#include "ApplicationState.h" #include "WiiUScreen.h" #include "ScreenUtils.h" #include "StringTools.h" #include "../build/safe_payload.h" #include #include extern "C" void OSShutdown(); void ApplicationState::changeState(eGameState newState) { this->state = newState; menu.clear(); if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { menu.addText("The installation failed:"); menu.addText(); menu.addText("Error: " + ErrorMessage()); menu.addText("Description: " + ErrorDescription()); menu.addText(); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Press A to return to the Wii U Menu.", STATE_EXIT_SYSMENU); } else if (this->state == STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN) { menu.addText("Welcome to the Aroma Installer!"); menu.addText("Do you want to check if an installation is possible?"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Check", STATE_GET_APP_INFORMATION); menu.addOption("Exit", STATE_EXIT_SYSMENU); } else if (this->state == STATE_GET_APP_INFORMATION) { menu.addText("Getting app information"); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHECK_PATCH_POSSIBLE) { menu.addText("Check if console can be patched."); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHECK_COLDBOOT_STATUS) { menu.addText("Check if coldboot can be enabled."); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHECK_REMOVAL_POSSIBLE) { menu.addText("Check if Aroma can be removed."); } else if (this->state == STATE_APP_INCOMPATIBLE) { menu.addText("Sorry, Aroma cannot be safely installed to:"); menu.addText(std::string(appInfo->appName)); menu.addText(); menu.addText("Additional informations:"); auto showCheckResult = [&] (const std::string &name, bool canPatch, bool patched) { if (patched) { menu.addText("[ X ] " + name + " is already patched!"); } else if (canPatch) { menu.addText("[ X ] " + name + " can be patched!"); } else { menu.addText("[ ] " + name + " can NOT be patched!"); } }; if (this->tmdValid) { menu.addText("[ X ] title.tmd is valid!"); } else { menu.addText("[ ] title.tmd is NOT valid!"); } showCheckResult("title.fst", this->fstPatchPossible, this->fstAlreadyPatched); showCheckResult("cos.xml", this->cosPatchPossible, this->cosAlreadyPatched); showCheckResult("safe.rpx", true, this->rpxAlreadyPatched); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Exit", STATE_EXIT_SYSMENU); } else if (this->state == STATE_MAIN_MENU) { menu.addText("Aroma " + std::string(alreadyInstalled ? "is" : "can be") + " installed to:"); menu.addText(std::string(appInfo->appName)); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Install", STATE_INSTALL_CONFIRM_DIALOG); menu.addOption("Boot options", STATE_BOOT_MENU); if (this->removalPossible) { menu.addOption("Remove", STATE_REMOVE_CONFIRM_DIALOG); } menu.addOption("Exit", STATE_EXIT_SYSMENU); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_CONFIRM_DIALOG) { menu.addText("Are you REALLY sure you want to install Aroma?"); menu.addText("Installing could permanently damage your console"); menu.addText(); menu.addText("After the installation you can NO longer use:"); menu.addText("- " + std::string(appInfo->appName)); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Back", STATE_MAIN_MENU); menu.addOption("Install", STATE_INSTALL_STARTED); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_STARTED) { menu.addText("Installing..."); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_BACKUP) { menu.addText("... backing up files"); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_FST) { menu.addText("... patching title.fst"); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_COS) { menu.addText("... patching cos.xml"); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_RPX) { menu.addText("... install safe.rpx"); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_SUCCESS) { menu.addText("Aroma was successfully installed"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Press A to shutdown the console", STATE_EXIT_SHUTDOWN); } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_CONFIRM_DIALOG) { if (this->systemXMLAlreadyPatched) { menu.addText("Before you can remove Aroma you need to switch"); menu.addText("the system boot title back to the Wii U Menu"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Back", STATE_MAIN_MENU); } else { menu.addText("Are you REALLY sure you want to remove Aroma?"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Back", STATE_MAIN_MENU); menu.addOption("Remove", STATE_REMOVE_STARTED); } } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_STARTED) { menu.addText("Removing..."); } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_COLDBOOT) { menu.addText("... remove system.xml coldboot patches"); } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_AROMA) { menu.addText("... remove Aroma application patches"); } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_SUCCESS) { menu.addText("Aroma was successfully removed"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Press A to shutdown the console", STATE_EXIT_SHUTDOWN); } else if (this->state == STATE_BOOT_MENU) { menu.addText("System is currently booting into: "); std::string titleId = StringTools::strfmt("%ll016X", this->coldbootTitleId); std::string titleName = this->coldbootTitle ? std::string(this->coldbootTitle->name) : "Unknown