#define GX2_STENCIL_KEEP 0
#define GX2_STENCIL_ZERO 1
#define GX2_STENCIL_INCR 3
#define GX2_STENCIL_DECR 4
//! GX2 logic op functions
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_CLEAR 0x00
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_NOR 0x11
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_INVAND 0x22
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_INVCOPY 0x33
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_REVAND 0x44
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_INV 0x55
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_XOR 0x66
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_NAND 0x77
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_AND 0x88
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_EQUIV 0x99
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_NOOP 0xAA
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_COPY 0xCC
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_OR 0xEE
#define GX2_LOGIC_OP_SET 0xFF
//! GX2 blend combination functions
#define GX2_BLEND_COMBINE_ADD 0x00
#define GX2_BLEND_COMBINE_MIN 0x02
#define GX2_BLEND_COMBINE_MAX 0x03
//! GX2 blend functions
#define GX2_BLEND_ZERO 0x00
#define GX2_BLEND_ONE 0x01
#define GX2_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA 0x04
//! GX2 render targets
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_0 0
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_1 1
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_2 2
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_3 3
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_4 4
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_5 5
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_6 6
#define GX2_RENDER_TARGET_7 7
//! GX2 cull modes
#define GX2_FRONT_FACE_CCW 0
#define GX2_FRONT_FACE_CW 1
//! GX2 polygon modes
//! GX2 special states
//! GX2 attribute formats
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_UNORM 0x00000000
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_4_4_UNORM 0x00000001
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_UNORM 0x00000002
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_UNORM 0x00000004
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_UNORM 0x00000007
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_8_8_UNORM 0x0000000A
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_10_10_10_2_UNORM 0x0000000B
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_UNORM 0x0000000E
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_UINT 0x00000100
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_UINT 0x00000102
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_UINT 0x00000104
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_UINT 0x00000105
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_UINT 0x00000107
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_8_8_UINT 0x0000010A
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_10_10_10_2_UINT 0x0000010B
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_UINT 0x0000010C
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_UINT 0x0000010E
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_32_UINT 0x00000110
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_32_32_UINT 0x00000112
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_SNORM 0x00000200
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_SNORM 0x00000202
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_SNORM 0x00000204
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_SNORM 0x00000207
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_8_8_SNORM 0x0000020A
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_10_10_10_2_SNORM 0x0000020B
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_SNORM 0x0000020E
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_SINT 0x00000300
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_SINT 0x00000303
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_SINT 0x00000304
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_SINT 0x00000305
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_SINT 0x00000307
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_8_8_SINT 0x0000030A
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_10_10_10_2_SINT 0x0000030B
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_SINT 0x0000030C
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_SINT 0x0000030E
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_32_SINT 0x00000310
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_32_32_SINT 0x00000312
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_UINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000800
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_UINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000802
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_FLOAT 0x00000803
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_UINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000804
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_FLOAT 0x00000806
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_UINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000807
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_FLOAT 0x00000808
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_10_11_11_FLOAT 0x00000809
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_8_8_UINT_TO_FLOAT 0x0000080A
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_FLOAT 0x0000080D
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_UINT_TO_FLOAT 0x0000080E
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_FLOAT 0x0000080F
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_32_FLOAT 0x00000811
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_32_32_32_32_FLOAT 0x00000813
