mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 04:51:13 +01:00
Format the code via clang-format
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# Generated from CLion C/C++ Code Style settings
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AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Always
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All
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@ -6,8 +6,16 @@ on:
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: clang-format
run: |
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src wiiuenv/clang-format:13.0.0-2 -r ./source
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
needs: clang-format
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: build binary
@ -54,4 +62,4 @@ jobs:
upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} # This pulls from the CREATE RELEASE step above, referencing it's ID to get its outputs object, which include a `upload_url`. See this blog post for more info: https://jasonet.co/posts/new-features-of-github-actions/#passing-data-to-future-steps
asset_path: ./${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}_${{ env.DATETIME }}.zip
asset_name: ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}_${{ env.DATETIME }}.zip
asset_content_type: application/unknown
asset_content_type: application/zip
@ -3,8 +3,16 @@ name: CI-PR
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: clang-format
run: |
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src wiiuenv/clang-format:13.0.0-2 -r ./source
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
needs: clang-format
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: build binary
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# MochaPayload - a simple custom firmware
This a lite version of the [original mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha) to be used with the [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader).
This a version of the [original mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha) to be used with the [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader).
## Usage
Place the `00_mocha.rpx` in the `[ENVIRONMENT]/modules/setup` folder and run the [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader).
@ -15,7 +17,6 @@ Place the `00_mocha.rpx` in the `[ENVIRONMENT]/modules/setup` folder and run the
For building you just need [wut](https://github.com/devkitPro/wut/) installed, then use the `make` command.
## Building using the Dockerfile
It's possible to use a docker image for building. This way you don't need anything installed on your host system.
@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/project mochapayload-builder make
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/project mochapayload-builder make clean
## Format the code via docker
`docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src wiiuenv/clang-format:13.0.0-2 -r ./source -i`
## Credits
@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define CHECK_SIZE(Type, Size) \
static_assert(sizeof(Type) == Size, \
#Type " must be " #Size " bytes")
#define CHECK_SIZE(Type, Size) \
static_assert(sizeof(Type) == Size, \
#Type " must be " #Size " bytes")
#define CHECK_OFFSET(Type, Offset, Field) \
static_assert(offsetof(Type, Field) == Offset, \
#Type "::" #Field " must be at offset " #Offset)
#define CHECK_OFFSET(Type, Offset, Field) \
static_assert(offsetof(Type, Field) == Offset, \
#Type "::" #Field " must be at offset " #Offset)
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
uint64_t title_id;
@ -222,11 +223,11 @@ typedef struct {
unsigned char unk3[0x12D8 - 0x68];
} MCPLoadFileRequest;
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
#define KERNEL_READ32 1
#define KERNEL_WRITE32 2
#define KERNEL_READ32 1
#define KERNEL_WRITE32 2
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <coreinit/cache.h>
#include <coreinit/thread.h>
#include <coreinit/ios.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ios_exploit.h"
#include <coreinit/cache.h>
#include <coreinit/ios.h>
#include <coreinit/thread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ALIGN4(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3)
#define ALIGN4(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3)
#define CHAIN_START 0x1016AD40
#define SHUTDOWN 0x1012EE4C
#define SIMPLE_RETURN 0x101014E4
#define SOURCE (0x120000)
#define ARM_CODE_BASE 0x08135000
#define REPLACE_SYSCALL 0x081298BC
#define CHAIN_START 0x1016AD40
#define SHUTDOWN 0x1012EE4C
#define SIMPLE_RETURN 0x101014E4
#define SOURCE (0x120000)
#define ARM_CODE_BASE 0x08135000
#define REPLACE_SYSCALL 0x081298BC
extern const uint8_t launch_image_tga[];
extern const uint32_t launch_image_tga_size;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static int uhs_write32(int uhs_handle, int arm_addr, int val);
//!------Variables used in exploit------
static int *pretend_root_hub = (int *) 0xF5003ABC;
static int *ayylmao = (int *) 0xF4500000;
static int *ayylmao = (int *) 0xF4500000;
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
@ -34,271 +34,271 @@ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
#include "ios_kernel/ios_kernel.bin.h"
#include "ios_usb/ios_usb.bin.h"
#include "ios_mcp/ios_mcp.bin.h"
#include "ios_usb/ios_usb.bin.h"
/* ROP CHAIN STARTS HERE (0x1015BD78) */
static const int final_chain[] = {
0x101236f3, // 0x00 POP {R1-R7,PC}
0x0, // 0x04 arg
0x0812974C, // 0x08 stackptr CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR
0x68, // 0x0C stacksize
0x10101638, // 0x10
0x0, // 0x14
0x0, // 0x18
0x0, // 0x1C
0x1010388C, // 0x20 CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x24
0x0, // 0x28
0x1012CFEC, // 0x2C MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x30
0x0, // 0x34
0x1, // 0x3C
0x2, // 0x40
0x10123a9f, // 0x44 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0x101236f3, // 0x00 POP {R1-R7,PC}
0x0, // 0x04 arg
0x0812974C, // 0x08 stackptr CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR
0x68, // 0x0C stacksize
0x10101638, // 0x10
0x0, // 0x14
0x0, // 0x18
0x0, // 0x1C
0x1010388C, // 0x20 CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x24
0x0, // 0x28
0x1012CFEC, // 0x2C MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x30
0x0, // 0x34
0x1, // 0x3C
0x2, // 0x40
0x10123a9f, // 0x44 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x00, // 0x48 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE92D4010, // 0x4C value: PUSH {R4,LR}
0x0, // 0x50
0x10123a8b, // 0x54 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x58 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x5C
0x1010CD18, // 0x60 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x64
0x0, // 0x68
0x1012EE64, // 0x6C set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x70
0x0, // 0x74
0x10123a9f, // 0x78 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE92D4010, // 0x4C value: PUSH {R4,LR}
0x0, // 0x50
0x10123a8b, // 0x54 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x58 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x5C
0x1010CD18, // 0x60 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x64
0x0, // 0x68
0x1012EE64, // 0x6C set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x70
0x0, // 0x74
0x10123a9f, // 0x78 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x04, // 0x7C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE1A04000, // 0x80 value: MOV R4, R0
0x0, // 0x84
0x10123a8b, // 0x88 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x8C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x90
0x1010CD18, // 0x94 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x98
0x0, // 0x9C
0x1012EE64, // 0xA0 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0xA4
0x0, // 0xA8
0x10123a9f, // 0xAC POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE1A04000, // 0x80 value: MOV R4, R0
0x0, // 0x84
0x10123a8b, // 0x88 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x8C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x90
0x1010CD18, // 0x94 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x98
0x0, // 0x9C
0x1012EE64, // 0xA0 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0xA4
0x0, // 0xA8
0x10123a9f, // 0xAC POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x08, // 0xB0 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE3E00000, // 0xB4 value: MOV R0, #0xFFFFFFFF
0x0, // 0xB8
0x10123a8b, // 0xBC POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0xC0 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0xC4
0x1010CD18, // 0xC8 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0xCC
0x0, // 0xD0
0x1012EE64, // 0xD4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0xD8
0x0, // 0xDC
0x10123a9f, // 0xE0 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE3E00000, // 0xB4 value: MOV R0, #0xFFFFFFFF
0x0, // 0xB8
0x10123a8b, // 0xBC POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0xC0 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0xC4
0x1010CD18, // 0xC8 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0xCC
0x0, // 0xD0
0x1012EE64, // 0xD4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0xD8
0x0, // 0xDC
0x10123a9f, // 0xE0 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x0C, // 0xE4 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xEE030F10, // 0xE8 value: MCR P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0)
0x0, // 0xEC
0x10123a8b, // 0xF0 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0xF4 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0xF8
0x1010CD18, // 0xFC MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x100
0x0, // 0x104
0x1012EE64, // 0x108 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x10C
0x0, // 0x110
0x10123a9f, // 0x114 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xEE030F10, // 0xE8 value: MCR P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0)
0x0, // 0xEC
0x10123a8b, // 0xF0 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0xF4 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0xF8
0x1010CD18, // 0xFC MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x100
0x0, // 0x104
0x1012EE64, // 0x108 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x10C
0x0, // 0x110
0x10123a9f, // 0x114 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x10, // 0x118 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE1A00004, // 0x11C value: MOV R0, R4
0x0, // 0x120
0x10123a8b, // 0x124 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x128 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x12C
0x1010CD18, // 0x130 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x134
0x0, // 0x138
0x1012EE64, // 0x13C set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x140
0x0, // 0x144
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE1A00004, // 0x11C value: MOV R0, R4
0x0, // 0x120