title"; menu.addText(titleId + " (" + titleName + ")"); menu.addText(); if (this->systemXMLRestorePossible && this->systemXMLAlreadyPatched) { menu.addText("If you have modified the Wii U Menu this could make"); menu.addText("your console unusable"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Switch back to Wii U Menu", STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_SYSMENU); } else if (this->systemXMLPatchAllowed) { menu.addOption("Switch to Aroma", STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_AROMA); } else if (this->systemXMLPatchPossible) { menu.addText("To change the system boot title to Aroma, you need to"); menu.addText("launch this installer from an already running Aroma"); menu.addText("instance, in order to verify that the installation"); menu.addText("is working properly."); menu.addText(); menu.addText("After installing Aroma, reboot the console, open the"); menu.addText("Health & Safety app and relaunch the Aroma installer."); menu.addText(); } else { menu.addText("Sorry, your system.xml file has not yet been tested"); menu.addText("with this tool. Boot options cannot be modified."); menu.addText(); } menu.addOption("Back", STATE_MAIN_MENU); } else if (this->state == STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_AROMA) { menu.addText("Changing system.xml to boot " + std::string(this->appInfo->appName) + " ..."); } else if (this->state == STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_SYSMENU) { menu.addText("Changing system.xml to boot System Menu ..."); } else if (this->state == STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_SUCCESS) { menu.addText("Boot title successfully updated!"); menu.addText(); menu.addOption("Press A to shutdown the console", STATE_EXIT_SHUTDOWN); } this->state = newState; } void ApplicationState::render() { menu.render(); } void ApplicationState::update(Input *input) { if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(true); } else if (this->state == STATE_GET_APP_INFORMATION) { getAppInformation(); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHECK_PATCH_POSSIBLE) { checkPatchPossible(); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHECK_COLDBOOT_STATUS) { checkColdbootStatus(); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHECK_REMOVAL_POSSIBLE) { checkRemovalPossible(); } else if (this->state == STATE_COMPATIBILITY_RESULTS) { if (this->installPossible) { changeState(STATE_MAIN_MENU); } else { changeState(STATE_APP_INCOMPATIBLE); } } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_STARTED) { OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(false); changeState(STATE_INSTALL_BACKUP); } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_BACKUP) { auto result = InstallerService::backupAppFiles(this->appInfo->path); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_INSTALL_FST); } } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_FST) { auto result = (this->fstAlreadyPatched) ? InstallerService::SUCCESS : InstallerService::patchFST(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->fstHash); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_INSTALL_COS); } } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_COS) { auto result = (this->cosAlreadyPatched) ? InstallerService::SUCCESS : InstallerService::patchCOS(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->cosHash); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_INSTALL_RPX); } } else if (this->state == STATE_INSTALL_RPX) { auto result = InstallerService::copyRPX(this->appInfo->path, root_rpx, root_rpx_size, RPX_HASH); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_INSTALL_SUCCESS); } } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_STARTED) { OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(false); if (this->systemXMLAlreadyPatched) { changeState(STATE_REMOVE_COLDBOOT); } else { changeState(STATE_REMOVE_AROMA); } } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_COLDBOOT) { auto result = InstallerService::setBootTitle(*this->systemMenuTitleId); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_REMOVE_AROMA); } } else if (this->state == STATE_REMOVE_AROMA) { auto result = InstallerService::restoreAppFiles(this->appInfo->path); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_REMOVE_SUCCESS); } } else if (this->state == STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_SYSMENU) { OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(false); auto result = InstallerService::setBootTitle(*this->systemMenuTitleId); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_SUCCESS); } } else if (this->state == STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_AROMA) { OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(false); auto result = InstallerService::setBootTitle(this->appInfo->titleId); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { this->installerError = result; setError(ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR); } else { changeState(STATE_BOOT_SWITCH_SUCCESS); } } else if (this->state == STATE_EXIT_SYSMENU) { SYSLaunchMenu(); } else if (this->state == STATE_EXIT_SHUTDOWN) { OSShutdown(); } menu.update(input); } ApplicationState::ApplicationState() { menu.setOptionsCallback(std::bind(&ApplicationState::changeState, this, std::placeholders::_1)); menu.setHeader("Aroma