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_SINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000A00
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_SINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000A02
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_SINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000A04
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_SINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000A07
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_8_8_8_8_SINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000A0A
#define GX2_ATTRIB_FORMAT_16_16_16_16_SINT_TO_FLOAT 0x00000A0E
//! GX2 shader modes
//! GX2 shader modes
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_NONE 0x04040405
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_X001 0x00040405
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_XY01 0x00010405
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_XYZ1 0x00010205
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_XYZW 0x00010203
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_XXXX 0x00000000
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_YYYY 0x01010101
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_ZZZZ 0x02020202
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_WWWW 0x03030303
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_WZYX 0x03020100
#define GX2_COMP_SEL_WXYZ 0x03000102
//! GX2 variable types
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_VOID 0
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_BOOL 1
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_INT 2
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_UINT 3
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_FLOAT 4
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_VEC2 9
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_VEC3 10
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_VEC4 11
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_MAT2 21
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_MAT3 25
#define GX2_VAR_TYPE_MAT4 29
//! GX2 sample types
#define GX2_SAMPLER_TYPE_2D 1
//! GX2 index formats
#define GX2_INDEX_FORMAT_U16 4
#define GX2_INDEX_FORMAT_U32 9
//! GX2 primitive types
#define GX2_PRIMITIVE_LINES 0x02
#define GX2_PRIMITIVE_RECTS 0x11
#define GX2_PRIMITIVE_QUADS 0x13
//! GX2 clear modes
#define GX2_CLEAR_DEPTH 0x01
#define GX2_CLEAR_STENCIL 0x02
//! GX2 surface formats
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_UNORM 0x00000001
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_R4_G4_UNORM 0x00000002
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCD_R16_UNORM 0x00000005
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_UNORM 0x00000007
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCS_R5_G6_B5_UNORM 0x00000008
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R5_G5_B5_A1_UNORM 0x0000000a
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R4_G4_B4_A4_UNORM 0x0000000b
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_A1_B5_G5_R5_UNORM 0x0000000c
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_UNORM 0x0000000f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_D_D24_S8_UNORM 0x00000011
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_R24_UNORM_X8 0x00000011
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCS_R10_G10_B10_A2_UNORM 0x00000019
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM 0x0000001a
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCS_A2_B10_G10_R10_UNORM 0x0000001b
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_B16_A16_UNORM 0x0000001f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC1_UNORM 0x00000031
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC2_UNORM 0x00000032
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC3_UNORM 0x00000033
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC4_UNORM 0x00000034
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC5_UNORM 0x00000035
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_NV12_UNORM 0x00000081
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_UINT 0x00000101
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_UINT 0x00000105
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_UINT 0x00000107
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_UINT 0x0000010d
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_UINT 0x0000010f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_X24_G8_UINT 0x00000111
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R10_G10_B10_A2_UINT 0x00000119
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_B8_A8_UINT 0x0000011a
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_A2_B10_G10_R10_UINT 0x0000011b
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_X32_G8_UINT_X24 0x0000011c
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_G32_UINT 0x0000011d
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_B16_A16_UINT 0x0000011f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_G32_B32_A32_UINT 0x00000122
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_SNORM 0x00000201
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_SNORM 0x00000205
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_SNORM 0x00000207
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_SNORM 0x0000020f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_R10_G10_B10_A2_SNORM 0x00000219
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R10_G10_B10_A2_SNORM 0x00000219
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_B8_A8_SNORM 0x0000021a
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_B16_A16_SNORM 0x0000021f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC4_SNORM 0x00000234
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC5_SNORM 0x00000235
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_SINT 0x00000301