0x10123a8b, // 0x124 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x128 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x12C
0x1010CD18, // 0x130 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x134
0x0, // 0x138
0x1012EE64, // 0x13C set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x140
0x0, // 0x144
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x14, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE12FFF33, // 0x150 value: BLX R3 KERNEL_MEMCPY
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE12FFF33, // 0x150 value: BLX R3 KERNEL_MEMCPY
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x18, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0x00000000, // 0x150 value: NOP
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0x00000000, // 0x150 value: NOP
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x1C, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xEE17FF7A, // 0x150 value: clean_loop: MRC p15, 0, r15, c7, c10, 3
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xEE17FF7A, // 0x150 value: clean_loop: MRC p15, 0, r15, c7, c10, 3
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x20, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0x1AFFFFFD, // 0x150 value: BNE clean_loop
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0x1AFFFFFD, // 0x150 value: BNE clean_loop
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x24, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xEE070F9A, // 0x150 value: MCR p15, 0, R0, c7, c10, 4
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x17C POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xEE070F9A, // 0x150 value: MCR p15, 0, R0, c7, c10, 4
0x0, // 0x154
0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x160
0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x168
0x0, // 0x16C
0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x174
0x0, // 0x178
0x10123a9f, // 0x17C POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x28, // 0x180 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE1A03004, // 0x184 value: MOV R3, R4
0x0, // 0x188
0x10123a8b, // 0x18C POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x190 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x194
0x1010CD18, // 0x198 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x19C
0x0, // 0x1A0
0x1012EE64, // 0x1A4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x1A8
0x0, // 0x1AC
0x10123a9f, // 0x17C POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE1A03004, // 0x184 value: MOV R3, R4
0x0, // 0x188
0x10123a8b, // 0x18C POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x190 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x194
0x1010CD18, // 0x198 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x19C
0x0, // 0x1A0
0x1012EE64, // 0x1A4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x1A8
0x0, // 0x1AC
0x10123a9f, // 0x17C POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x2C, // 0x180 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE8BD4010, // 0x184 value: POP {R4,LR}
0x0, // 0x188
0x10123a8b, // 0x18C POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x190 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x194
0x1010CD18, // 0x198 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x19C
0x0, // 0x1A0
0x1012EE64, // 0x1A4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x1A8
0x0, // 0x1AC
0x10123a9f, // 0x1B0 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE8BD4010, // 0x184 value: POP {R4,LR}
0x0, // 0x188
0x10123a8b, // 0x18C POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x190 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x194
0x1010CD18, // 0x198 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x19C
0x0, // 0x1A0
0x1012EE64, // 0x1A4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x1A8
0x0, // 0x1AC
0x10123a9f, // 0x1B0 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x30, // 0x1B4 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
0xE12FFF13, // 0x1B8 value: BX R3 our code :-)
0x0, // 0x1BC
0x10123a8b, // 0x1C0 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x1C4 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x1C8
0x1010CD18, // 0x1CC MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x1D0
0x0, // 0x1D4
0x1012EE64, // 0x1D8 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x1DC
0x0, // 0x1E0
0x10123a9f, // 0x1E4 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
0xE12FFF13, // 0x1B8 value: BX R3 our code :-)
0x0, // 0x1BC
0x10123a8b, // 0x1C0 POP {R3,R4,PC}
0x1, // 0x1C4 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
0x0, // 0x1C8
0x1010CD18, // 0x1CC MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x1D0
0x0, // 0x1D4
0x1012EE64, // 0x1D8 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
0x0, // 0x1DC
0x0, // 0x1E0
0x10123a9f, // 0x1E4 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
REPLACE_SYSCALL, // 0x1DC start of syscall IOS_GetUpTime64
0x4001, // 0x1E0 on > 0x4000 it flushes all data caches
0x0, // 0x1E0
0x1012ED4C, // 0x1E4 IOS_FlushDCache(void *ptr, unsigned int len)
0x0, // 0x1DC
0x0, // 0x1E0
0x10123a9f, // 0x1E4 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
ARM_CODE_BASE, // 0x1E8 our code destination address
0x0, // 0x1EC
0x0, // 0x1F0
0x101063db, // 0x1F4 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x1F8
sizeof(ios_kernel), // 0x1FC our code size
0x0, // 0x200
0x10123983, // 0x204 POP {R1,R3,R4,R6,PC}
0x00140000, // 0x208 our code source location
0x08131D04, // 0x20C KERNEL_MEMCPY address
0x0, // 0x210
0x0, // 0x214
0x1012EBB4, // 0x218 IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot)
0x4001, // 0x1E0 on > 0x4000 it flushes all data caches
0x0, // 0x1E0
0x1012ED4C, // 0x1E4 IOS_FlushDCache(void *ptr, unsigned int len)
0x0, // 0x1DC
0x0, // 0x1E0
0x10123a9f, // 0x1E4 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
ARM_CODE_BASE, // 0x1E8 our code destination address
0x0, // 0x1EC
0x0, // 0x1F0
0x101063db, // 0x1F4 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x1F8
sizeof(ios_kernel), // 0x1FC our code size
0x0, // 0x200
0x10123983, // 0x204 POP {R1,R3,R4,R6,PC}
0x00140000, // 0x208 our code source location
0x08131D04, // 0x20C KERNEL_MEMCPY address
0x0, // 0x210
0x0, // 0x214
0x1012EBB4, // 0x218 IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot)
static const int second_chain[] = {
0x10123a9f, // 0x00 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000, // 0x04 destination
0x0, // 0x08
0x0, // 0x0C
0x101063db, // 0x10 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
0x00130000, // 0x14 source
sizeof(final_chain), // 0x18 length
0x0, // 0x1C
0x10106D4C, // 0x20 BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x24
0x0, // 0x28
0x101236f3, // 0x2C POP {R1-R7,PC}
0x0, // 0x30 arg
0x101001DC, // 0x34 stackptr
0x68, // 0x38 stacksize
0x10101634, // 0x3C proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x40
0x0, // 0x44
0x0, // 0x48
0x1010388C, // 0x4C CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x50
0x0, // 0x54
0x1012CFEC, // 0x58 MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x5C
0x0, // 0x60
0x1, // 0x68 priority
0x2, // 0x6C flags
0x0, // 0x70
0x0, // 0x74
0x101063db, // 0x78 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x7C
-(0x240 + 0x18 + 0xF000), // 0x80 stack offset
0x0, // 0x84
0x101141C0, // 0x88 MOV R0, R9; ADD SP, SP, #0xC; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
0x10123a9f, // 0x00 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000, // 0x04 destination
0x0, // 0x08
0x0, // 0x0C
0x101063db, // 0x10 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
0x00130000, // 0x14 source
sizeof(final_chain), // 0x18 length
0x0, // 0x1C
0x10106D4C, // 0x20 BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x24
0x0, // 0x28
0x101236f3, // 0x2C POP {R1-R7,PC}
0x0, // 0x30 arg
0x101001DC, // 0x34 stackptr
0x68, // 0x38 stacksize
0x10101634, // 0x3C proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x40
0x0, // 0x44
0x0, // 0x48
0x1010388C, // 0x4C CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x50
0x0, // 0x54
0x1012CFEC, // 0x58 MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
0x0, // 0x5C
0x0, // 0x60
0x1, // 0x68 priority
0x2, // 0x6C flags
0x0, // 0x70
0x0, // 0x74
0x101063db, // 0x78 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x7C
-(0x240 + 0x18 + 0xF000), // 0x80 stack offset
0x0, // 0x84
0x101141C0, // 0x88 MOV R0, R9; ADD SP, SP, #0xC; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
0x00110000 - 0x44, // 0x8C
0x00110010, // 0x90
0x0, // 0x94
0x0, // 0x98
0x0, // 0x9C
0x0, // 0xA0
0x0, // 0xA4
0x4, // 0xA8 R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack
0x101088F4, // STR R0, [R4,#0x44]; MOVEQ R0, R5; STRNE R3, [R5]; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x0, // 0x94
0x0, // 0x98
0x0, // 0x9C
0x0, // 0xA0
0x0, // 0xA4
0x4, // 0xA8 R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack
0x101088F4, // STR R0, [R4,#0x44]; MOVEQ R0, R5; STRNE R3, [R5]; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
0x1012EA68, // 0xAC stack pivot
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ static void uhs_exploit_init(int dev_uhs_0_handle) {
memcpy((char *) (0xF4140000), ios_kernel, sizeof(ios_kernel));
payload_info_t *payloads = (payload_info_t *) 0xF4148000;
payloads->size = sizeof(ios_usb);
payloads->size = sizeof(ios_usb);
memcpy(payloads->data, ios_usb, payloads->size);
payloads = (payload_info_t *) 0xF4160000;
payloads = (payload_info_t *) 0xF4160000;
payloads->size = sizeof(ios_mcp);
memcpy(payloads->data, ios_mcp, payloads->size);
@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ static void uhs_exploit_init(int dev_uhs_0_handle) {
static int uhs_write32(int dev_uhs_0_handle, int arm_addr, int val) {
ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24; //! The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes
DCStoreRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4); //! Make CPU fetch new data (with updated adress)
OSSleepTicks(0x200000); //! Improves stability
int request_buffer[] = {-(0xBEA2C), val}; //! -(0xBEA2C) gets IOS_USB to read from the middle of MEM1
ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24; //! The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes
DCStoreRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4); //! Make CPU fetch new data (with updated adress)
OSSleepTicks(0x200000); //! Improves stability
int request_buffer[] = {-(0xBEA2C), val}; //! -(0xBEA2C) gets IOS_USB to read from the middle of MEM1
int output_buffer[32];
return IOS_Ioctl(dev_uhs_0_handle, 0x15, request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), output_buffer, sizeof(output_buffer));
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// clang-format off
* Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 2001, 2002
* Erik Theisen. All rights reserved.
