import sys import math import os.path import subprocess import unicodedata from natsort import natsorted import shlex done = "Error: No games found." total = 0 count = 0 pattern_1 = [b'\x01', b'\x0D'] pattern_2 = [b'\x3B', b'\x31'] # Function to count game files in the given folder def count_files(folder, extensions): global total for image in os.listdir(game_path + folder): if any(image.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in extensions): total += 1 # Function to process game files in the given folder def process_files(folder, extensions): global total global count global done gameid_file_path = "./helper/TitlesDB_PS2_English.csv" # Read TitlesDB_PS2_English.csv and create a dictionary of title IDs to game names game_names = {} if os.path.isfile(gameid_file_path): with open(gameid_file_path, 'r') as gameid_file: for line in gameid_file: parts = line.strip().split('|') # Split title ID and game name if len(parts) == 3: game_names[parts[0]] = (parts[1], parts[2]) # Prepare a list to hold all game list entries game_list_entries = [] for image in os.listdir(game_path + folder): if any(image.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in extensions): print(math.floor((count * 100) / total), '% complete') print('Processing', image) index = 0 string = "" original_image = image # Store the original filename (e.g., `.zso` or `.iso`) converted_iso = False # Check the filename condition for all files file_name_without_ext = os.path.splitext(image)[0] if len(file_name_without_ext) >= 9 and file_name_without_ext[4] == '_' and file_name_without_ext[8] == '.': # Filename meets the condition, directly set the game ID string = file_name_without_ext[:11] print(f"Filename meets condition. Game ID set directly from filename: {string}") # If the file has a .zso extension and no ID was set, convert to .iso if image.lower().endswith('.zso') and not string: zso_path = os.path.join(game_path + folder, image) iso_path = os.path.join(game_path + folder, os.path.splitext(image)[0] + '.iso') print(f"Converting {image} from .zso to .iso...") venv_activate = os.path.join('venv', 'bin', 'activate') command = ( f"source {shlex.quote(venv_activate)} && " f"python3 ./helper/ -c 0 {shlex.quote(zso_path)} {shlex.quote(iso_path)}" ), shell=True, check=True, executable='/bin/bash') # Update image to the new .iso path for processing image = os.path.basename(iso_path) converted_iso = True # Mark the .iso file as being converted from .zso # Extract the game ID from the file content if not set by the filename if not string: # Only process if the game ID is not set from the filename with open(game_path + folder + "/" + image, "rb") as file: while (byte := if len(string) < 4: if index == 2: string += byte.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') elif byte == pattern_1[index]: index += 1 else: string = "" index = 0 elif len(string) == 4: index = 0 if byte == b'\x5F': string += byte.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') else: string = "" elif len(string) < 8: string += byte.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') elif len(string) == 8: if byte == b'\x2E': string += byte.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') else: string = "" elif len(string) < 11: string += byte.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') elif len(string) == 11: if byte == pattern_2[index]: index += 1 if index == 2: break else: string = "" index = 0 count += 1 # Fallback if no title ID is found if len(string) != 11: string = os.path.splitext(original_image)[0][:11] print(f'No title ID found. Defaulting to first 11 chars of filename: {string}') # Rename the original `.zso` file to begin with the `gameid` if converted_iso: new_filename = f"{string}.{original_image}" new_zso_path = os.path.join(game_path + folder, new_filename) os.rename(zso_path, new_zso_path) print(f"Renamed {original_image} to {new_filename}") original_image = new_filename # Update the original image reference # Determine game name and publisher entry = game_names.get(string) if entry: game_name, publisher = entry else: game_name = os.path.splitext(original_image)[0] publisher = "" # Format entry with game name, game ID, publisher, and updated original image info folder_image = f"{folder.replace('/', '', 1)}|{original_image}" game_list_entry = f"{game_name}|{string}|{publisher}|{folder_image}" game_list_entries.append(game_list_entry) # If the file was converted from .zso to .iso, delete the .iso file if converted_iso: os.remove(game_path + folder + "/" + image) print(f"Deleted the temporary ISO file: {image}") # Write all