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_SINT 0x00000305
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_SINT 0x00000307
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_SINT 0x0000030d
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_SINT 0x0000030f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R10_G10_B10_A2_SINT 0x00000319
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R8_G8_B8_A8_SINT 0x0000031a
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_G32_SINT 0x0000031d
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_B16_A16_SINT 0x0000031f
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_G32_B32_A32_SINT 0x00000322
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_SRGB 0x0000041a
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC1_SRGB 0x00000431
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC2_SRGB 0x00000432
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_BC3_SRGB 0x00000433
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_FLOAT 0x00000806
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCD_R32_FLOAT 0x0000080e
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_FLOAT 0x00000810
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_D_D24_S8_FLOAT 0x00000811
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R11_G11_B10_FLOAT 0x00000816
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_D_D32_FLOAT_S8_UINT_X24 0x0000081c
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_T_R32_FLOAT_X8_X24 0x0000081c
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_G32_FLOAT 0x0000081e
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R16_G16_B16_A16_FLOAT 0x00000820
#define GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TC_R32_G32_B32_A32_FLOAT 0x00000823
//! GX2 tile modes
#define GX2_TILE_MODE_DEFAULT 0x00000000
#define GX2_TILE_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED 0x00000001
//! GX2 surface use
#define GX2_SURFACE_USE_TEXTURE 0x00000001
#define GX2_SURFACE_USE_COLOR_BUFFER 0x00000002
#define GX2_SURFACE_USE_DEPTH_BUFFER 0x00000004
#define GX2_SURFACE_USE_SCAN_BUFFER 0x00000008
#define GX2_SURFACE_USE_FTV 0x80000000
//! GX2 surface dim
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_1D 0x00000000
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_2D 0x00000001
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_3D 0x00000002
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_CUBE 0x00000003
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_1D_ARRAY 0x00000004
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_2D_ARRAY 0x00000005
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_2D_MSAA 0x00000006
#define GX2_SURFACE_DIM_2D_MSAA_ARRAY 0x00000007
//! GX2 AA modes
#define GX2_AA_MODE_1X 0x00000000
#define GX2_AA_MODE_2X 0x00000001
#define GX2_AA_MODE_4X 0x00000002
#define GX2_AA_MODE_8X 0x00000003
//! GX2 texture clamp
#define GX2_TEX_CLAMP_WRAP 0x00000000
#define GX2_TEX_CLAMP_MIRROR 0x00000001
#define GX2_TEX_CLAMP_CLAMP 0x00000002
#define GX2_TEX_CLAMP_MIRROR_ONCE 0x00000003
#define GX2_TEX_CLAMP_CLAMP_HALF_BORDER 0x00000004
#define GX2_TEX_CLAMP_CLAMP_BORDER 0x00000006
//! GX2 texture filter
#define GX2_TEX_XY_FILTER_POINT 0x00000000
#define GX2_TEX_XY_FILTER_BILINEAR 0x00000001
//! GX2 TV scan modes
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_NONE 0x00000000
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_576I 0x00000001
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_480I 0x00000002
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_480P 0x00000003
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_720P 0x00000004
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_1080I 0x00000006
#define GX2_TV_SCAN_MODE_1080P 0x00000007
//! GX2 TV render modes
#define GX2_TV_RENDER_480_NARROW 0x00000001
#define GX2_TV_RENDER_480_WIDE 0x00000002
#define GX2_TV_RENDER_720 0x00000003
#define GX2_TV_RENDER_1080 0x00000005
//! GX2 DRC render modes
#define GX2_DRC_NONE 0x00000000
#define GX2_DRC_SINGLE 0x00000001
#define GX2_DRC_DOUBLE 0x00000002
#define GX2_DRC_SINGLE_30HZ 0x00000004
//! GX2 buffering mode
#define GX2_BUFFERING_SINGLE 0x00000001
#define GX2_BUFFERING_DOUBLE 0x00000002
#define GX2_BUFFERING_TRIPLE 0x00000003
//! GX2 scan targets
#define GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV 0x00000001
#define GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC_FIRST 0x00000004
#define GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC_SECOND 0x00000008
//! GX2 invalidate types
#define GX2_INVALIDATE_TEXTURE 0x00000002
#define GX2_INVALIDATE_SHADER 0x00000008
#define GX2_INVALIDATE_COLOR_BUFFER 0x00000010
#define GX2_INVALIDATE_DEPTH_BUFFER 0x00000020
#define GX2_INVALIDATE_CPU 0x00000040
//! GX2 swap modes
#define GX2_ENDIANSWAP_DEFAULT 0x00000003
//! GX2 tessellation modes
//! GX2 fetch shader types
typedef struct _GX2ContextState {
} GX2ContextState;
typedef struct _GX2Surface {
s32 dimension;
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 depth;
u32 num_mips;
s32 format;
s32 aa;
s32 use;
u32 image_size;
void *image_data;
u32 mip_size;
void *mip_data;
s32 tile;
u32 swizzle;
u32 align;
u32 pitch;
u32 mip_offset[13];
} GX2Surface;
typedef struct _GX2ColorBuffer {
GX2Surface surface;
u32 view_mip;
u32 view_first_slice;
u32 view_slices_count;
void *aux_data;
u32 aux_size;
u32 regs[5];
} GX2ColorBuffer;
typedef struct _GX2DepthBuffer {
GX2Surface surface;
u32 view_mip;
u32 view_first_slice;
u32 view_slices_count;
void *hiZ_data;
u32 hiZ_size;
f32 clear_depth;
u32 clear_stencil;
u32 regs[7];
} GX2DepthBuffer;
typedef struct _GX2Texture {
GX2Surface surface;
u32 view_first_mip;
u32 view_mips_count;
u32 view_first_slice;
u32 view_slices_count;
u32 component_selector;
u32 regs[5];
} GX2Texture;
typedef struct _GX2Sampler {
u32 regs[3];
} GX2Sampler;
typedef struct _GX2AttribStream {
u32 location;