@ -21,16 +21,14 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "types.h"
#include "elf_abi.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
static Elf32_Phdr *get_section(u32 data, u32 vaddr) {
Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *) data;
if (!IS_ELF (*ehdr)
|| (ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC)
|| (ehdr->e_machine != EM_ARM)) {
if (!IS_ELF(*ehdr) || (ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC) || (ehdr->e_machine != EM_ARM)) {
return 0;
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
#include "types.h"
#define ARM_B(addr, func) (0xEA000000 | ((((u32)(func) - (u32)(addr) - 8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF)) // +-32MB
#define ARM_BL(addr, func) (0xEB000000 | ((((u32)(func) - (u32)(addr) - 8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF)) // +-32MB
#define THUMB_B(addr, func) ((0xE000 | ((((u32)(func) - (u32)(addr) - 4) >> 1) & 0x7FF))) // +-2KB
#define THUMB_BL(addr, func) ((0xF000F800 | ((((u32)(func) - (u32)(addr) - 4) >> 1) & 0x0FFF)) | ((((u32)(func) - (u32)(addr) - 4) << 4) & 0x7FFF000)) // +-4MB
#define ARM_B(addr, func) (0xEA000000 | ((((u32) (func) - (u32) (addr) -8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF)) // +-32MB
#define ARM_BL(addr, func) (0xEB000000 | ((((u32) (func) - (u32) (addr) -8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF)) // +-32MB
#define THUMB_B(addr, func) ((0xE000 | ((((u32) (func) - (u32) (addr) -4) >> 1) & 0x7FF))) // +-2KB
#define THUMB_BL(addr, func) ((0xF000F800 | ((((u32) (func) - (u32) (addr) -4) >> 1) & 0x0FFF)) | ((((u32) (func) - (u32) (addr) -4) << 4) & 0x7FFF000)) // +-4MB
typedef struct {
u32 address;
@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define svcAlloc ((void *(*)(u32 heapid, u32 size))0x081234E4)
#define svcAllocAlign ((void *(*)(u32 heapid, u32 size, u32 align))0x08123464)
#define svcFree ((void *(*)(u32 heapid, void *ptr))0x08123830)
#define svcOpen ((int (*)(const char* name, int mode))0x0812940C)
#define svcClose ((int (*)(int fd))0x08129368)
#define svcIoctl ((int (*)(int fd, u32 request, void* input_buffer, u32 input_buffer_len, void* output_buffer, u32 output_buffer_len))0x081290E0)
#define svcIoctlv ((int (*)(int fd, u32 request, u32 vector_count_in, u32 vector_count_out, iovec_s* vector))0x0812903C)
#define svcAlloc ((void *(*) (u32 heapid, u32 size)) 0x081234E4)
#define svcAllocAlign ((void *(*) (u32 heapid, u32 size, u32 align)) 0x08123464)
#define svcFree ((void *(*) (u32 heapid, void *ptr)) 0x08123830)
#define svcOpen ((int (*)(const char *name, int mode)) 0x0812940C)
#define svcClose ((int (*)(int fd)) 0x08129368)
#define svcIoctl ((int (*)(int fd, u32 request, void *input_buffer, u32 input_buffer_len, void *output_buffer, u32 output_buffer_len)) 0x081290E0)
#define svcIoctlv ((int (*)(int fd, u32 request, u32 vector_count_in, u32 vector_count_out, iovec_s *vector)) 0x0812903C)
typedef struct {
void *ptr;
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ static int FSA_Close(int fd) {
static int FSA_RawOpen(int fd, const char *device_path, int *outHandle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
kernel_strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], device_path, 0x27F);
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ static int FSA_RawOpen(int fd, const char *device_path, int *outHandle) {
static int FSA_RawClose(int fd, int device_handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = device_handle;
@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ static int FSA_RawClose(int fd, int device_handle) {
static int FSA_RawRead(int fd, void *data, u32 size_bytes, u32 cnt, u64 blocks_offset, int device_handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) &iobuf[0x7C0];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
// note : offset_bytes = blocks_offset * size_bytes
inbuf[0x08 / 4] = (blocks_offset >> 32);
@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ static int FSA_RawRead(int fd, void *data, u32 size_bytes, u32 cnt, u64 blocks_o
static int FSA_RawWrite(int fd, void *data, u32 size_bytes, u32 cnt, u64 blocks_offset, int device_handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) &iobuf[0x7C0];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
inbuf[0x08 / 4] = (blocks_offset >> 32);
inbuf[0x0C / 4] = (blocks_offset & 0xFFFFFFFF);
@ -218,4 +218,3 @@ int FSA_SDWriteRawSectors(const void *buffer, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors) {
return res;
@ -26,25 +26,25 @@
#include "types.h"
#define NAND_DUMP_SIGNATURE 0x4841585844554d50ULL // HAXXDUMP
#define NAND_DUMP_SIGNATURE 0x4841585844554d50ULL // HAXXDUMP
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_SLC 0x534c4320 // 'SLC '
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_SLCCMPT 0x534c4332 // 'SLC2'
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_MLC 0x4d4c4320 // 'MLC '
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_SEEPROM 0x45455052 // 'EEPR'
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_OTP 0x4f545020 // 'OTP '
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_SLC 0x534c4320 // 'SLC '
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_SLCCMPT 0x534c4332 // 'SLC2'
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_MLC 0x4d4c4320 // 'MLC '
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_SEEPROM 0x45455052 // 'EEPR'
#define NAND_DESC_TYPE_OTP 0x4f545020 // 'OTP '
typedef struct _stdio_nand_desc_t {
u32 nand_type; // nand type
u32 base_sector; // base sector of dump
u32 sector_count; // sector count in SDIO sectors
u32 nand_type; // nand type
u32 base_sector; // base sector of dump
u32 sector_count; // sector count in SDIO sectors
} __attribute__((packed)) stdio_nand_desc_t;
typedef struct _sdio_nand_signature_sector_t {
u64 signature; // HAXXDUMP
u64 signature; // HAXXDUMP
stdio_nand_desc_t nand_descriptions[NAND_MAX_DESC_TYPES];
} __attribute__((packed)) sdio_nand_signature_sector_t;
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "utils.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "elf_patcher.h"
#include "kernel_patches.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "../../ios_mcp/ios_mcp_syms.h"
#include "elf_patcher.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "kernel_patches.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
typedef struct {
u32 paddr;
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ typedef struct {
u32 cached;
} ios_map_shared_info_t;
#define mcp_rodata_phys(addr) ((u32)(addr) - 0x05060000 + 0x08220000)
#define mcp_data_phys(addr) ((u32)(addr) - 0x05074000 + 0x08234000)
#define acp_phys(addr) ((u32)(addr) - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000)
#define mcp_rodata_phys(addr) ((u32) (addr) -0x05060000 + 0x08220000)
#define mcp_data_phys(addr) ((u32) (addr) -0x05074000 + 0x08234000)
#define acp_phys(addr) ((u32) (addr) -0xE0000000 + 0x12900000)
void instant_patches_setup(void) {
// apply IOS ELF launch hook
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ void instant_patches_setup(void) {
*(volatile u32 *) 0x081430B4 = 1;
// fix 10 minute timeout that crashes MCP after 10 minutes of booting
*(volatile u32 *) (0x05022474 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000) = 0xFFFFFFFF; // NEW_TIMEOUT
*(volatile u32 *) (0x05022474 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000) = 0xFFFFFFFF; // NEW_TIMEOUT
kernel_memset((void *) (0x050BD000 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000), 0, 0x2F00);
// allow custom bootLogoTex and bootMovie.h264
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030D68 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030D34 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030D68 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030D34 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
// Patch update check
*(volatile u32 *) (0xe22830e0 - 0xe2280000 + 0x13140000) = 0x00000000;
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ void instant_patches_setup(void) {
*(volatile u32 *) (0xe204fb68 - 0xe2000000 + 0x12EC0000) = 0xe3a00000;
// allow any region title launch
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030498 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030498 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
// Patch CheckTitleLaunch to ignore gamepad connected result
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030868 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
*(volatile u32 *) (0xE0030868 - 0xE0000000 + 0x12900000) = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
*(volatile u32 *) (0x050254D6 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000) = THUMB_BL(0x050254D6, MCP_LoadFile_patch);
*(volatile u32 *) (0x05025242 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000) = THUMB_BL(0x05025242, MCP_ioctl100_patch);
@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ void instant_patches_setup(void) {
*(volatile u32 *) (0x050BC580 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000) = 0;
ios_map_shared_info_t map_info;
map_info.paddr = 0x050BD000 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000;
map_info.vaddr = 0x050BD000;
map_info.size = 0x3000;
map_info.domain = 1; // MCP
map_info.type = 3; // 0 = undefined, 1 = kernel only, 2 = read only, 3 = read/write
map_info.paddr = 0x050BD000 - 0x05000000 + 0x081C0000;
map_info.vaddr = 0x050BD000;
map_info.size = 0x3000;
map_info.domain = 1; // MCP
map_info.type = 3; // 0 = undefined, 1 = kernel only, 2 = read only, 3 = read/write
map_info.cached = 0xFFFFFFFF;
_iosMapSharedUserExecution(&map_info); // actually a bss section but oh well it will have read/write
_iosMapSharedUserExecution(&map_info); // actually a bss section but oh well it will have read/write
map_info.paddr = 0x05116000 - 0x05100000 + 0x13D80000;
map_info.vaddr = 0x05116000;
map_info.size = 0x4000;
map_info.domain = 1; // MCP
map_info.type = 3; // 0 = undefined, 1 = kernel only, 2 = read only, 3 = read write
map_info.paddr = 0x05116000 - 0x05100000 + 0x13D80000;
map_info.vaddr = 0x05116000;
map_info.size = 0x4000;
map_info.domain = 1; // MCP
map_info.type = 3; // 0 = undefined, 1 = kernel only, 2 = read only, 3 = read write
map_info.cached = 0xFFFFFFFF;
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "types.h"
#include "elf_patcher.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "../../ios_mcp/ios_mcp.bin.h"
#include "../../ios_mcp/ios_mcp_syms.h"
#include "elf_patcher.h"
#include "types.h"
#define MCP_CODE_BASE_PHYS_ADDR (-0x05100000 + 0x13D80000)
#define MCP_CODE_BASE_PHYS_ADDR (-0x05100000 + 0x13D80000)
extern const patch_table_t mcp_patches_table[];
extern const patch_table_t mcp_patches_table_end[];
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
#ifndef _MCP_PATCHES_H_
#define _MCP_PATCHES_H_
#define MCP_LAUNCH_IMG_PHYS_ADDR (0x27000000)
#include "types.h"
#define MCP_LAUNCH_IMG_PHYS_ADDR (0x27000000)
u32 mcp_get_phys_code_base(void);
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "types.h"
#include "kernel_patches.h"
#include "../../common/kernel_commands.h"
#include "elf_patcher.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "kernel_patches.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
extern void __KERNEL_CODE_START(void);
@ -40,24 +40,24 @@ extern const patch_table_t kernel_patches_table_end[];
static const u32 mcpIoMappings_patch[] =
// vaddr paddr size ? ? ?
