
54 lines
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* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<Type Name="GTypeAttribute" FullName="GLib.GTypeAttribute">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Maintainer="auto" Value="public sealed class GTypeAttribute : Attribute" />
<TypeSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".class public auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit GTypeAttribute extends System.Attribute" />
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<AssemblyPublicKey>[00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 71 EB 6C 55 75 52 9C BF 72 44 F7 A6 EA 05 62 84 F9 EA E0 3B CF F2 CC 13 2C 9C 49 0A B3 09 EA B0 B5 6B CE 44 9D F5 03 D9 C0 A8 1E 52 05 85 CD BE 70 E2 FB 90 43 4B AC 04 FA 62 22 A8 00 98 B7 A1 A7 B3 AF 99 1A 41 23 24 BB 43 25 F6 B8 65 BB 64 EB F6 D1 C2 06 D5 73 2D DF BC 70 A7 38 9E E5 3E 0C 24 6E 32 79 74 1A D0 05 03 E4 98 42 E1 9B F3 7B 19 8B 40 21 26 CB 36 89 C2 EA 64 96 A4 7C B4]</AssemblyPublicKey>
<ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
<Interfaces />
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<summary>Identifies a property that can be read to find the GType of a managed type</summary>
<remarks />
<since version="Gtk# 2.4" />
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public GTypeAttribute (Type wrapper_type);" />
<MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(class System.Type wrapper_type) cil managed" />
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="wrapper_type" Type="System.Type" />
<param name="wrapper_type">the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> containing the GType property</param>
<summary>Creates an attribute.</summary>
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<remarks />
<Member MemberName="WrapperType">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Type WrapperType { get; set; }" />
<MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance class System.Type WrapperType" />
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<Parameters />
<summary>The class containing the GType property</summary>
<value>a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></value>
* parser/gapi2xml.pl: make note of _get_type methods for enums * */*-api.xml: Regen, adding gtype="..." to many enum types * generator/EnumGen.cs (Generate): if the enum has the "gtype" property, add a GTypeAttribute pointing to an internal FooGType class whose GType property can be used to get the enum's GType. * generator/ObjectGen.cs: s/ObjectManager.RegisterType/GType.Register/ * glib/GTypeAttribute.cs: attribute for indicating a property that will return the GType of a type (particularly for enums, which can't have GType properties added to them). * glib/GType.cs: renamed from Type.cs to match the type name (public static readonly GType ...): add a few missing types. (Register): moved from ObjectManager.RegisterType (LookupGType): moved from TypeConverter.LookupType and extended to handle GTypeAttribute. Also, fix mappings for sbyte/byte/char, and return specific GTypes for Object subclasses rather than always returning GType.Object. [Fixes #74699] (LookupType): moved from ObjectWrapper.LookupType (ToString): return the type name * glib/Object.cs (RegisterGType): s/ObjectManager.Register/GType.Register/ (LookupGType): Make this protected internal so GType can access it. * glib/ObjectManager.cs (RegisterType): deprecate in favor of GType.Register. (LookupType): moved to GType * glib/TypeConverter.cs (LookupType): now a deprecated wrapper around GType.LookupGType. * glib/Value.cs: Use GType casts rather than TypeConverter * gtk/NodeStore.cs (ScanType): * gtk/ListStore.custom (ListStore): * gtk/TreeStore.custom (TreeStore): Use (GType) cast rather than TypeConverter. Remove the error check and exception, since the cast never returns GType.Invalid. (The check probably predates GLib.ManagedValue.) * gnome/PanelAppletFactory.cs (Register): Use a GType cast rather than GLib.Object.LookupGType (which is no longer accessible after an mcs bugfix) * sample/GtkDemo/DemoIconView.cs (CreateStore): use the Type[] constructor rather than the GType[] constructor, since it translates typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf) correctly now. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44038
2005-05-04 18:54:24 +02:00
<remarks />