// NOTE: This code doesn't implement EverDrive-64 USB protocol. // Main use of these functions is to aid menu development // (for example replace files on the SD card or reboot menu). #include #include #include #include "usb_comm.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #define MAX_FILE_SIZE MiB(4) typedef struct { const char *id; void (*op) (menu_t *menu); } usb_comm_command_t; static int usb_comm_get_char (void) { char c; if (USBHEADER_GETSIZE(usb_poll()) <= 0) { return -1; } usb_read(&c, sizeof(c)); return (int) (c); } static bool usb_comm_read_string (char *string, int length, char end) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int c = usb_comm_get_char(); if (c < 0) { return true; } string[i] = (char) (c); if (c == '\0' || c == end) { string[i] = '\0'; break; } if (i == (length - 1)) { return true; } } return false; } static void usb_comm_send_error (const char *message) { usb_purge(); usb_write(DATATYPE_TEXT, message, strlen(message)); } static void command_reboot (menu_t *menu) { menu->next_mode = MENU_MODE_BOOT; menu->boot_params->device_type = BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE_ROM; menu->boot_params->tv_type = BOOT_TV_TYPE_PASSTHROUGH; menu->boot_params->detect_cic_seed = true; }; static void command_send_file (menu_t *menu) { char path[256]; char length[8]; FIL f; int remaining; uint8_t data[8192]; UINT bytes_written; if (usb_comm_read_string(path, sizeof(path), ' ')) { return usb_comm_send_error("Invalid path argument\n"); } if (usb_comm_get_char() != '@') { return usb_comm_send_error("Invalid argument\n"); } if (usb_comm_read_string(length, sizeof(length), '@')) { return usb_comm_send_error("Invalid file length argument\n"); } if (f_open(&f, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK) { return usb_comm_send_error("Couldn't create file\n"); } remaining = atoi(length); if (remaining > MAX_FILE_SIZE) { return usb_comm_send_error("File size too big\n"); } while (remaining > 0) { int block_size = MIN(remaining, sizeof(data)); usb_read(data, block_size); if (f_write(&f, data, block_size, &bytes_written) != FR_OK) { f_close(&f); return usb_comm_send_error("Couldn't write data to the file\n"); } if (bytes_written != block_size) { f_close(&f); return usb_comm_send_error("Couldn't write all required data to the file\n"); } remaining -= block_size; } if (f_close(&f) != FR_OK) { return usb_comm_send_error("Couldn't flush data to the file\n"); } if (usb_comm_get_char() != '\0') { return usb_comm_send_error("Invalid token at the end of data stream\n"); } } static usb_comm_command_t commands[] = { { .id = "reboot", .op = command_reboot }, { .id = "send-file", .op = command_send_file }, { .id = NULL }, }; void usb_comm_poll (menu_t *menu) { uint32_t header = usb_poll(); if (USBHEADER_GETTYPE(header) != DATATYPE_TEXT) { usb_purge(); return; } if (USBHEADER_GETSIZE(header) > 0) { char cmd_id[32]; if (usb_comm_read_string(cmd_id, sizeof(cmd_id), ' ')) { usb_comm_send_error("Command id too long\n"); } else { usb_comm_command_t *cmd = commands; while (cmd->id != NULL) { if (strcmp(cmd->id, cmd_id) == 0) { cmd->op(menu); break; } cmd++; } usb_purge(); if (cmd->id == NULL) { usb_comm_send_error("Unknown command\n"); } } } }