0x0D000000, 0x0D000000, 0x001C0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, // mapping 1
0x0D800000, 0x0D800000, 0x001C0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, // mapping 2
0x0C200000, 0x0C200000, 0x00100000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000 // mapping 3
0x0D000000, 0x0D000000, 0x001C0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, // mapping 1
0x0D800000, 0x0D800000, 0x001C0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, // mapping 2
0x0C200000, 0x0C200000, 0x00100000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000 // mapping 3
(u32) mcpIoMappings_patch, // ptr to iomapping structs
0x00000003, // number of iomappings
0x00000001 // pid (MCP)
(u32) mcpIoMappings_patch, // ptr to iomapping structs
0x00000003, // number of iomappings
0x00000001 // pid (MCP)
ThreadContext_t** currentThreadContext = (ThreadContext_t**) 0x08173ba0;
uint32_t* domainAccessPermissions = (uint32_t*) 0x081a4000;
ThreadContext_t **currentThreadContext = (ThreadContext_t **) 0x08173ba0;
uint32_t *domainAccessPermissions = (uint32_t *) 0x081a4000;
int kernel_syscall_0x81(u32 command, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3) {
int result = 0;
int level = disable_interrupts();
int level = disable_interrupts();
set_domain_register(domainAccessPermissions[0]); // 0 = KERNEL
switch (command) {
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ int kernel_syscall_0x81(u32 command, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3) {
int (*read_otp_internal)(int index, void* out_buf, u32 size) = (int (*)(int, void*, u32)) 0x08120248;
read_otp_internal(0, (void*)(arg1), 0x400);
int (*read_otp_internal)(int index, void *out_buf, u32 size) = (int (*)(int, void *, u32)) 0x08120248;
read_otp_internal(0, (void *) (arg1), 0x400);
default: {
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void kernel_launch_ios(u32 launch_address, u32 L, u32 C, u32 H) {
void (*kernel_launch_bootrom)(u32 launch_address, u32 L, u32 C, u32 H) = (void *) 0x0812A050;
if (*(u32 *) (launch_address - 0x300 + 0x1AC) == 0x00DFD000) {
int level = disable_interrupts();
int level = disable_interrupts();
unsigned int control_register = disable_mmu();
u32 ios_elf_start = launch_address + 0x804 - 0x300;
@ -129,23 +129,23 @@ void kernel_run_patches(u32 ios_elf_start) {
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0xe22830e0, 0x00000000);
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0xe22b2a78, 0x00000000);
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0xe204fb68, 0xe3a00000);
// patch MCP syslog debug mode check
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0x050290d8, 0x20004770);
// Write magic word to disable custom IPC
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0x050290dc, 0x42424242);
// give us bsp::ee:read permission for PPC
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0xe6044db0, 0x000001F0);
// patch TEST debug mode check
//section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0xe4016a78, 0xe3a00000);
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0xe4007828, 0xe3a00000);
// Patch FS to syslog everything
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0x107F5720, ARM_B(0x107F5720, 0x107F0C84));
// Patch MCP to syslog everything
section_write_word(ios_elf_start, 0x05055438, ARM_B(0x05055438, 0x0503dcf8));
@ -154,4 +154,3 @@ void kernel_run_patches(u32 ios_elf_start) {
u32 patch_count = (u32) (((u8 *) kernel_patches_table_end) - ((u8 *) kernel_patches_table)) / sizeof(patch_table_t);
patch_table_entries(ios_elf_start, kernel_patches_table, patch_count);
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include "types.h"
int kernel_init_otp_buffer(u32 sd_sector, int tagValid);
int kernel_syscall_0x81(u32 command, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3);
@ -21,18 +21,19 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "instant_patches.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "ios_mcp_patches.h"
#include "instant_patches.h"
#define USB_PHYS_CODE_BASE 0x101312D0
#define USB_PHYS_CODE_BASE 0x101312D0
typedef struct {
u32 size;
u8 data[0];
} payload_info_t;
// clang-format off
static const char repairData_set_fault_behavior[] = {
0xE1, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0xE9, 0x2D, 0x40, 0x30, 0xE5, 0x93, 0x20, 0x00, 0xE1, 0xA0, 0x40, 0x00,
0xE5, 0x92, 0x30, 0x54, 0xE1, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x01, 0xE3, 0x53, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
@ -56,11 +57,12 @@ static const char repairData_usb_root_thread[] = {
0xE2, 0x4D, 0xDE, 0x17, 0xEB, 0x00, 0xB9, 0x92, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x10, 0x00, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x20, 0x03,
0xE5, 0x9F, 0x0E, 0x68, 0xEB, 0x00, 0xB3, 0x20,
// clang-format on
int _main() {
void (*invalidate_icache)() = (void (*)()) 0x0812DCF0;
void (*invalidate_icache)() = (void (*)()) 0x0812DCF0;
void (*invalidate_dcache)(unsigned int, unsigned int) = (void (*)()) 0x08120164;
void (*flush_dcache)(unsigned int, unsigned int) = (void (*)()) 0x08120160;
void (*flush_dcache)(unsigned int, unsigned int) = (void (*)()) 0x08120160;
flush_dcache(0x081200F0, 0x4001); // giving a size >= 0x4000 flushes all cache
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct ThreadContext {
uint32_t cspr;
uint32_t gpr[14];
uint32_t lr;
uint32_t pc;
struct ThreadContext* threadQueueNext;
struct ThreadContext *threadQueueNext;
uint32_t maxPriority;
uint32_t priority;
uint32_t state;
@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ typedef struct ThreadContext {
uint32_t id;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t exitValue;
struct ThreadContext** joinQueue;
struct ThreadContext** threadQueue;
struct ThreadContext **joinQueue;
struct ThreadContext **threadQueue;
uint8_t unk1[56];
void* stackPointer;
void *stackPointer;
uint8_t unk2[8];
void* sysStackAddr;
void* userStackAddr;
void *sysStackAddr;
void *userStackAddr;
uint32_t userStackSize;
void* threadLocalStorage;
void *threadLocalStorage;
uint32_t profileCount;
uint32_t profileTime;
} ThreadContext_t;
static_assert(sizeof(ThreadContext_t) == 0xC8, "ThreadContext_t: different size than expected");
extern ThreadContext_t** currentThreadContext;
extern ThreadContext_t **currentThreadContext;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void reverse_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned int size) {
if ((size >= 4) && !((dst - src) & 3)) {
const unsigned int *src_p32;
unsigned int *dst_p32;
unsigned int endDst = ((unsigned int) dst) + size;
unsigned int endDst = ((unsigned int) dst) + size;
unsigned int endRest = endDst & 3;
if (endRest) {
@ -24,30 +24,37 @@
#ifndef _UTILS_H
#define _UTILS_H
#define ALIGN4(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3)
#define ALIGN4(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3)
#define kernel_memcpy ((void * (*)(void*, const void*, int))0x08131D04)
#define kernel_memset ((void *(*)(void*, int, unsigned int))0x08131DA0)
#define kernel_strncpy ((char *(*)(char*, const char*, unsigned int))0x081329B8)
#define disable_interrupts ((int(*)())0x0812E778)
#define enable_interrupts ((int(*)(int))0x0812E78C)
#define kernel_bsp_command_5 ((int (*)(const char*, int offset, const char*, int size, void *buffer))0x0812EC40)
#define kernel_memcpy ((void *(*) (void *, const void *, int) ) 0x08131D04)
#define kernel_memset ((void *(*) (void *, int, unsigned int) ) 0x08131DA0)
#define kernel_strncpy ((char *(*) (char *, const char *, unsigned int) ) 0x081329B8)
#define disable_interrupts ((int (*)()) 0x0812E778)
#define enable_interrupts ((int (*)(int)) 0x0812E78C)
#define kernel_bsp_command_5 ((int (*)(const char *, int offset, const char *, int size, void *buffer)) 0x0812EC40)
void reverse_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int size);
static inline unsigned int disable_mmu(void) {
unsigned int control_register = 0;
asm volatile("MRC p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0" : "=r" (control_register));
asm volatile("MCR p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0" : : "r" (control_register & 0xFFFFEFFA));
asm volatile("MRC p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0"
: "=r"(control_register));
asm volatile("MCR p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0"
: "r"(control_register & 0xFFFFEFFA));
return control_register;
static inline void restore_mmu(unsigned int control_register) {
asm volatile("MCR p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0" : : "r" (control_register));
asm volatile("MCR p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0"
: "r"(control_register));
static inline void set_domain_register(unsigned int domain_register) {
asm volatile("MCR p15, 0, %0, c3, c0, 0" : : "r" (domain_register));
asm volatile("MCR p15, 0, %0, c3, c0, 0"
: "r"(domain_register));
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "svc.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static void *allocIobuf() {
void *ptr = svcAlloc(0xCAFF, 0x828);
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ static void freeIobuf(void *ptr) {
