gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. System.Object Gtk.ITreeNode TreeNode abstract class Convenience class for deriving ITreeNode implementing objects for implementations. This class can be subclassed to quickly implement a node type without having to implement the tree building and navigational aspects of the interface. The following example shows a simple subclass: [TreeNode(ColumnCount=1)] public class MyTreeNode : TreeNode { string level; public MyTreeNode (string level) { this.level = level; } [TreeNodeValue(Column=0)] public string Level { get { return level; } set { level = value; OnChanged (); } } } The base class provides all the details and MyTreeNode uses to notify of tree related node changes. Constructor TreeNode constructor Default constructor.. Method System.Void a Appends a child to the node Adds the specified to this . The is added to the end of the children list, the property of is set to this node, and the event is raised. Method System.Void a Position among the node's children to insert Inserts a child at the given position Adds the specified to this . The is added to the children list before the child currently at position , the property of is set to this node, and the event is raised. Event System.EventHandler Changed event Raised when the contents of the change. Use for a convenient way to raise the event. Event Gtk.TreeNodeAddedHandler ChildAdded event Raised when a child is added to the node. Property System.Int32 ChildCount a Read-only. The number of children of this node. Event Gtk.TreeNodeRemovedHandler ChildRemoved event Raised when a child is removed from the node. Property System.Int32 ID property a Read-only. Provides a unique identifier for all instances. Method System.Int32 a IndexOf method a Returns the child index of or -1 if is not a child of this . Property Gtk.ITreeNode a Child indexer a Returns the child at position in the list of children for this . Method System.Void OnChanged method Raises the Changed event. Call this method if any column values of the node change. Property Gtk.ITreeNode Parent property a Read-only. The parent for this node. Method System.Void a RemoveChild method Removes the specified from this . The property of is set to and the event is raised.