u32 buffer;
u32 offset;
s32 format;
s32 index_type;
u32 divisor;
u32 destination_selector;
s32 endian_swap;
} GX2AttribStream;
typedef struct _GX2FetchShader {
s32 type;
u32 reg;
u32 shader_size;
void *shader_program;
u32 attributes_count;
u32 divisor[3];
} GX2FetchShader;
typedef struct _GX2AttribVar
const char *name;
s32 var_type;
u32 array_count;
u32 location;
} GX2AttribVar;
typedef struct _GX2UniformBlock {
const char *name;
u32 location;
u32 block_size;
} GX2UniformBlock;
typedef struct _GX2UniformInitialValue {
f32 value[4];
u32 offset;
} GX2UniformInitialValue;
typedef struct _GX2SamplerVar
const char *name;
s32 sampler_type;
u32 location;
} GX2SamplerVar;
typedef struct _GX2UniformVar
const char *name;
s32 var_type;
u32 array_count;
u32 offset;
u32 block_index;
} GX2UniformVar;
typedef struct _GX2VertexShader {
u32 regs[52];
u32 shader_size;
void *shader_data;
s32 shader_mode;
u32 uniform_blocks_count;
GX2UniformBlock *uniform_block;
u32 uniform_vars_count;
GX2UniformVar *uniform_var;
u32 initial_values_count;
GX2UniformInitialValue *initial_value;
u32 loops_count;
void *loops_data;
u32 sampler_vars_count;
GX2SamplerVar *sampler_var;
u32 attribute_vars_count;
GX2AttribVar *attribute_var;
u32 data[6];
u32 shader_program_buffer[16];
} GX2VertexShader;
typedef struct _GX2PixelShader {
u32 regs[41];
u32 shader_size;
void *shader_data;
s32 shader_mode;
u32 uniform_blocks_count;
GX2UniformBlock *uniform_block;
u32 uniform_vars_count;
GX2UniformVar *uniform_var;
u32 initial_values_count;
GX2UniformInitialValue *initial_value;
u32 loops_count;
void *loops_data;
u32 sampler_vars_count;
GX2SamplerVar *sampler_var;
u32 shader_program_buffer[16];
} GX2PixelShader;
static const u32 attribute_dest_comp_selector[20] = {
static const u32 texture_comp_selector[54] = {
typedef struct _GX2Color {
u8 r, g, b, a;
} GX2Color;
typedef struct _GX2ColorF32 {
f32 r, g, b, a;
} GX2ColorF32;
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "common/common.h"
#include "os_functions.h"
unsigned int coreinit_handle __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
//! Lib handle functions
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSDynLoad_Acquire, const char* rpl, u32 *handle);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSDynLoad_FindExport, u32 handle, int isdata, const char *symbol, void *address);
//! Security functions
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSGetSecurityLevel, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSForceFullRelaunch, void);
//! Thread functions
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSCreateThread, void *thread, s32 (*callback)(s32, void*), s32 argc, void *args, u32 stack, u32 stack_size, s32 priority, u32 attr);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSResumeThread, void *thread);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSSuspendThread, void *thread);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSIsThreadTerminated, void *thread);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSIsThreadSuspended, void *thread);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSSetThreadPriority, void * thread, int priority);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSJoinThread, void * thread, int * ret_val);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSDetachThread, void * thread);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSSleepTicks, u64 ticks);
EXPORT_DECL(u64, OSGetTick, void);
EXPORT_DECL(u64, OSGetTime, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSTicksToCalendarTime, u64 time, OSCalendarTime * calendarTime);
//! Mutex functions
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSInitMutex, void* mutex);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSLockMutex, void* mutex);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSUnlockMutex, void* mutex);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSTryLockMutex, void* mutex);
//! System functions
EXPORT_DECL(u64, OSGetTitleID, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSGetArgcArgv, int* argc, char*** argv);
EXPORT_DECL(void, __Exit, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSFatal, const char* msg);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSSetExceptionCallback, u8 exceptionType, exception_callback newCallback);
EXPORT_DECL(void, DCFlushRange, const void *addr, u32 length);
EXPORT_DECL(void, DCStoreRange, const void *addr, u32 length);
EXPORT_DECL(void, DCInvalidateRange, const void *addr, u32 length);
EXPORT_DECL(void, ICInvalidateRange, const void *addr, u32 length);
EXPORT_DECL(void*, OSEffectiveToPhysical, const void*);
EXPORT_DECL(int, __os_snprintf, char* s, int n, const char * format, ...);
EXPORT_DECL(int *, __gh_errno_ptr, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSScreenInit, void);
EXPORT_DECL(void, OSScreenShutdown, void);
EXPORT_DECL(unsigned int, OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx, unsigned int bufferNum);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSScreenSetBufferEx, unsigned int bufferNum, void * addr);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSScreenClearBufferEx, unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int temp);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSScreenFlipBuffersEx, unsigned int bufferNum);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSScreenPutFontEx, unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, const char * buffer);
EXPORT_DECL(int, OSScreenEnableEx, unsigned int bufferNum, int enable);
EXPORT_DECL(int, IOS_Ioctl,int fd, unsigned int request, void *input_buffer,unsigned int input_buffer_len, void *output_buffer, unsigned int output_buffer_len);
EXPORT_DECL(int, IOS_Open,char *path, unsigned int mode);
EXPORT_DECL(int, IOS_Close,int fd);
//! Memory functions
EXPORT_VAR(unsigned int *, pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx);