int FSA_Mount(int fd, char *device_path, char *volume_path, u32 flags, char *arg_string, int arg_string_len) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) &iobuf[0x7C0];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
strncpy((char *) &inbuf8[0x04], device_path, 0x27F);
strncpy((char *) &inbuf8[0x284], volume_path, 0x27F);
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ int FSA_Mount(int fd, char *device_path, char *volume_path, u32 flags, char *arg
int FSA_Unmount(int fd, char *path, u32 flags) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ int FSA_Unmount(int fd, char *path, u32 flags) {
int FSA_FlushVolume(int fd, char *volume_path) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], volume_path, 0x27F);
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ int FSA_FlushVolume(int fd, char *volume_path) {
int FSA_MakeDir(int fd, char *path, u32 flags) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ int FSA_MakeDir(int fd, char *path, u32 flags) {
int FSA_OpenDir(int fd, char *path, int *outHandle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ int FSA_OpenDir(int fd, char *path, int *outHandle) {
int FSA_ReadDir(int fd, int handle, directoryEntry_s *out_data) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = handle;
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ int FSA_ReadDir(int fd, int handle, directoryEntry_s *out_data) {
int FSA_RewindDir(int fd, int handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = handle;
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ int FSA_RewindDir(int fd, int handle) {
int FSA_CloseDir(int fd, int handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = handle;
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ int FSA_CloseDir(int fd, int handle) {
int FSA_ChangeDir(int fd, char *path) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ int FSA_ChangeDir(int fd, char *path) {
int FSA_OpenFile(int fd, char *path, char *mode, int *outHandle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ int FSA_OpenFile(int fd, char *path, char *mode, int *outHandle) {
int _FSA_ReadWriteFile(int fd, void *data, u32 size, u32 cnt, int fileHandle, u32 flags, bool read) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) &iobuf[0x7C0];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
inbuf[0x08 / 4] = size;
inbuf[0x0C / 4] = cnt;
@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ int _FSA_ReadWriteFile(int fd, void *data, u32 size, u32 cnt, int fileHandle, u3
int ret;
if (read) ret = svcIoctlv(fd, 0x0F, 1, 2, iovec);
else ret = svcIoctlv(fd, 0x10, 2, 1, iovec);
ret = svcIoctlv(fd, 0x10, 2, 1, iovec);
return ret;
@ -208,8 +209,8 @@ int FSA_WriteFile(int fd, void *data, u32 size, u32 cnt, int fileHandle, u32 fla
int FSA_StatFile(int fd, int handle, fileStat_s *out_data) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = handle;
@ -223,8 +224,8 @@ int FSA_StatFile(int fd, int handle, fileStat_s *out_data) {
int FSA_CloseFile(int fd, int fileHandle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = fileHandle;
@ -236,8 +237,8 @@ int FSA_CloseFile(int fd, int fileHandle) {
int FSA_SetPosFile(int fd, int fileHandle, u32 position) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = fileHandle;
@ -250,8 +251,8 @@ int FSA_SetPosFile(int fd, int fileHandle, u32 position) {
int FSA_GetStat(int fd, char *path, fileStat_s *out_data) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -266,8 +267,8 @@ int FSA_GetStat(int fd, char *path, fileStat_s *out_data) {
int FSA_Remove(int fd, char *path) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -279,8 +280,8 @@ int FSA_Remove(int fd, char *path) {
int FSA_ChangeMode(int fd, char *path, int mode) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], path, 0x27F);
@ -297,8 +298,8 @@ int FSA_ChangeMode(int fd, char *path, int mode) {
// 0x08 : device size in sectors (u64)
// 0x10 : device sector size (u32)
int FSA_GetDeviceInfo(int fd, char *device_path, int type, u32 *out_data) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], device_path, 0x27F);
@ -339,8 +340,8 @@ int FSA_GetDeviceInfo(int fd, char *device_path, int type, u32 *out_data) {
int FSA_RawOpen(int fd, char *device_path, int *outHandle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
strncpy((char *) &inbuf[0x01], device_path, 0x27F);
@ -354,8 +355,8 @@ int FSA_RawOpen(int fd, char *device_path, int *outHandle) {
int FSA_RawClose(int fd, int device_handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x520];
inbuf[1] = device_handle;
@ -368,12 +369,12 @@ int FSA_RawClose(int fd, int device_handle) {
// offset in blocks of 0x1000 bytes
int FSA_RawRead(int fd, void *data, u32 size_bytes, u32 cnt, u64 blocks_offset, int device_handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) &iobuf[0x7C0];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
// note : offset_bytes = blocks_offset * size_bytes
inbuf[0x08 / 4] = (blocks_offset >> 32);
@ -398,12 +399,12 @@ int FSA_RawRead(int fd, void *data, u32 size_bytes, u32 cnt, u64 blocks_offset,
int FSA_RawWrite(int fd, void *data, u32 size_bytes, u32 cnt, u64 blocks_offset, int device_handle) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf();
u8 *inbuf8 = iobuf;
u8 *outbuf8 = &iobuf[0x520];
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) &iobuf[0x7C0];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) inbuf8;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) outbuf8;
inbuf[0x08 / 4] = (blocks_offset >> 32);
inbuf[0x0C / 4] = (blocks_offset & 0xFFFFFFFF);
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
#ifndef FSA_H
#define FSA_H
#include "types.h"
typedef struct {
u32 flag;
u32 permission;
u32 owner_id;
u32 group_id;
u32 size; // size in bytes
u32 size; // size in bytes
u32 physsize; // physical size on disk in bytes
u32 unk[3];
u32 id;
@ -20,10 +22,10 @@ typedef struct {
char name[0x100];
} directoryEntry_s;
#define DIR_ENTRY_IS_DIRECTORY 0x80000000
#define DIR_ENTRY_IS_DIRECTORY 0x80000000
#define FSA_MOUNTFLAGS_GLOBAL (1 << 1)
#define FSA_MOUNTFLAGS_GLOBAL (1 << 1)
int FSA_Open();
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#ifndef IMPORTS_H
#define IMPORTS_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "types.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MCP_SVC_BASE ((void*)0x050567EC)
#define MCP_SVC_BASE ((void *) 0x050567EC)
void usleep(u32 time);
@ -21,59 +21,58 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "imports.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "wupserver.h"
#include "../../common/kernel_commands.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include "wupserver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define IOCTL_MEM_WRITE 0x00
#define IOCTL_MEM_READ 0x01
#define IOCTL_SVC 0x02
#define IOCTL_KILL_SERVER 0x03
#define IOCTL_MEMCPY 0x04
#define IOCTL_KERN_READ32 0x06
#define IOCTL_KERN_WRITE32 0x07
#define IOCTL_READ_OTP 0x08
#define IOCTL_MEM_WRITE 0x00
#define IOCTL_MEM_READ 0x01
#define IOCTL_SVC 0x02
#define IOCTL_KILL_SERVER 0x03
#define IOCTL_MEMCPY 0x04
#define IOCTL_KERN_READ32 0x06
#define IOCTL_KERN_WRITE32 0x07
#define IOCTL_READ_OTP 0x08
#define IOCTL_FSA_OPEN 0x40
#define IOCTL_FSA_CLOSE 0x41
#define IOCTL_FSA_MOUNT 0x42
#define IOCTL_FSA_UNMOUNT 0x43
#define IOCTL_FSA_OPENDIR 0x45
#define IOCTL_FSA_READDIR 0x46
#define IOCTL_FSA_MAKEDIR 0x48
#define IOCTL_FSA_REMOVE 0x50
#define IOCTL_FSA_CHDIR 0x52
#define IOCTL_FSA_RENAME 0x53
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_OPEN 0x54
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_READ 0x55
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_WRITE 0x56
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_CLOSE 0x57
#define IOCTL_FSA_OPEN 0x40
#define IOCTL_FSA_CLOSE 0x41
#define IOCTL_FSA_MOUNT 0x42
#define IOCTL_FSA_UNMOUNT 0x43
#define IOCTL_FSA_OPENDIR 0x45
#define IOCTL_FSA_READDIR 0x46
#define IOCTL_FSA_MAKEDIR 0x48
#define IOCTL_FSA_REMOVE 0x50
#define IOCTL_FSA_CHDIR 0x52
#define IOCTL_FSA_RENAME 0x53
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_OPEN 0x54
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_READ 0x55
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_WRITE 0x56
#define IOCTL_FSA_RAW_CLOSE 0x57
static int ipcNodeKilled;
static u8 threadStack[0x1000] __attribute__((aligned(0x20)));
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ static int ipc_ioctl(ipcmessage *message) {
if ((message->ioctl.length_in < 4) || (message->ioctl.length_io < 4)) {
} else {
int svc_id = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int svc_id = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int size_arguments = message->ioctl.length_in - 4;
u32 arguments[8];
@ -110,8 +109,8 @@ static int ipc_ioctl(ipcmessage *message) {
memcpy(arguments, message->ioctl.buffer_in + 1, (size_arguments < 8 * 4) ? size_arguments : (8 * 4));
// return error code as data
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = ((int (*const)(u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32)) (MCP_SVC_BASE + svc_id * 8))(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4],
arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]);
