gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. GLib.Object A tag table defines a set of tags A tag table defines a set of tags that can be used together. Each buffer has one tag table associated with it; only tags from that tag table can be used with the buffer. A single tag table can be shared between multiple buffers, however. Constructor Default constructor Constructor Pointer to the C object. Internal constructor This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Method System.Void the tag to be added Add a tag to the table. The tag is assigned the highest priority in the table. Add a tag to the table. The tag is assigned the highest priority in the table. must not be in a tag table already, and may not have the same name as an already-added tag. Method System.Void a Calls func on each tag in table Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Method Gtk.TextTag the name of a tag Finds a by its name The tag, or if none by that name is in the table. Method GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(ConnectionMethod="OverrideTagAdded", Type=typeof(Gtk.TextTagTable)) System.Void a Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(ConnectionMethod="OverrideTagChanged", Type=typeof(Gtk.TextTagTable)) System.Void a a Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(ConnectionMethod="OverrideTagRemoved", Type=typeof(Gtk.TextTagTable)) System.Void a Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void the tag to be removed Remove a tag from the table. Property System.Int32 The size of the table The number of the tags in this table Event GLib.Signal("tag-added") Gtk.TagAddedHandler Emitted when a tag is added to the table Event GLib.Signal("tag-changed") Gtk.TagChangedHandler Emitted when a tag in the table is changed Event GLib.Signal("tag-removed") Gtk.TagRemovedHandler Emitted when a tag is removed from the table