EXPORT_VAR(unsigned int *, pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap);
EXPORT_VAR(unsigned int *, pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap);
EXPORT_DECL(int, MEMGetBaseHeapHandle, int mem_arena);
EXPORT_DECL(unsigned int, MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeapEx, int heap, int align);
EXPORT_DECL(void *, MEMAllocFromFrmHeapEx, int heap, unsigned int size, int align);
EXPORT_DECL(void, MEMFreeToFrmHeap, int heap, int mode);
EXPORT_DECL(void *, MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx, int heap, unsigned int size, int align);
EXPORT_DECL(int , MEMCreateExpHeapEx, void* address, unsigned int size, unsigned short flags);
EXPORT_DECL(void *, MEMDestroyExpHeap, int heap);
EXPORT_DECL(void, MEMFreeToExpHeap, int heap, void* ptr);
//! MCP functions
EXPORT_DECL(int, MCP_Open, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, MCP_Close, int handle);
EXPORT_DECL(int, MCP_GetOwnTitleInfo, int handle, void * data);
void InitAcquireOS(void)
//! Lib handle functions
EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(OSDynLoad_Acquire, (int (*)(const char*, unsigned *))OS_SPECIFICS->addr_OSDynLoad_Acquire);
EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(OSDynLoad_FindExport, (int (*)(u32, int, const char *, void *))OS_SPECIFICS->addr_OSDynLoad_FindExport);
OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle);
void InitOSFunctionPointers(void)
unsigned int *funcPointer = 0;
//! Security functions
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSGetSecurityLevel);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSForceFullRelaunch);
//! System functions
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSFatal);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSGetTitleID);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSGetArgcArgv);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSSetExceptionCallback);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, DCFlushRange);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, DCStoreRange);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, DCInvalidateRange);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, ICInvalidateRange);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSEffectiveToPhysical);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, __os_snprintf);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, __gh_errno_ptr);
OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &__Exit);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenInit);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenShutdown);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenSetBufferEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenClearBufferEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenFlipBuffersEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenPutFontEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSScreenEnableEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, IOS_Ioctl);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, IOS_Open);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, IOS_Close);
//! Thread functions
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSCreateThread);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSResumeThread);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSSuspendThread);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSIsThreadTerminated);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSIsThreadSuspended);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSJoinThread);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSSetThreadPriority);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSDetachThread);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSSleepTicks);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSGetTick);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSGetTime);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSTicksToCalendarTime);
//! Mutex functions
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSInitMutex);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSLockMutex);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSUnlockMutex);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, OSTryLockMutex);
//! MCP functions
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MCP_Open);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MCP_Close);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MCP_GetOwnTitleInfo);
//! Memory functions
OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx", &pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx);
OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap", &pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap);
OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMFreeToDefaultHeap", &pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMGetBaseHeapHandle);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeapEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMAllocFromFrmHeapEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMFreeToFrmHeap);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMCreateExpHeapEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMDestroyExpHeap);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, MEMFreeToExpHeap);
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifndef __OS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#define __OS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#include <gctypes.h>
#include "common/os_defs.h"
#include "os_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BUS_SPEED 248625000
#define SECS_TO_TICKS(sec) (((unsigned long long)(sec)) * (BUS_SPEED/4))
#define MILLISECS_TO_TICKS(msec) (SECS_TO_TICKS(msec) / 1000)
#define MICROSECS_TO_TICKS(usec) (SECS_TO_TICKS(usec) / 1000000)