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = ((int (*const)(u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32))(MCP_SVC_BASE + svc_id * 8))(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4],
arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]);
@ -132,10 +131,10 @@ static int ipc_ioctl(ipcmessage *message) {
if (message->ioctl.length_in < 12) {
} else {
u32 *dst = (u32 *) message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 *dst = (u32 *) message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 *cache_range = (u32 *) (message->ioctl.buffer_in[0] & ~0xFF);
u32 value = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 n = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 value = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 n = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 old = *dst;
int i;
@ -190,68 +189,68 @@ static int ipc_ioctl(ipcmessage *message) {
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = svcClose(fd);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *device_path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
char *volume_path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[3];
char *arg_string = (message->ioctl.buffer_in[4] > 0) ? (((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[4]) : 0;
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *device_path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
char *volume_path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[3];
char *arg_string = (message->ioctl.buffer_in[4] > 0) ? (((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[4]) : 0;
int arg_string_len = message->ioctl.buffer_in[5];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_Mount(fd, device_path, volume_path, flags, arg_string, arg_string_len);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *device_path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_Unmount(fd, device_path, flags);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *device_path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
int type = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int type = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_GetDeviceInfo(fd, device_path, type, message->ioctl.buffer_io + 1);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_OpenDir(fd, path, (int *) message->ioctl.buffer_io + 1);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int handle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_ReadDir(fd, handle, (directoryEntry_s *) (message->ioctl.buffer_io + 1));
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int handle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_CloseDir(fd, handle);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_MakeDir(fd, path, flags);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
char *mode = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
@ -259,119 +258,119 @@ static int ipc_ioctl(ipcmessage *message) {
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int fileHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[3];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[4];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[4];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_ReadFile(fd, ((u8 *) message->ioctl.buffer_io) + 0x40, size, cnt, fileHandle, flags);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int fileHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[3];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[4];
u32 flags = message->ioctl.buffer_in[4];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_WriteFile(fd, ((u8 *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + 0x40, size, cnt, fileHandle, flags);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fileHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_StatFile(fd, fileHandle, (fileStat_s *) (message->ioctl.buffer_io + 1));
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fileHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_CloseFile(fd, fileHandle);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fileHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 position = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u32 position = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_SetPosFile(fd, fileHandle, position);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_GetStat(fd, path, (fileStat_s *) (message->ioctl.buffer_io + 1));
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_Remove(fd, path);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int dirFd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_RewindDir(fd, dirFd);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_ChangeDir(fd, path);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_RawOpen(fd, path, (int *) (message->ioctl.buffer_io + 1));
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 block_size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 block_size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u64 sector_offset = ((u64) message->ioctl.buffer_in[3] << 32ULL) | message->ioctl.buffer_in[4];
int deviceHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[5];
int deviceHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[5];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_RawRead(fd, ((u8 *) message->ioctl.buffer_io) + 0x40, block_size, cnt, sector_offset, deviceHandle);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 block_size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
u32 block_size = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
u32 cnt = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
u64 sector_offset = ((u64) message->ioctl.buffer_in[3] << 32ULL) | message->ioctl.buffer_in[4];
int deviceHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[5];
int deviceHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[5];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_RawWrite(fd, ((u8 *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + 0x40, block_size, cnt, sector_offset, deviceHandle);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int deviceHandle = message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_RawClose(fd, deviceHandle);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
int mode = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
int mode = message->ioctl.buffer_in[2];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_ChangeMode(fd, path, mode);
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
int fd = message->ioctl.buffer_in[0];
char *path = ((char *) message->ioctl.buffer_in) + message->ioctl.buffer_in[1];
message->ioctl.buffer_io[0] = FSA_FlushVolume(fd, path);
@ -451,5 +450,4 @@ void ipc_deinit(void) {
svcIoctl(fd, IOCTL_KILL_SERVER, &dummy, sizeof(dummy), &dummy, sizeof(dummy));
@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
#include "types.h"
#define IOS_OPEN 0x01
#define IOS_CLOSE 0x02
#define IOS_READ 0x03
#define IOS_WRITE 0x04
#define IOS_SEEK 0x05
#define IOS_IOCTL 0x06
#define IOS_IOCTLV 0x07
#define IOS_REPLY 0x08
#define IOS_IPC_MSG0 0x09
#define IOS_IPC_MSG1 0x0A
#define IOS_IPC_MSG2 0x0B
#define IOS_SUSPEND 0x0C
#define IOS_RESUME 0x0D
#define IOS_SVCMSG 0x0E
#define IOS_OPEN 0x01
#define IOS_CLOSE 0x02
#define IOS_READ 0x03
#define IOS_WRITE 0x04
#define IOS_SEEK 0x05
#define IOS_IOCTL 0x06
#define IOS_IOCTLV 0x07
#define IOS_REPLY 0x08
#define IOS_IPC_MSG0 0x09
#define IOS_IPC_MSG1 0x0A
#define IOS_IPC_MSG2 0x0B
#define IOS_SUSPEND 0x0C
#define IOS_RESUME 0x0D
#define IOS_SVCMSG 0x0E
/* IPC message */
@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef LOG_IP
static int log_socket = 0;
int log_init(unsigned int ipAddress){
int log_init(unsigned int ipAddress) {
log_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (log_socket < 0){
if (log_socket < 0) {
return log_socket;
struct sockaddr_in connect_addr;
memset(&connect_addr, 0, sizeof(connect_addr));
connect_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
connect_addr.sin_port = 4405;
connect_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
connect_addr.sin_port = 4405;
connect_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ipAddress;
if(connect(log_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&connect_addr, sizeof(connect_addr)) < 0)
if (connect(log_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &connect_addr, sizeof(connect_addr)) < 0) {
log_socket = -1;
@ -29,25 +28,22 @@ int log_init(unsigned int ipAddress){
return log_socket;
void log_deinit()
if(log_socket >= 0)
void log_deinit() {
if (log_socket >= 0) {
log_socket = -1;
static void log_print(const char *str, int len)
if(log_socket < 0) {
static void log_print(const char *str, int len) {
if (log_socket < 0) {
int ret;
while (len > 0) {
int block = len < 1400 ? len : 1400; // take max 1400 bytes per UDP packet
ret = send(log_socket, str, block, 0);
if(ret < 0)
ret = send(log_socket, str, block, 0);
if (ret < 0)
len -= ret;
@ -55,9 +51,8 @@ static void log_print(const char *str, int len)
void log_printf(const char *format, ...)
if(log_socket < 0) {
void log_printf(const char *format, ...) {
if (log_socket < 0) {
@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ void log_printf(const char *format, ...);
#define log_printf(x, ...)
