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// Sample program demostrating using Cairo with Gtk#
using Gtk;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
class X {
static DrawingArea a, b;
static void Main ()
Application.Init ();
Gtk.Window w = new Gtk.Window ("Hello");
// Custom widget sample
a = new PrettyGraphic ();
// Event-based drawing
b = new DrawingArea ();
b.ExposeEvent += ExposeHandler;
b.SizeAllocated += SizeAllocatedHandler;
Box box = new HBox (true, 0);
box.Add (a);
//box.Add (b);
w.Add (box);
w.ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
static Gdk.Rectangle rect;
static void SizeAllocatedHandler (object obj, SizeAllocatedArgs args)
rect = args.Allocation;
static void ExposeHandler (object obj, ExposeEventArgs args)
Gdk.EventExpose ev = args.Event;
Gdk.Window window = ev.Window;
using (Graphics g = Gdk.Graphics.FromDrawable (window)){
Console.WriteLine ("{0} and {1}", -ev.Area.X, -ev.Area.Y);
g.TranslateTransform (ev.Area.X, ev.Area.Y);
using (Pen p = new Pen (Color.Red)){
g.DrawPie (p, 0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height, 50, 90);
// A sample using inheritance to draw
class PrettyGraphic : DrawingArea {
protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose args)
Gdk.Window win = args.Window;
Gdk.Rectangle area = args.Area;
using (Graphics g = Gdk.Graphics.FromDrawable (args.Window)){
//Console.WriteLine ("{0} and {1}", -args.Area.X, -args.Area.Y);
//g.TranslateTransform (-args.Area.X, -args.Area.Y);
Pen p = new Pen (Color.Blue, 1.0f);
Pen q = new Pen (Color.Red, 1.0f);
g.DrawLine (p, 0, 0, 100, 100);
g.DrawLine (q, 0, 0, 100, 100);
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 600; i += 60)
for (int j = 0; j < 600; j += 60)
g.DrawLine (p, i, 0, 0, j);
return true;