using ChocolArm64.State; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace ChocolArm64.Translation { struct ILOpCodeStoreState : IILEmit { private ILBlock _block; private TranslatedSub _callSub; public ILOpCodeStoreState(ILBlock block, TranslatedSub callSub = null) { _block = block; _callSub = callSub; } public void Emit(ILMethodBuilder context) { long intOutputs = context.RegUsage.GetIntOutputs(_block); long vecOutputs = context.RegUsage.GetVecOutputs(_block); if (Optimizations.AssumeStrictAbiCompliance && context.IsSubComplete) { intOutputs = RegisterUsage.ClearCallerSavedIntRegs(intOutputs, context.IsAarch64); vecOutputs = RegisterUsage.ClearCallerSavedVecRegs(vecOutputs, context.IsAarch64); } if (_callSub != null) { //Those register are assigned on the callee function, without //reading it's value first. We don't need to write them because //they are not going to be read on the callee. intOutputs &= ~_callSub.IntNiRegsMask; vecOutputs &= ~_callSub.VecNiRegsMask; } StoreLocals(context, intOutputs, RegisterType.Int); StoreLocals(context, vecOutputs, RegisterType.Vector); } private void StoreLocals(ILMethodBuilder context, long outputs, RegisterType baseType) { for (int bit = 0; bit < 64; bit++) { long mask = 1L << bit; if ((outputs & mask) != 0) { Register reg = ILMethodBuilder.GetRegFromBit(bit, baseType); context.Generator.EmitLdarg(TranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); context.Generator.EmitLdloc(context.GetLocalIndex(reg)); context.Generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, reg.GetField()); } } } } }