Installer"); menu.setFooter("By Maschell"); changeState(STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("State has changed to \"STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN\""); } void ApplicationState::checkPatchPossible() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Check patch possible"); this->fstAlreadyPatched = (InstallerService::checkFSTAlreadyValid(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->fstHash) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); this->rpxAlreadyPatched = (InstallerService::checkRPXAlreadyValid(this->appInfo->path, RPX_HASH) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); this->cosAlreadyPatched = (InstallerService::checkCOSAlreadyValid(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->cosHash) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); this->tmdValid = (InstallerService::checkTMDValid(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->tmdHash, this->appInfo->tmdWithCertHash) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); InstallerService::eResults result; this->fstPatchPossible = ((result = InstallerService::checkFST(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->fstHash)) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("ERROR: %s", InstallerService::ErrorMessage(result).c_str()); } this->cosPatchPossible = ((result = InstallerService::checkCOS(this->appInfo->path, this->appInfo->cosHash)) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("ERROR: %s", InstallerService::ErrorMessage(result).c_str()); } this->installPossible = this->fstPatchPossible && this->cosPatchPossible && this->tmdValid; this->alreadyInstalled = this->fstAlreadyPatched && this->rpxAlreadyPatched && this->cosAlreadyPatched; changeState(STATE_CHECK_COLDBOOT_STATUS); } void ApplicationState::checkColdbootStatus() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Check coldboot status"); this->coldbootTitleId = InstallerService::getColdbootTitleId("storage_slc_installer:/config"); this->coldbootTitle = nullptr; for (int i = 0; GameList[i].tid != 0; i++) { if (GameList[i].tid == this->coldbootTitleId) { this->coldbootTitle = &GameList[i]; break; } } InstallerService::eResults result; this->systemMenuTitleId = InstallerService::getSystemMenuTitleId(); this->systemXMLPatchPossible = ((result = InstallerService::checkSystemXML("storage_slc_installer:/config", this->appInfo->titleId)) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("ERROR: %s", InstallerService::ErrorMessage(result).c_str()); } if (this->systemMenuTitleId) { this->systemXMLRestorePossible = ((result = InstallerService::checkSystemXML("storage_slc_installer:/config", *this->systemMenuTitleId)) == InstallerService::SUCCESS); if (result != InstallerService::SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("ERROR: %s", InstallerService::ErrorMessage(result).c_str()); } } else { this->systemXMLRestorePossible = false; } this->systemXMLAlreadyPatched = (this->coldbootTitleId == this->appInfo->titleId); this->systemXMLPatchAllowed = this->systemXMLPatchPossible && this->alreadyInstalled && InstallerService::isColdBootAllowed(); changeState(STATE_CHECK_REMOVAL_POSSIBLE); } void ApplicationState::checkRemovalPossible() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Check removal possible"); // We can only restore if a restore of the system.xml is possible or it isn't patched at all. this->removalPossible = !this->systemXMLAlreadyPatched || this->systemXMLRestorePossible; // And we can only install if we have a backup. if (this->removalPossible) { this->removalPossible &= InstallerService::isBackupAvailable(this->appInfo->path); } changeState(STATE_COMPATIBILITY_RESULTS); } void ApplicationState::getAppInformation() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("About to call getInstalledAppInformation"); this->appInfo = InstallerService::getInstalledAppInformation(); if (!this->appInfo) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("ERROR =("); setError(ERROR_NO_APP_INSTALLED); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("WORKED!"); changeState(STATE_CHECK_PATCH_POSSIBLE); } } std::string ApplicationState::ErrorMessage() { if (this->error == ERROR_NONE) { return "NONE"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_NO_APP_INSTALLED) { return "ERROR_NO_APP_INSTALLED"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED) { return "ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR) { return InstallerService::ErrorMessage(this->installerError); } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } std::string ApplicationState::ErrorDescription() { if (this->error == ERROR_NONE) { return "-"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_NO_APP_INSTALLED) { return "No compatible application is installed. A safe installation is not possible."; } else if (this->error == ERROR_INSTALLER_ERROR) { return InstallerService::ErrorDescription(this->installerError); } else if (this->error == ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED) { return "Failed to init IOSUHAX."; } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } void ApplicationState::setError(eErrorState err) { this->error = err; OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(true); changeState(STATE_ERROR); }