#define usleep(usecs) OSSleepTicks(MICROSECS_TO_TICKS(usecs))
#define sleep(secs) OSSleepTicks(SECS_TO_TICKS(secs))
#define FLUSH_DATA_BLOCK(addr) asm volatile("dcbf 0, %0; sync" : : "r"(((addr) & ~31)))
#define INVAL_DATA_BLOCK(addr) asm volatile("dcbi 0, %0; sync" : : "r"(((addr) & ~31)))
#define EXPORT_DECL(res, func, ...) res (* func)(__VA_ARGS__) __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
#define EXPORT_VAR(type, var) type var __attribute__((section(".data")));
#define EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(func, val) *(u32*)(((u32)&func) + 0) = (u32)val
#define OS_FIND_EXPORT(handle, func) funcPointer = 0; \
OSDynLoad_FindExport(handle, 0, # func, &funcPointer); \
if(!funcPointer) \
OSFatal("Function " # func " is NULL"); \
EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(func, funcPointer);
#define OS_FIND_EXPORT_EX(handle, func, func_p) \
funcPointer = 0; \
OSDynLoad_FindExport(handle, 0, # func, &funcPointer); \
if(!funcPointer) \
OSFatal("Function " # func " is NULL"); \
EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(func_p, funcPointer);
#define OS_MUTEX_SIZE 44
/* Handle for coreinit */
extern unsigned int coreinit_handle;
void InitOSFunctionPointers(void);
void InitAcquireOS(void);
//! Lib handle functions
extern int (* OSDynLoad_Acquire)(const char* rpl, u32 *handle);
extern int (* OSDynLoad_FindExport)(u32 handle, int isdata, const char *symbol, void *address);
//! Security functions
extern int (* OSGetSecurityLevel)(void);
extern int (* OSForceFullRelaunch)(void);
//! Thread functions
extern int (* OSCreateThread)(void *thread, s32 (*callback)(s32, void*), s32 argc, void *args, u32 stack, u32 stack_size, s32 priority, u32 attr);
extern int (* OSResumeThread)(void *thread);
extern int (* OSSuspendThread)(void *thread);
extern int (* OSIsThreadTerminated)(void *thread);
extern int (* OSIsThreadSuspended)(void *thread);
extern int (* OSJoinThread)(void * thread, int * ret_val);
extern int (* OSSetThreadPriority)(void * thread, int priority);
extern void (* OSDetachThread)(void * thread);
extern void (* OSSleepTicks)(u64 ticks);
extern u64 (* OSGetTick)(void);
extern u64 (* OSGetTime)(void);
extern void (*OSTicksToCalendarTime)(u64 time, OSCalendarTime *calendarTime);
//! Mutex functions
extern void (* OSInitMutex)(void* mutex);
extern void (* OSLockMutex)(void* mutex);
extern void (* OSUnlockMutex)(void* mutex);
extern int (* OSTryLockMutex)(void* mutex);
//! System functions
extern u64 (* OSGetTitleID)(void);
extern void (* OSGetArgcArgv)(int* argc, char*** argv);
extern void (* __Exit)(void);
extern void (* OSFatal)(const char* msg);
extern void (* DCFlushRange)(const void *addr, u32 length);
extern void (* DCStoreRange)(const void *addr, u32 length);
extern void (* DCInvalidateRange)(const void *addr, u32 length);
extern void (* ICInvalidateRange)(const void *addr, u32 length);
extern void* (* OSEffectiveToPhysical)(const void*);
extern int (* __os_snprintf)(char* s, int n, const char * format, ...);
extern int * (* __gh_errno_ptr)(void);
extern void (*OSScreenInit)(void);
extern void (*OSScreenShutdown)(void);
extern unsigned int (*OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx)(unsigned int bufferNum);
extern int (*OSScreenSetBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, void * addr);
extern int (*OSScreenClearBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int temp);
extern int (*OSScreenFlipBuffersEx)(unsigned int bufferNum);
extern int (*OSScreenPutFontEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, const char * buffer);
extern int (*OSScreenEnableEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, int enable);
typedef unsigned char (*exception_callback)(void * interruptedContext);
extern void (* OSSetExceptionCallback)(u8 exceptionType, exception_callback newCallback);
extern int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, unsigned int request, void *input_buffer,unsigned int input_buffer_len, void *output_buffer, unsigned int output_buffer_len);
extern int (*IOS_Open)(char *path, unsigned int mode);
extern int (*IOS_Close)(int fd);
//! MCP functions
extern int (* MCP_Open)(void);
extern int (* MCP_Close)(int handle);
extern int (* MCP_GetOwnTitleInfo)(int handle, void * data);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __OS_FUNCTIONS_H_
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _OS_TYPES_H_
#define _OS_TYPES_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <gctypes.h>
typedef struct _OSCalendarTime {
int sec;
int min;
int hour;
int mday;
int mon;
int year;
int wday;
int yday;
int msec;
int usec;
} OSCalendarTime;
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "os_functions.h"
#include "socket_functions.h"
u32 hostIpAddress = 0;
unsigned int nsysnet_handle __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
EXPORT_DECL(void, socket_lib_init, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, socket, int domain, int type, int protocol);
EXPORT_DECL(int, socketclose, int s);
EXPORT_DECL(int, connect, int s, void *addr, int addrlen);
EXPORT_DECL(int, bind, s32 s,struct sockaddr *name,s32 namelen);
EXPORT_DECL(int, listen, s32 s,u32 backlog);
EXPORT_DECL(int, accept, s32 s,struct sockaddr *addr,s32 *addrlen);
EXPORT_DECL(int, send, int s, const void *buffer, int size, int flags);
EXPORT_DECL(int, recv, int s, void *buffer, int size, int flags);
EXPORT_DECL(int, recvfrom,int sockfd, void *buf, int len, int flags,struct sockaddr *src_addr, int *addrlen);
EXPORT_DECL(int, sendto, int s, const void *buffer, int size, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest, int dest_len);
EXPORT_DECL(int, setsockopt, int s, int level, int optname, void *optval, int optlen);
EXPORT_DECL(char *, inet_ntoa, struct in_addr in);
EXPORT_DECL(int, inet_aton, const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp);
