#include <coreinit/debug.h> #include <whb/proc.h> #include <whb/log.h> #include <whb/log_udp.h> #include <iosuhax.h> #include <iosuhax_devoptab.h> #include <string_view> #include "WiiUScreen.h" #include "InstallerService.h" #include "ApplicationState.h" #include "WPADInput.h" #include "../build/safe_payload.h" constexpr bool strings_equal(char const *a, char const *b) { return std::string_view(a) == b; } static_assert(strings_equal(RPX_HASH, "9ab80503f82c7e1403e6f966346c825a89cc613f"), "Built with an untested root.rpx! Remove this check if you really know what you're doing."); void initIOSUHax(); void deInitIOSUHax(); int sFSAFd = -1; bool sIosuhaxMount = false; int main_loop() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Creating state"); ApplicationState state; VPadInput vpadInput; WPADInput wpadInputs[4] = { WPAD_CHAN_0, WPAD_CHAN_1, WPAD_CHAN_2, WPAD_CHAN_3 }; if (sFSAFd < 0 || !sIosuhaxMount) { state.setError(ApplicationState::eErrorState::ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED); } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Entering main loop"); while (WHBProcIsRunning()) { vpadInput.update(1280, 720); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { wpadInputs[i].update(1280, 720); vpadInput.combine(wpadInputs[i]); } state.update(&vpadInput); state.render(); } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { WHBLogUdpInit(); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Hello from Aroma Installer!"); WHBProcInit(); WiiUScreen::Init(); initIOSUHax(); WPADInput::init(); main_loop(); WPADInput::close(); deInitIOSUHax(); WiiUScreen::DeInit(); WHBProcShutdown(); return 0; } void initIOSUHax() { sIosuhaxMount = false; int res = IOSUHAX_Open(nullptr); if (res < 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("IOSUHAX_open failed"); OSFatal("IOSUHAX_open failed, please start this installer with an CFW"); } else { sIosuhaxMount = true; sFSAFd = IOSUHAX_FSA_Open(); if (sFSAFd < 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("IOSUHAX_FSA_Open failed"); } else { mount_fs("storage_slc_installer", sFSAFd, nullptr, "/vol/system"); mount_fs("storage_mlc_installer", sFSAFd, nullptr, "/vol/storage_mlc01"); } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("IOSUHAX done"); } } void deInitIOSUHax() { if (sIosuhaxMount) { unmount_fs("storage_slc_installer"); unmount_fs("storage_mlc_installer"); if (sFSAFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_Close(sFSAFd); } IOSUHAX_Close(); } }