log_printf("[%23s]%30s@L%04d: " FMT "",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## ARGS); \
do { \
log_printf("[%23s]%30s@L%04d: " FMT "", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##ARGS); \
} while (0)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "wupserver.h"
#include "ipc.h"
#include "wupserver.h"
static int threadsStarted = 0;
@ -16,31 +16,31 @@
* - each request routes here where we can do whatever
#include "logger.h"
#include "ipc_types.h"
#include "../../common/ipc_defs.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "ipc_types.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include <string.h>
int (*const real_MCP_LoadFile)(ipcmessage *msg) = (void *) 0x0501CAA8 + 1; //+1 for thumb
int (*const real_MCP_LoadFile)(ipcmessage *msg) = (void *) 0x0501CAA8 + 1; //+1 for thumb
int (*const MCP_DoLoadFile)(const char *path, const char *path2, void *outputBuffer, uint32_t outLength, uint32_t pos, int *bytesRead, uint32_t unk) = (void *) 0x05017248 + 1;
static int MCP_LoadCustomFile(int target, char *path, int filesize, int fileoffset, void *out_buffer, int buffer_len, int pos);
static bool replace_valid = false;
static bool skipPPCSetup = false;
static bool doWantReplaceRPX = false;
static bool replace_valid = false;
static bool skipPPCSetup = false;
static bool doWantReplaceRPX = false;
static bool replace_target_device = 0;
static uint32_t rep_filesize = 0;
static uint32_t rep_fileoffset = 0;
static uint32_t rep_filesize = 0;
static uint32_t rep_fileoffset = 0;
static char rpxpath[256];
#define log(fmt, ...) log_printf("%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define FAIL_ON(cond, val) \
if (cond) { \
#define FAIL_ON(cond, val) \
if (cond) { \
log(#cond " (%08X)", val); \
return -29; \
return -29; \
int _MCP_LoadFile_patch(ipcmessage *msg) {
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ int _MCP_LoadFile_patch(ipcmessage *msg) {
//DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("msg->ioctl.buffer_io = %p, msg->ioctl.length_io = 0x%X\n", msg->ioctl.buffer_io, msg->ioctl.length_io);
//DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("request->type = %d, request->pos = %d, request->name = \"%s\"\n", request->type, request->pos, request->name);
int replace_target = replace_target_device;
int replace_filesize = rep_filesize;
int replace_target = replace_target_device;
int replace_filesize = rep_filesize;
int replace_fileoffset = rep_fileoffset;
char *replace_path = rpxpath;
char *replace_path = rpxpath;
if (strlen(request->name) > 1 && request->name[strlen(request->name) - 1] == 'x') {
if (strncmp(request->name, "safe.rpx", strlen("safe.rpx")) != 0) {
@ -81,28 +81,28 @@ int _MCP_LoadFile_patch(ipcmessage *msg) {
// The replacement may restart the application to execute a kernel exploit.
// The men.rpx is hooked until the "IPC_CUSTOM_MEN_RPX_HOOK_COMPLETED" command is passed to IOCTL 0x100.
// If the loading of the replacement file fails, the Wii U Menu is loaded normally.
replace_target = LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD;
replace_filesize = 0; // unknown
replace_target = LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD;
replace_filesize = 0; // unknown
replace_fileoffset = 0;
} else if (strncmp(request->name, "safe.rpx", strlen("safe.rpx")) == 0) {
// if we don't explicitly replace files, we do want replace the Health and Safety app with the HBL
if (request->pos == 0 && !doWantReplaceRPX) {
replace_path = "wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.rpx";
replace_path = "wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.rpx";
replace_target = LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD;
//doWantReplaceXML = false;
doWantReplaceRPX = true;
replace_filesize = 0; // unknown
doWantReplaceRPX = true;
replace_filesize = 0; // unknown
replace_fileoffset = 0;
} else if (!doWantReplaceRPX) {
doWantReplaceRPX = false; // Only replace it once.
replace_path = NULL;
replace_path = NULL;
return real_MCP_LoadFile(msg);
if (replace_path != NULL && strlen(replace_path) > 0) {
doWantReplaceRPX = false; // Only replace it once.
int result = MCP_LoadCustomFile(replace_target, replace_path, replace_filesize, replace_fileoffset, msg->ioctl.buffer_io, msg->ioctl.length_io, request->pos);
int result = MCP_LoadCustomFile(replace_target, replace_path, replace_filesize, replace_fileoffset, msg->ioctl.buffer_io, msg->ioctl.length_io, request->pos);
if (result >= 0) {
return result;
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static int MCP_LoadCustomFile(int target, char *path, int filesize, int fileoffs
if (target == LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD) {
char mountpath[] = "/vol/storage_iosu_homebrew";
int fsa_h = svcOpen("/dev/fsa", 0);
int fsa_h = svcOpen("/dev/fsa", 0);
FSA_Mount(fsa_h, "/dev/sdcard01", mountpath, 2, NULL, 0);
strncpy(filepath, mountpath, sizeof(filepath) - 1);
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ static int MCP_LoadCustomFile(int target, char *path, int filesize, int fileoffs
/* TODO: If this fails, try last argument as 1 */
int bytesRead = 0;
int result = MCP_DoLoadFile(filepath, NULL, buffer_out, buffer_len, pos + fileoffset, &bytesRead, 0);
int result = MCP_DoLoadFile(filepath, NULL, buffer_out, buffer_len, pos + fileoffset, &bytesRead, 0);
//log("MCP_DoLoadFile returned %d, bytesRead = %d pos %d \n", result, bytesRead, pos + fileoffset);
if (result >= 0) {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static int MCP_LoadCustomFile(int target, char *path, int filesize, int fileoffs
int _MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch(uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, MCPPPrepareTitleInfo *xmlData) {
int (*const real_MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch)(uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, MCPPPrepareTitleInfo *xmlData) = (void *) 0x050024ec + 1; //+1 for thumb
int (*const real_MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch)(uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, MCPPPrepareTitleInfo * xmlData) = (void *) 0x050024ec + 1; //+1 for thumb
int res = real_MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch(u1, u2, xmlData);
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ int _MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch(uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, MCPPPrepareTitleInfo *xmlDat
if (xmlData->titleId != 0x000500001010DC00 && // Mass Effect 3 Special Edition USA
xmlData->titleId != 0x000500001010F500 && // Mass Effect 3 Special Edition EUR
xmlData->titleId != 0x0005000010113000) { // Mass Effect 3 Special Edition JPN
// Give all titles permission to use ACP
xmlData->permissions[10].mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ int _MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch(uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, MCPPPrepareTitleInfo *xmlDat
xmlData->titleId == 0x000500101004E200) {
xmlData->codegen_size = 0x02000000;
xmlData->codegen_core = 0x80000001;
xmlData->max_size = 0x40000000;
xmlData->max_size = 0x40000000;
// Set maximum codesize to 64 MiB
xmlData->max_codesize = 0x04000000;
xmlData->avail_size = 0;
xmlData->max_codesize = 0x04000000;
xmlData->avail_size = 0;
xmlData->overlay_arena = 0;
// Give us full permissions everywhere
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ int _MCP_ReadCOSXml_patch(uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, MCPPPrepareTitleInfo *xmlDat
xmlData->permissions[i].mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
xmlData->default_stack0_size = 0;
xmlData->default_stack1_size = 0;
xmlData->default_stack2_size = 0;
xmlData->default_stack0_size = 0;
xmlData->default_stack1_size = 0;
xmlData->default_stack2_size = 0;
xmlData->default_redzone0_size = 0;
xmlData->default_redzone1_size = 0;
xmlData->default_redzone2_size = 0;
@ -260,16 +260,16 @@ int _MCP_ioctl100_patch(ipcmessage *msg) {
if (msg->ioctl.length_in >= 0x110) {
int target = msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x04 / 0x04];
int filesize = msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x08 / 0x04];
int target = msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x04 / 0x04];
int filesize = msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x08 / 0x04];
int fileoffset = msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x0C / 0x04];
char *str_ptr = (char *) &msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x10 / 0x04];
char *str_ptr = (char *) &msg->ioctl.buffer_in[0x10 / 0x04];
memset(rpxpath, 0, sizeof(rpxpath));
strncpy(rpxpath, str_ptr, 256 - 1);
rep_filesize = filesize;
rep_fileoffset = fileoffset;
rep_filesize = filesize;
rep_fileoffset = fileoffset;
doWantReplaceRPX = true;
//doWantReplaceXML = true;
replace_valid = true;
@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ int _MCP_ioctl100_patch(ipcmessage *msg) {
// Kill existing syslogs to avoid long catch up
uint32_t *bufferPtr = (uint32_t *) (*(uint32_t *) 0x05095ecc);
bufferPtr[0] = 0;
bufferPtr[1] = 0;
bufferPtr[0] = 0;
bufferPtr[1] = 0;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "net_ifmgr_ncl.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int ifmgrncl_handle = 0;
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ static void freeIobuf(void *ptr) {
int IFMGRNCL_GetInterfaceStatus(u16 interface_id, u16 *out_status) {
u8 *iobuf1 = allocIobuf(0x2);
u16 *inbuf = (u16 *) iobuf1;
u8 *iobuf2 = allocIobuf(0x8);
u8 *iobuf1 = allocIobuf(0x2);
u16 *inbuf = (u16 *) iobuf1;
u8 *iobuf2 = allocIobuf(0x8);
u16 *outbuf = (u16 *) iobuf2;
inbuf[0] = interface_id;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "socket.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int socket_handle = 0;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static void freeIobuf(void *ptr) {