EXPORT_DECL(int, NSSLWrite, int connection, const void* buf, int len,int * written);
EXPORT_DECL(int, NSSLRead, int connection, const void* buf, int len,int * read);
EXPORT_DECL(int, NSSLCreateConnection, int context, const char* host, int hotlen,int options,int sock,int block);
void InitAcquireSocket(void)
OSDynLoad_Acquire("nsysnet.rpl", &nsysnet_handle);
void InitSocketFunctionPointers(void)
unsigned int *funcPointer = 0;
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socket_lib_init);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socket);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socketclose);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, connect);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, bind);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, listen);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, accept);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, send);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, recv);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, recvfrom);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, sendto);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, setsockopt);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, inet_ntoa);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, inet_aton);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, NSSLWrite);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, NSSLRead);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, NSSLCreateConnection);
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern unsigned int nsysnet_handle;
#include <gctypes.h>
#define INADDR_ANY 0
#define AF_INET 2
#define SOCK_STREAM 1
#define SOCK_DGRAM 2
#define IPPROTO_IP 0
#define IPPROTO_TCP 6
#define IPPROTO_UDP 17
#define TCP_NODELAY 0x2004
#define SOL_SOCKET -1
#define SO_REUSEADDR 0x0004
#define SO_NONBLOCK 0x1016
#define SO_MYADDR 0x1013
#define SO_RCVTIMEO 0x1006
#define SOL_SOCKET -1
#define MSG_DONTWAIT 32
#define htonl(x) x
#define htons(x) x
#define ntohl(x) x
#define ntohs(x) x
struct in_addr {
unsigned int s_addr;
struct sockaddr_in {
short sin_family;
unsigned short sin_port;
struct in_addr sin_addr;
char sin_zero[8];
struct sockaddr
unsigned short sa_family;
char sa_data[14];
void InitSocketFunctionPointers(void);
void InitAcquireSocket(void);
extern void (*socket_lib_init)(void);
extern int (*socket)(int domain, int type, int protocol);
extern int (*socketclose)(int s);
extern int (*connect)(int s, void *addr, int addrlen);
extern int (*bind)(s32 s,struct sockaddr *name,s32 namelen);
extern int (*listen)(s32 s,u32 backlog);
extern int (*accept)(s32 s,struct sockaddr *addr,s32 *addrlen);
extern int (*send)(int s, const void *buffer, int size, int flags);
extern int (*recv)(int s, void *buffer, int size, int flags);
extern int (*recvfrom)(int sockfd, void *buf, int len, int flags,struct sockaddr *src_addr, int *addrlen);
extern int (*sendto)(int s, const void *buffer, int size, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest, int dest_len);
extern int (*setsockopt)(int s, int level, int optname, void *optval, int optlen);
extern int (* NSSLWrite)(int connection, const void* buf, int len,int * written);
extern int (* NSSLRead)(int connection, const void* buf, int len,int * read);
extern int (* NSSLCreateConnection)(int context, const char* host, int hotlen,int options,int sock,int block);
extern char * (*inet_ntoa)(struct in_addr in);
extern int (*inet_aton)(const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "os_functions.h"
unsigned int sysapp_handle __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
EXPORT_DECL(int, _SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher, const char* path, int len, int zero);
EXPORT_DECL(int, SYSRelaunchTitle, int argc, char** argv);
EXPORT_DECL(int, SYSLaunchMenu, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, SYSCheckTitleExists, u64 titleId);
EXPORT_DECL(int, SYSLaunchTitle, u64 titleId);
EXPORT_DECL(int, SYSLaunchSettings, int unk);
void InitAcquireSys(void)
OSDynLoad_Acquire("sysapp.rpl", &sysapp_handle);
void InitSysFunctionPointers(void)
unsigned int *funcPointer = 0;
OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, _SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSRelaunchTitle);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSLaunchMenu);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSCheckTitleExists);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSLaunchTitle);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSLaunchSettings);
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifndef __SYS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#define __SYS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern unsigned int sysapp_handle;
void InitSysFunctionPointers(void);
void InitAcquireSys(void);
extern int(*_SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher)(const char* path, int len, int zero);
extern int (* SYSRelaunchTitle)(int argc, char** argv);
extern int (* SYSLaunchMenu)(void);
extern int (* SYSCheckTitleExists)(u64 titleId);
extern int (* SYSLaunchTitle)(u64 titleId);
extern int (* SYSLaunchSettings)(int unk);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __SYS_FUNCTIONS_H_
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "os_functions.h"
#include "vpad_functions.h"
unsigned int vpad_handle __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
unsigned int vpadbase_handle __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
EXPORT_DECL(void, VPADInit, void);
EXPORT_DECL(int, VPADRead, int chan, VPADData *buffer, u32 buffer_size, s32 *error);
EXPORT_DECL(int, VPADGetLcdMode, int padnum, int *lcdmode);
EXPORT_DECL(int, VPADSetLcdMode, int padnum, int lcdmode);
EXPORT_DECL(int, VPADBASEGetMotorOnRemainingCount, int padnum);
