#include "draw.h" #include "input.h" #include #define IDLE 0 #define IN_GAME 1 #define RESULT 2 int main(){ // initialize and get graphics context Graphics* g = init(); struct PADData pad_data; PADInit(); int x = 10; int y = 8; int game_state = IDLE; int frame_counter = 0; int round_duration = 60 * 10; //10 seconds; int button_count = 0; int last_buttons = 0; int buttons_r = 0; int score = 0; int highscore = 0; int isHighscore = 0; while(1){ // draw backgroung background(g, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); //Read input data PADRead(&pad_data); buttons_r = (last_buttons & (~pad_data.btns_h)); /*if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_LEFT){ x--; } if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_RIGHT){ x++; } if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_DOWN){ y++; } if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_UP){ y--; }*/ drawStringf(g, 20, 0, "Highscore: %d", highscore); drawStringf(g, 30, 28, "PUSH A by Maschell", highscore); drawStringf(g, 0, 28, "Press PLUS to exit"); printf(" pad: %08X %08X\n", pad_data.btns_h,buttons_r); if(game_state == IDLE){ drawStringf(g, x, y, "Press MINUS to start!"); if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_MINUS){ game_state = IN_GAME; } }else if(game_state == IN_GAME){ frame_counter++; if(buttons_r & BUTTON_A){ button_count++; } float secLeft = (round_duration - frame_counter) /60.0f; drawStringf(g, x, y, "Press A as fast as you can!"); drawStringf(g, x, y+2, "Time left: %0.2f seconds!",secLeft); drawStringf(g, x, y+4, "Current score: %d", button_count); if(frame_counter > round_duration){ score = button_count; button_count = 0; frame_counter = 0; if(score > highscore){ highscore = score; isHighscore = 1; } game_state = RESULT; } }else if(game_state == RESULT){ drawStringf(g, x, y, "Score: %d", button_count); drawStringf(g, x, y+2,"Press MINUS to try again."); if(isHighscore){ drawStringf(g, x, y+4,"NEW HIGHSCORE!"); } if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_MINUS){ game_state = IN_GAME; isHighscore = 0; } } if(pad_data.btns_h & BUTTON_PLUS){ break; } update(g); usleep(16); last_buttons = pad_data.btns_h; } // clean up graphics deinit(g); PADDestroy(); return 0; }