#include #include #include #include #include "utils/logger.h" #include "RPXLoading.h" #include "globals.h" #include "FileUtils.h" #include #include #include #include "utils/FileReader.h" #include "utils/FileReaderCompressed.h" #include "utils/StringTools.h" #include "utils/ini.h" #include #include /* * Patch the meta xml for the home menu */ DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, HBM_NN_ACP_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice, uint32_t titleid_upper, uint32_t titleid_lower, ACPMetaXml *metaxml, uint32_t device) { if (gReplacementInfo.isRPXReplaced) { memset(&metaxml->longname_ja, 0, 0x338C - 0x38C); // clear all names strncpy(metaxml->longname_en, gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.longname, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.longname)); strncpy(metaxml->shortname_en, gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.shortname, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.shortname)); strncpy(metaxml->publisher_en, gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.author, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.author)); // Disbale the emanual metaxml->e_manual = 0; return 0; } int result = real_HBM_NN_ACP_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice(titleid_upper, titleid_lower, metaxml, device); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int, RPX_FSOpenFile, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, char *path, const char *mode, int *handle, int error) { const char *iconTex = "iconTex.tga"; if (StringTools::EndsWith(path, iconTex)) { if (gReplacementInfo.isRPXReplaced) { if (StringTools::EndsWith(path, iconTex)) { auto *reader = new FileReader(reinterpret_cast(gReplacementInfo.iconCache), sizeof(gReplacementInfo.iconCache)); *handle = (uint32_t) reader; return FS_STATUS_OK; } } } int result = real_RPX_FSOpenFile(client, block, path, mode, handle, error); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, RPX_FSReadFile, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, FSFileHandle handle, uint32_t unk1, uint32_t flags) { // We check if the handle is part of our heap (the MemoryMapping Module allocates to 0x80000000) if ((handle & 0xF0000000) == 0x80000000) { auto reader = (FileReader *) handle; return (FSStatus) reader->read(buffer, size * count); } FSStatus result = real_RPX_FSReadFile(client, block, buffer, size, count, handle, unk1, flags); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, RPX_FSCloseFile, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, uint32_t flags) { // We check if the handle is part of our heap (the MemoryMapping Module allocates to 0x80000000) if ((handle & 0xF0000000) == 0x80000000) { auto reader = (FileReader *) handle; delete reader; return FS_STATUS_OK; } return real_RPX_FSCloseFile(client, block, handle, flags); } function_replacement_data_t rpx_utils_function_replacements[] = { REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS_FOR_PROCESS(HBM_NN_ACP_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice, 0x2E36CE44, 0x0E36CE44, FP_TARGET_PROCESS_HOME_MENU), REPLACE_FUNCTION_FOR_PROCESS(RPX_FSOpenFile, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSOpenFile, FP_TARGET_PROCESS_HOME_MENU), REPLACE_FUNCTION_FOR_PROCESS(RPX_FSReadFile, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSReadFile, FP_TARGET_PROCESS_HOME_MENU), REPLACE_FUNCTION_FOR_PROCESS(RPX_FSCloseFile, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSCloseFile, FP_TARGET_PROCESS_HOME_MENU), }; uint32_t rpx_utils_function_replacements_size = sizeof(rpx_utils_function_replacements) / sizeof(function_replacement_data_t); static int parseINIhandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { auto *fInfo = (MetaInformation *) user; #define MATCH(s, n) strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0 if (MATCH("menu", "longname")) { strncpy(fInfo->longname, value, 64 - 1); } else if (MATCH("menu", "shortname")) { strncpy(fInfo->shortname, value, 64 - 1); } else if (MATCH("menu", "author")) { strncpy(fInfo->author, value, 64 - 1); } else { return 0; /* unknown section/name, error */ } return 1; } bool RL_LoadFromSDOnNextLaunch(const char *bundle_path) { LOAD_REQUEST request; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.command = 0xFC; // IPC_CUSTOM_LOAD_CUSTOM_RPX; request.target = 0; // LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD request.filesize = 0; // unknown request.fileoffset = 0; // romfs_fileInfo info; bool metaLoaded = false; gReplacementInfo.replacementType = RPXLoader_RPX; std::string completePath = std::string("/vol/external01/") + bundle_path; int res = getRPXInfoForPath(completePath, &info); bool isBundle = false; if (res >= 0) { gReplacementInfo.replacementType = RPXLoader_BUNDLE; isBundle = true; request.filesize = ((uint32_t *) &info.length)[1]; request.fileoffset = ((uint32_t *) &info.offset)[1]; if (romfsMount("rcc", completePath.c_str(), RomfsSource_FileDescriptor_CafeOS) == 0) { if (ini_parse("rcc:/meta/meta.ini", parseINIhandler, &gReplacementInfo.metaInformation) < 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to load and parse meta.ini"); } else { metaLoaded = true; } FileReader *reader = nullptr; if (CheckFile("rcc:/meta/iconTex.tga")) { std::string path = "rcc:/meta/iconTex.tga"; reader = new FileReader(path); } else if (CheckFile("rcc:/meta/iconTex.tga.gz")) { std::string path = "rcc:/meta/iconTex.tga.gz"; reader = new FileReaderCompressed(path); } if (reader) { uint32_t alreadyRead = 0; uint32_t toRead = sizeof(gReplacementInfo.iconCache); do { int read = reader->read(reinterpret_cast(&gReplacementInfo.iconCache[alreadyRead]), toRead); if (read <= 0) { break; } alreadyRead += read; toRead -= read; } while (alreadyRead < sizeof(gReplacementInfo.iconCache)); delete reader; } else { memset(gReplacementInfo.iconCache, 0, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.iconCache)); } romfsUnmount("rcc"); } } if (!metaLoaded) { strncpy(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.author, bundle_path, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.author)); strncpy(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.shortname, bundle_path, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.shortname)); strncpy(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.longname, bundle_path, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.metaInformation.longname)); } strncpy(request.path, bundle_path, 255); DCFlushRange(&request, sizeof(LOAD_REQUEST)); int success = false; int mcpFd = IOS_Open("/dev/mcp", (IOSOpenMode) 0); if (mcpFd >= 0) { int out = 0; IOS_Ioctl(mcpFd, 100, &request, sizeof(request), &out, sizeof(out)); if (out > 0) { success = true; } IOS_Close(mcpFd); } DCFlushRange(&gReplacementInfo, sizeof(gReplacementInfo)); if (!success) { gReplacementInfo.replacementType = RPXLoader_NONE; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to load %s on next restart", request.path); return false; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launch %s on next restart [size: %08X offset: %08X]", request.path, request.filesize, request.fileoffset); if (isBundle) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Loaded file is a .wuhb bundle"); memset(gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.path, 0, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.path)); strncpy(gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.path, completePath.c_str(), completePath.length()); gReplacementInfo.replacementType = RPXLoader_BUNDLE; gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.redirectionRequested = true; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Loaded file is no bundle"); if (!gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.isMounted) { memset(gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.path, 0, sizeof(gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.path)); } else { gReplacementInfo.replacementType = RPXLoader_BUNDLE_OTHER_RPX; gReplacementInfo.bundleMountInformation.redirectionRequested = true; // keep the old /vol/content mounted, this way you can reload just the rpx via wiiload } } DCFlushRange(&gReplacementInfo, sizeof(gReplacementInfo)); return true; } int32_t RL_MountBundle(const char *name, const char *path, BundleSource source) { return romfsMount(name, path, (RomfsSource) source); } int32_t RL_UnmountBundle(const char *name) { return romfsUnmount(name); } int32_t RL_FileOpen(const char *name, uint32_t *handle) { if (handle == nullptr) { return -1; } FileReader *reader = nullptr; std::string path = std::string(name); std::string pathGZ = path + ".gz"; if (CheckFile(path.c_str())) { reader = new FileReader(path); } else if (CheckFile(pathGZ.c_str())) { reader = new FileReaderCompressed(pathGZ); } else { return -2; } if (reader == nullptr) { return -3; } *handle = (uint32_t) reader; return 0; } int32_t RL_FileRead(uint32_t handle, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size) { auto reader = (FileReader *) handle; return reader->read(buffer, size); } int32_t RL_FileClose(uint32_t handle) { auto reader = (FileReader *) handle; delete reader; return 0; } bool RL_FileExists(const char *name) { std::string checkgz = std::string(name) + ".gz"; return CheckFile(name) || CheckFile(checkgz.c_str()); } WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_LoadFromSDOnNextLaunch); WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_MountBundle); WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_UnmountBundle); WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_FileOpen); WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_FileRead); WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_FileClose); WUMS_EXPORT_FUNCTION(RL_FileExists);