<divclass="headertitle"><divclass="title">First time setup of SD card </div></div>
<divclass="textblock"><p>Using your PC, insert the SD card and ensure it is formatted for compatibility with your flashcart (<em>FAT32 and EXFAT are fully supported on the SC64</em>).</p>
<li>Download the latest <code>sc64menu.n64</code> (assuming you are using an <em>sc64</em>) file from the <ahref="https://github.com/Polprzewodnikowy/N64FlashcartMenu/releases/">releases</a> page, then put it in the root directory of your SD card.</li>
<p>For the ability to load and run 64DD disk images, you need to place the required 64DD IPL dumps in the <code>/menu/64ddipl</code> folder on the SD card. For more details, follow <ahref="https://64dd.org/tutorial_sc64.html">this guide on the 64dd.org website</a>.</p>
So what would the layout of the SD Card look like?</h3>
<divclass="line">├── (some folder with roms)\</div>
<divclass="line"> │ └── (some folder with roms)\</div>
<divclass="line"> | └── (Some supported ROM files)</div>
<divclass="line"> │</div>
<divclass="line"> ├── (Some supported ROM files)</div>
<divclass="line"> |</div>
<divclass="line"> └── (Some folder with 64DD disk images)\</div>
<divclass="line"> └── (Some 64DD disk images)</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><h1><aclass="anchor"id="autotoc_md29"></a>
Save Files</h1>
<p>All save files (whether <code>FlashRam</code>, <code>SRAM</code> or <code>EEPROM</code>) use the <code>.sav</code> extension and match the filename of a ROM.</p>
<p>Each save file can be found in the <code>/saves</code> folder located in the <b>same directory</b> as the ROM and shares the same file name, apart from the extension. These files are created and modified when a "game" saves.</p>
<divclass="fragment"><divclass="line">├── (some folder with roms)\</div>
<divclass="line"> ├── a_rom.z64</div>
<divclass="line"> ├── b_rom.n64</div>
<divclass="line"> └── saves\</div>
<divclass="line"> ├── a_rom.sav</div>
<divclass="line"> └── b_rom.sav</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><h2><aclass="anchor"id="autotoc_md30"></a>
Transfering saves from an ED64</h2>
<p>If transferring a file from a different flashcart, such as the ED64, it will be necessary to change the extension of the file to <code>sav</code>.</p>
<p>i.e. for <code>Glover (USA).eep</code> you would need to change the extension to <code>Glover (USA).sav</code></p>
<p>You may also need to pad/trim the files to their original size:</p><ul>
<li>For EEPROM 4Kbit games, remove the padding.</li>
<li>For others, use a tool such as Ninjiteu's N64 Save converter.</li>
<p><b>NOTE:</b> certain emulator saves or saves created for a different ROM version or region may be incompatible. </p>