EXPORT_DECL(int, VPADBASESetMotorOnRemainingCount, int padnum, int counter);
void InitAcquireVPad(void)
OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle);
OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpadbase.rpl", &vpadbase_handle);
void InitVPadFunctionPointers(void)
unsigned int *funcPointer = 0;
OS_FIND_EXPORT(vpad_handle, VPADInit);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(vpad_handle, VPADRead);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(vpad_handle, VPADGetLcdMode);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(vpad_handle, VPADSetLcdMode);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(vpadbase_handle, VPADBASEGetMotorOnRemainingCount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(vpadbase_handle, VPADBASESetMotorOnRemainingCount);
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern unsigned int vpad_handle;
extern unsigned int vpadbase_handle;
#include <gctypes.h>
#define VPAD_BUTTON_A 0x8000
#define VPAD_BUTTON_B 0x4000
#define VPAD_BUTTON_X 0x2000
#define VPAD_BUTTON_Y 0x1000
#define VPAD_BUTTON_LEFT 0x0800
#define VPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT 0x0400
#define VPAD_BUTTON_UP 0x0200
#define VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN 0x0100
#define VPAD_BUTTON_ZL 0x0080
#define VPAD_BUTTON_ZR 0x0040
#define VPAD_BUTTON_L 0x0020
#define VPAD_BUTTON_R 0x0010
#define VPAD_BUTTON_PLUS 0x0008
#define VPAD_BUTTON_MINUS 0x0004
#define VPAD_BUTTON_HOME 0x0002
#define VPAD_BUTTON_SYNC 0x0001
#define VPAD_BUTTON_STICK_R 0x00020000
#define VPAD_BUTTON_STICK_L 0x00040000
#define VPAD_BUTTON_TV 0x00010000
#define VPAD_STICK_R_EMULATION_LEFT 0x04000000
#define VPAD_STICK_R_EMULATION_UP 0x01000000
#define VPAD_STICK_R_EMULATION_DOWN 0x00800000
#define VPAD_STICK_L_EMULATION_LEFT 0x40000000
#define VPAD_STICK_L_EMULATION_UP 0x10000000
#define VPAD_STICK_L_EMULATION_DOWN 0x08000000
//! Own definitions
#define VPAD_BUTTON_TOUCH 0x00080000
typedef struct
f32 x,y;
} Vec2D;
typedef struct
u16 x, y; /* Touch coordinates */
u16 touched; /* 1 = Touched, 0 = Not touched */
u16 invalid; /* 0 = All valid, 1 = X invalid, 2 = Y invalid, 3 = Both invalid? */
typedef struct
u32 btns_h; /* Held buttons */
u32 btns_d; /* Buttons that are pressed at that instant */
u32 btns_r; /* Released buttons */
Vec2D lstick, rstick; /* Each contains 4-byte X and Y components */
char unknown1c[0x52 - 0x1c]; /* Contains accelerometer and gyroscope data somewhere */
VPADTPData tpdata; /* Normal touchscreen data */
VPADTPData tpdata1; /* Modified touchscreen data 1 */
VPADTPData tpdata2; /* Modified touchscreen data 2 */
char unknown6a[0xa0 - 0x6a];
uint8_t volume;
uint8_t battery; /* 0 to 6 */
uint8_t unk_volume; /* One less than volume */
char unknowna4[0xac - 0xa4];
} VPADData;
void InitVPadFunctionPointers(void);
void InitAcquireVPad(void);
extern int (* VPADRead)(int chan, VPADData *buffer, u32 buffer_size, s32 *error);
extern int (* VPADGetLcdMode)(int padnum, int *lcdmode);
extern int (* VPADSetLcdMode)(int padnum, int lcdmode);
extern void (* VPADInit)(void);
extern int (* VPADBASEGetMotorOnRemainingCount)(int lcdmode);
extern int (* VPADBASESetMotorOnRemainingCount)(int lcdmode,int counter);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __VPAD_FUNCTIONS_H_
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
extern "C" {
#include <gctypes.h>
#include "dynamic_libs/os_types.h"
int MountFS(void *pClient, void *pCmd, char **mount_path);
int UmountFS(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *mountPath);
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
* distribution.
#include <errno.h>
#include <ogc/disc_io.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ int ShowMenu(cfw_config_t * currentConfig)
initScreen = 0;
@ -9,33 +9,6 @@
/* Exceptions */
typedef struct OSContext
/* OSContext identifier */
uint32_t tag1;
uint32_t tag2;
/* GPRs */
uint32_t gpr[32];
/* Special registers */
uint32_t cr;
uint32_t lr;
uint32_t ctr;
uint32_t xer;
/* Initial PC and MSR */
uint32_t srr0;
uint32_t srr1;
/* Only valid during DSI exception */
uint32_t exception_specific0;
uint32_t exception_specific1;
/* There is actually a lot more here but we don't need the rest*/
} OSContext;
#define __stringify(rn) #rn
@ -98,7 +71,7 @@ static unsigned char exception_cb(void * c, unsigned char exception_type) {
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[9], context->lr, context->srr0, context->srr1);
//if(exception_type == OS_EXCEPTION_DSI) {
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[10], context->exception_specific1, context->exception_specific0); // this freezes
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[10], context->ex1, context->ex0); // this freezes
void *pc = (void*)context->srr0;
@ -30,23 +30,6 @@
#define MEMORY_ARENA_8 7
//! Memory functions
//! This is the only place where those are needed so lets keep them more or less private
extern unsigned int * pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx;
extern unsigned int * pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap;
extern unsigned int * pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap;
extern int (* MEMGetBaseHeapHandle)(int mem_arena);
extern unsigned int (* MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeapEx)(int heap, int align);
extern void *(* MEMAllocFromFrmHeapEx)(int heap, unsigned int size, int align);
extern void (* MEMFreeToFrmHeap)(int heap, int mode);
extern void *(* MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx)(int heap, unsigned int size, int align);
extern int (* MEMCreateExpHeapEx)(void* address, unsigned int size, unsigned short flags);
extern void *(* MEMDestroyExpHeap)(int heap);
extern void (* MEMFreeToExpHeap)(int heap, void* ptr);
static int mem1_heap = -1;
static int bucket_heap = -1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user