entries to the ps2.list file if game_list_entries: with open(games_list_path, "a") as output: for entry in game_list_entries: output.write(f"{entry}\n") done = "Done!" # Function to normalize text by removing diacritical marks and converting to ASCII def normalize_text(text): """ Normalize text by removing diacritical marks and converting to ASCII. """ return ''.join( c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn' ) # Main function to sort the games list def sort_games_list(): # Read the ps2.list into a list of lines with open(games_list_path, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() # Sort the lines by the first field dynamically def sort_key(line): # Split the line into fields fields = line.strip().split('|') # Extract the game title (first field) and game_id (second field, if present) first_field = fields[0].strip() game_id = fields[1].strip() if len(fields) > 1 else "" # Special condition for 'Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy' if first_field.lower() == "jak and daxter: the precursor legacy": return ("jak", game_id) # Special condition for 'Ratchet: Deadlocked' if first_field.lower() == "ratchet: deadlocked": return ("ratchet & clank", game_id) # Special condition for 'Ratchet: Deadlocked' if first_field.lower() == "secret agent clank": return ("ratchet & clank", game_id) # Special condition for 'Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus' if first_field.lower().startswith("sly cooper and the thievius raccoonus"): return ("sly", game_id) # Special condition for 'Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner' if first_field.lower().startswith("zone of the enders: the 2nd runner"): return ("zone of the enders 2", game_id) # Special condition for 'Grand Theft Auto III' if first_field.lower().startswith("grand theft auto iii"): return ("grand theft auto", game_id) # Special condition for 'The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2' if first_field.lower().startswith("the document of metal gear solid 2"): return ("metal gear solid 2", game_id) # Special condition for 'Forbidden Siren' if first_field.lower().startswith("forbidden siren 2"): return ("siren 2", game_id) # Special condition for 'We Love Katamari' if first_field.lower().startswith("we love katamari"): return ("katamari damacy 2", game_id) # Check for colon and truncate at the first colon, if exists if ':' in first_field: first_field = first_field.split(':')[0].strip() # Remove leading "The" or "the" for sorting purposes if first_field.lower().startswith('the '): first_field = first_field[4:].strip() # Normalize the title normalized_title = normalize_text(first_field) # Remove special characters normalized_title = ''.join(c for c in normalized_title if c.isalnum() or c.isspace()) # Check for special cases like Roman numeral endings replacements = { ' I': ' 1', ' II': ' 2', ' III': ' 3', ' IV': ' 4', ' V': ' 5', ' VI': ' 6', ' VII': ' 7', ' VIII': ' 8', ' IX': ' 9', ' X': ' 10', ' XI': ' 11', ' XII': ' 12', ' XIII': ' 13', ' XIV': ' 14', ' XV': ' 15', ' XVI': ' 16', ' XVII': ' 17', ' XVIII': ' 18', ' XIX': ' 19', ' XX': ' 20' } for roman, digit in replacements.items(): if normalized_title.endswith(roman): normalized_title = normalized_title.replace(roman, digit) break final_key = normalized_title.lower() return (final_key, game_id) # Sort the lines by the dynamic key using natsorted sorted_lines = natsorted(lines, key=sort_key) # Write the sorted lines back to the specified games list path with open(games_list_path, 'w') as file: file.writelines(sorted_lines) def main(arg1, arg2): if arg1 and arg2: global game_path global games_list_path game_path = arg1 games_list_path = arg2 # Remove any existing game list file if os.path.isfile(games_list_path): os.remove(games_list_path) # Count and process files in the DVD and CD folders for folder, extensions in [('/DVD', ['.iso', '.zso']), ('/CD', ['.iso', '.zso'])]: if os.path.isdir(game_path + folder): count_files(folder, extensions) else: print(f'{folder} not found at ' + game_path) sys.exit(1) # Check if no games were found if total == 0: print("No PS2 games found in the CD or DVD folder.") sys.exit(1) # Process the files now that we know there are games for folder, extensions in [('/DVD', ['.iso', '.zso']), ('/CD', ['.iso', '.zso'])]: if os.path.isdir(game_path + folder): process_files(folder, extensions) # Sort the games list after processing sort_games_list() print(done) print('') if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('Usage: python3 ') sys.exit(1) main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])