<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above --> ## Description <!--- Describe your changes in detail --> Add some missing cart ID's to the database ## Motivation and Context <!--- What does this sample do? What problem does it solve? --> <!--- If it fixes/closes/resolves an open issue, please link to the issue here --> Some were missing. ## How Has This Been Tested? <!-- (if applicable) --> <!--- Please describe in detail how you tested your sample/changes. --> <!--- Include details of your testing environment, and the tests you ran to --> <!--- see how your change affects other areas of the code, etc. --> ## Screenshots <!-- (if appropriate): --> ## Types of changes <!--- What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply: --> - [x] Improvement (non-breaking change that adds a new feature) - [ ] Bug fix (fixes an issue) - [ ] Breaking change (breaking change) - [ ] Config and build (change in the configuration and build system, has no impact on code or features) ## Checklist: <!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. --> <!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! --> - [x] My code follows the code style of this project. - [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation. - [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly. - [ ] I have added tests to cover my changes. - [ ] All new and existing tests passed. <!--- It would be nice if you could sign off your contribution by replacing the name with your GitHub user name and GitHub email contact. --> Signed-off-by: GITHUB_USER <GITHUB_USER_EMAIL> --------- Co-authored-by: Mateusz Faderewski <sc@mateuszfaderewski.pl>
This repo and its documentation is currently experimental and subject to change without notice.
- Support as many N64 FlashCarts as possible.
- Be open source using preferably MIT licensed third party licensed libraries where possible.
- Be testable, where possible using CTest, but if not, in an emulated environment.
- Encourage active development from community members and N64 FlashCart owners.
- Support PixelFX N64Digital
Basic usage
Download the sc64menu.n64
ROM from the latest action run assets.
Add it to the root folder on your SD card.
Create a file called config.sc64.toml.txt
Add the following content, replacing the comments.
rom_path = "<!-- path to your ROM from the root of your SD card, note the quotes -->"
save_path = "<!-- path to a save file from the root of your SD card, note the quotes -->"
save_type = <!-- a number representing the save type (see save types) -->
auto_load = <!-- a boolean value of `true` or `false` -->
save_writeback = false
auto_load_last_rom = false
current_directory = "sd://"
device_type = 0;
reset_type = 1;
detect_tv_type = true;
detect_cic_seed = true;
Save it to the root folder on your SD card.
Save types
= SRAM_128K
Not currently not supported, but there is an aim to do so. The aim is to replace Altra64 and ED64-UnofficialOS.
Developer documentation
Work in progress!
You can use a dev container in VSCode to ease development.
To deploy:
- Download the deployer here
- Extract and place
in thetools/sc64
Make sure that your firmware is compatible (currently v2.16.0+) See: https://github.com/Polprzewodnikowy/SummerCart64/blob/v2.16.0/docs/00_quick_startup_guide.md#firmware-backupupdate
From the devcontainer
It is not currently possible to directly communicate with USB devices.
BUT, as a work around you can use a proxy TCP/IP connection
Set up a proxy: open a terminal window, cd ./tools/sc64
and then ./sc64deployer.exe server
Then in the dev container, use ./remotedeploy.sh
From your host (Windows) OS
- Run
from the terminal
Toggle the N64 power switch to load the ROM.
will help (installed automatically in dev container).
TODO: it does not yet work with F5
: see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/now-announcing-makefile-support-in-visual-studio-code/
WORKAROUND: in the dev container terminal, use make directly, i.e.: make
The ROM can be found in the output
NOTE: a "release" version of the SC64 menu is called sc64menu.n64
and can be created for when you want to add it directly to the SDCard. This is generated by running make all
or running make sc64_minify
Update Libdragon submodule
This repo currently uses the unstable
branch as a submodule at a specific commit.
To update to the latest version, use git submodule update --remote
from the terminal.
Generate documentation
Run doxygen
from the dev container terminal.
Make sure you fix the warnings before creating a PR!