gnome-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. A widget used to implement the middle pages in a sequence. This widget provides similar functionality to that in GnomeDruidPageEdge. It is used for pages that are not the initial or terminal pages of a druid. The main difference between an edge and a standard druid page (in a display sense) is that standard pages do not have a left-side watermark and the body of the contents section is a bit more arbitrary (it is a ), rather than just displaying text (which is the common case for edge pages). Gnome.DruidPage Atk.Implementor GLib.IWrapper System.IDisposable Method System.Void Convenience function to add a to the vbox. an object of type an object of type an object of type This function creates a new contents section that has the text followed by the widget and then the text, all stacked vertically from top to bottom. The widget could be something like a set of radio checkbuttons requesting a choice from the user. Method System.Void Disposes the resources associated with the object. Constructor Internal constructor Pointer to the C object. An instance of DruidPageStandard, wrapping the C object. This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor Default constructor an object of type Constructor Creates a new instance. an object of type an object of type an object of type an object of type Property System.UInt32 The for The for the class. Property Gdk.Color The color of the main contents section background. an object of type an object of type Property Gdk.Color The title text to the specified color. an object of type an object of type Property Gdk.Color The background of the logo. an object of type an object of type Property System.Boolean To be added an object of type an object of type To be added Property Gdk.Pixbuf Sets a as the logo in the top right corner. an object of type an object of type If , then no logo will be displayed. Property Gdk.Color The title text to the specified color. an object of type an object of type Property Gdk.Color The background color of the logo an object of type an object of type Property Gdk.Color The background color of the top section of the druid page. an object of type an object of type Property System.String The title of the druid page. an object of type an object of type Property Gdk.Color The background color of the top section of the druid page. an object of type an object of type Property Gdk.Pixbuf Sets a as the watermark on the top strip on the druid. an object of type an object of type If , it is reset to the normal color. Property System.Boolean To be added an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Boolean To be added an object of type an object of type To be added Constructor Internal constructor GLib type for the type Creates a new instance of DruidPageStandard, using the GLib-provided type This is a constructor used by derivative types of that would have their own GLib type assigned to it. This is not typically used by C# code.