#include #include #include #include #include "utils/logger.h" #include "RPXLoading.h" #include "globals.h" #include "FileUtils.h" bool loadRPXFromSDOnNextLaunch(const std::string &path) { LOAD_REQUEST request; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.command = 0xFC; // IPC_CUSTOM_LOAD_CUSTOM_RPX; request.target = 0; // LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD request.filesize = 0; // unknown request.fileoffset = 0; // romfs_fileInfo info; std::string completePath = "/vol/external01/" + path; int res = getRPXInfoForPath(completePath, &info); bool isBundle = false; if (res >= 0) { isBundle = true; request.filesize = ((uint32_t * ) & info.length)[1]; request.fileoffset = ((uint32_t * ) & info.offset)[1]; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("not a bundle %s %d", completePath.c_str(), res); } strncpy(request.path, path.c_str(), 255); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Loading file %s size: %08X offset: %08X", request.path, request.filesize, request.fileoffset); DCFlushRange(&request, sizeof(LOAD_REQUEST)); int mcpFd = IOS_Open("/dev/mcp", (IOSOpenMode) 0); if (mcpFd >= 0) { int out = 0; IOS_Ioctl(mcpFd, 100, &request, sizeof(request), &out, sizeof(out)); IOS_Close(mcpFd); } if(isBundle){ gTryToReplaceOnNextLaunch = true; memset(gLoadedBundlePath,0, sizeof(gLoadedBundlePath)); strncpy(gLoadedBundlePath, completePath.c_str(), completePath.length()); }else { if (!gIsMounted) { gTryToReplaceOnNextLaunch = false; memset(gLoadedBundlePath, 0, sizeof(gLoadedBundlePath)); } else { // keep the old /vol/content mounted, this way you can reload just the rpx via wiiload gTryToReplaceOnNextLaunch = true; } } return true; } WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(loadRPXFromSDOnNextLaunch);