2023-08-04 23:40:16 +00:00
var searchData =
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[ 'ed64_0' , [ 'Transfering Saves From An ED64' , [ '../md_docs_200__getting__started__sd.html#autotoc_md40' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
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[ 'ed64_20p_20clone_1' , [ 'ED64 (P clone)' , [ '../index.html#autotoc_md20' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ed64_20vseries_2' , [ 'ED64 (Vseries)' , [ '../index.html#autotoc_md18' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ed64_20wip_20untested_20and_20unsupported_20use_20at_20own_20risk_3' , [ 'ED64 - WIP - UNTESTED AND UNSUPPORTED - USE AT OWN RISK' , [ '../index.html#autotoc_md17' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ed64_20x_20series_4' , [ 'ED64 (X series)' , [ '../index.html#autotoc_md19' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ed64_5fvseries_5' , [ 'ED64_Vseries' , [ '../group__ED64__Vseries.html' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ed64_5fvseries_2eh_6' , [ 'ed64_vseries.h' , [ '../ed64__vseries_8h.html' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ed64_5fxseries_7' , [ 'ED64_Xseries' , [ '../group__ED64__Xseries.html' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
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[ 'emulator_8' , [ 'Ares Emulator' , [ '../md_docs_299__developer__guide.html#autotoc_md58' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'emulator_20support_9' , [ 'Emulator Support' , [ '../md_docs_200__getting__started__sd.html#autotoc_md36' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
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[ 'enable_20disable_20byteswap_20on_20load_20command_10' , [ '"Enable/disable byteswap on load" command' , [ '..//github/workspace/src/flashcart/64drive/README.md#autotoc_md28' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'enable_20disable_20extended_20address_20mode_20command_11' , [ '"Enable/disable extended address mode" command' , [ '..//github/workspace/src/flashcart/64drive/README.md#autotoc_md29' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'enable_20disable_20save_20writeback_20command_12' , [ '"Enable/disable save writeback" command' , [ '..//github/workspace/src/flashcart/64drive/README.md#autotoc_md27' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'endianness_13' , [ 'endianness' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a0b802f6d76c318b3077b4b076fa29c15' , 1 , 'rom_info_t' ] ] ] ,
[ 'endianness_5fbig_14' , [ 'ENDIANNESS_BIG' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a82c04852ed047d4fc2eea528a25fec4aadb8bfce13d503ca160e7968f85644b3d' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'endianness_5fbyte_5fswap_15' , [ 'ENDIANNESS_BYTE_SWAP' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a82c04852ed047d4fc2eea528a25fec4aa5c832eba6efdb777959ce3795fa67a53' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'endianness_5flittle_16' , [ 'ENDIANNESS_LITTLE' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a82c04852ed047d4fc2eea528a25fec4aa6d87b6ddecfd90ad85a9e202fe97c94c' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'entry_5ft_17' , [ 'entry_t' , [ '../menu__state_8h.html#structentry__t' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'entry_5ftype_5ft_18' , [ 'entry_type_t' , [ '../menu__state_8h.html#a7e00527da87fefde59d447ebc4aedd7a' , 1 , 'menu_state.h' ] ] ] ,
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[ 'environment_19' , [ 'A quickstart video tutorial on how to set up your environment' , [ '../md_docs_299__developer__guide.html#autotoc_md53' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'expansion_20disks_20' , [ 'Expansion disks' , [ '../md_docs_201__menu__controls.html#autotoc_md48' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
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[ 'expansion_5fpak_5ffaulty_21' , [ 'EXPANSION_PAK_FAULTY' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a250b0904144dfc38ccb7637464f5aa59afbb76c646ca33b144594fa1dc381ca04' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'expansion_5fpak_5fnone_22' , [ 'EXPANSION_PAK_NONE' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a250b0904144dfc38ccb7637464f5aa59a46117d7839a1b542d71c6ab1587a8172' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'expansion_5fpak_5frecommended_23' , [ 'EXPANSION_PAK_RECOMMENDED' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a250b0904144dfc38ccb7637464f5aa59a56cc066bcf96dd9ec437e75d4fee4a3a' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'expansion_5fpak_5frequired_24' , [ 'EXPANSION_PAK_REQUIRED' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a250b0904144dfc38ccb7637464f5aa59ac8f26f21dc54c02dbfacfc076e785947' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'expansion_5fpak_5fsuggested_25' , [ 'EXPANSION_PAK_SUGGESTED' , [ '../rom__info_8h.html#a250b0904144dfc38ccb7637464f5aa59a25d9b18d9c0f36871ded0e36966f410e' , 1 , 'rom_info.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'experimental_20features_26' , [ 'Experimental features' , [ '../index.html#autotoc_md8' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'extended_20address_20mode_20command_27' , [ '"Enable/disable extended address mode" command' , [ '..//github/workspace/src/flashcart/64drive/README.md#autotoc_md29' , 1 , '' ] ] ]
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] ;