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0xC);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0xC);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
inbuf[0] = domain;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) {
int closesocket(int sockfd) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x4);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x4);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ int closesocket(int sockfd) {
int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x18);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x18);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
u32 *outbuf = (u32 *) inbuf;
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen) {
int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) {
if (addrlen != 0x10) return -1;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x18);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x18);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) {
int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) {
if (addrlen != 0x10) return -1;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x18);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x18);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) {
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x8);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x8);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ int listen(int sockfd, int backlog) {
int shutdown(int sockfd, int how) {
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x8);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x8);
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) iobuf;
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ int recv(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags) {
void *data_buf = svcAllocAlign(0xCAFF, len, 0x40);
if (!data_buf) return -100;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x38);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x38);
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) iobuf;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x30];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x30];
inbuf[0] = sockfd;
inbuf[1] = flags;
@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ int send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags) {
void *data_buf = svcAllocAlign(0xCAFF, len, 0x40);
if (!data_buf) return -100;
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x38);
u8 *iobuf = allocIobuf(0x38);
iovec_s *iovec = (iovec_s *) iobuf;
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x30];
u32 *inbuf = (u32 *) &iobuf[0x30];
memcpy(data_buf, buf, len);
@ -5,70 +5,70 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define PF_UNSPEC 0
#define PF_INET 2
#define PF_INET6 10
#define PF_UNSPEC 0
#define PF_INET 2
#define PF_INET6 10
#define AF_INET6 PF_INET6
#define AF_INET6 PF_INET6
#define SOCK_STREAM 1
#define SOCK_DGRAM 2
#define SOCK_STREAM 1
#define SOCK_DGRAM 2
#define MSG_CTRUNC 0x01000000
#define MSG_DONTROUTE 0x02000000
#define MSG_EOR 0x04000000
#define MSG_OOB 0x08000000
#define MSG_PEEK 0x10000000
#define MSG_TRUNC 0x20000000
#define MSG_WAITALL 0x40000000
#define MSG_CTRUNC 0x01000000
#define MSG_DONTROUTE 0x02000000
#define MSG_EOR 0x04000000
#define MSG_OOB 0x08000000
#define MSG_PEEK 0x10000000
#define MSG_TRUNC 0x20000000
#define MSG_WAITALL 0x40000000
#define SHUT_RD 0
#define SHUT_WR 1
#define SHUT_RDWR 2
#define SHUT_RD 0
#define SHUT_WR 1
#define SHUT_RDWR 2
#define SO_DEBUG 0x0001
#define SO_ACCEPTCONN 0x0002
#define SO_REUSEADDR 0x0004
#define SO_KEEPALIVE 0x0008
#define SO_DONTROUTE 0x0010
#define SO_BROADCAST 0x0020
#define SO_USELOOPBACK 0x0040
#define SO_LINGER 0x0080
#define SO_OOBINLINE 0x0100
#define SO_REUSEPORT 0x0200
#define SO_SNDBUF 0x1001
#define SO_RCVBUF 0x1002
#define SO_SNDLOWAT 0x1003
#define SO_RCVLOWAT 0x1004
#define SO_SNDTIMEO 0x1005
#define SO_RCVTIMEO 0x1006
#define SO_ERROR 0x1007
#define SO_TYPE 0x1008
#define SO_DEBUG 0x0001
#define SO_ACCEPTCONN 0x0002
#define SO_REUSEADDR 0x0004
#define SO_KEEPALIVE 0x0008
#define SO_DONTROUTE 0x0010
#define SO_BROADCAST 0x0020
#define SO_USELOOPBACK 0x0040
#define SO_LINGER 0x0080
#define SO_OOBINLINE 0x0100
#define SO_REUSEPORT 0x0200
#define SO_SNDBUF 0x1001
#define SO_RCVBUF 0x1002
#define SO_SNDLOWAT 0x1003
#define SO_RCVLOWAT 0x1004
#define SO_SNDTIMEO 0x1005
#define SO_RCVTIMEO 0x1006
#define SO_ERROR 0x1007
#define SO_TYPE 0x1008
#define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000
#define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000
#define INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001
#define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000
#define INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001
#define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000
#define IPPROTO_IP 0 /* dummy for IP */
#define IPPROTO_UDP 17 /* user datagram protocol */
#define IPPROTO_TCP 6 /* tcp */
#define IPPROTO_IP 0 /* dummy for IP */
#define IPPROTO_UDP 17 /* user datagram protocol */
#define IPPROTO_TCP 6 /* tcp */
#define IP_TOS 7
#define IP_TTL 8
#define IP_TOS 7
#define IP_TTL 8
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define U64_MAX UINT64_MAX
#define U64_MAX UINT64_MAX
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fsa.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "ipc.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "net_ifmgr_ncl.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "ipc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int serverKilled;
static int serverSocket;
@ -24,84 +24,84 @@ static int serverCommandHandler(u32 *command_buffer, u32 length) {
case 0:
// write
// [cmd_id][addr]
void *dst = (void *) command_buffer[1];
void *dst = (void *) command_buffer[1];
memcpy(dst, &command_buffer[2], length - 8);
memcpy(dst, &command_buffer[2], length - 8);
case 1:
// read
// [cmd_id][addr][length]
void *src = (void *) command_buffer[1];
length = command_buffer[2];
void *src = (void *) command_buffer[1];
length = command_buffer[2];
memcpy(&command_buffer[1], src, length);
out_length = length + 4;
memcpy(&command_buffer[1], src, length);
out_length = length + 4;
case 2:
// svc
// [cmd_id][svc_id]
int svc_id = command_buffer[1];
int size_arguments = length - 8;
int svc_id = command_buffer[1];
int size_arguments = length - 8;
u32 arguments[8];
memset(arguments, 0x00, sizeof(arguments));
memcpy(arguments, &command_buffer[2], (size_arguments < 8 * 4) ? size_arguments : (8 * 4));
u32 arguments[8];
memset(arguments, 0x00, sizeof(arguments));
memcpy(arguments, &command_buffer[2], (size_arguments < 8 * 4) ? size_arguments : (8 * 4));
// return error code as data
out_length = 8;
command_buffer[1] = ((int (*const)(u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32)) (MCP_SVC_BASE + svc_id * 8))(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5],
arguments[6], arguments[7]);
// return error code as data
out_length = 8;
command_buffer[1] = ((int (*const)(u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32))(MCP_SVC_BASE + svc_id * 8))(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5],
arguments[6], arguments[7]);
case 3:
// kill
// [cmd_id]
serverKilled = 1;
serverKilled = 1;
case 4:
// memcpy
// [dst][src][size]
void *dst = (void *) command_buffer[1];
void *src = (void *) command_buffer[2];
int size = command_buffer[3];
void *dst = (void *) command_buffer[1];
void *src = (void *) command_buffer[2];
int size = command_buffer[3];
memcpy(dst, src, size);
memcpy(dst, src, size);
case 5:
// repeated-write
// [address][value][n]
u32 *dst = (u32 *) command_buffer[1];
u32 *cache_range = (u32 *) (command_buffer[1] & ~0xFF);
u32 value = command_buffer[2];
u32 n = command_buffer[3];
u32 *dst = (u32 *) command_buffer[1];
u32 *cache_range = (u32 *) (command_buffer[1] & ~0xFF);
u32 value = command_buffer[2];
u32 n = command_buffer[3];
u32 old = *dst;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (*dst != old) {
if (*dst == 0x0) old = *dst;
else {
*dst = value;
svcFlushDCache(cache_range, 0x100);
u32 old = *dst;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (*dst != old) {
if (*dst == 0x0) old = *dst;
else {
*dst = value;
svcFlushDCache(cache_range, 0x100);
} else {
svcInvalidateDCache(cache_range, 0x100);
} else {
svcInvalidateDCache(cache_range, 0x100);
// unknown command
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ static void serverListenClients() {
memset(&server, 0x00, sizeof(server));
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = 1337;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = 1337;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
if (bind(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ void _main() {
int (*reply)(int, int) = (int (*)(int, int)) 0x1012ED04;
int saved_handle = *(volatile int *) 0x0012F000;
int myret = reply(saved_handle, 0);
int myret = reply(saved_handle, 0);
if (myret != 0)
@ -19,6 +19,4 @@ void _main() {
"newlr: .word 0x1012EACC\n"
"newr0: .word 0x10146080\n"
"newpc: .word 0x10111164\n");
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <coreinit/cache.h>
#include <coreinit/ios.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <sysapp/title.h>
#include <whb/log.h>
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// When the kernel exploit is set up successfully, we signal the ios to move on.
int mcpFd = IOS_Open("/dev/mcp", (IOSOpenMode) 0);
if (mcpFd >= 0) {
int out = 0;
IOS_Ioctl(mcpFd, 100, &in, sizeof(in), &out, sizeof(out));
out = 0;
IOS_Ioctl(mcpFd, 100, &in, sizeof(in), &out, sizeof(out));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user