// // Gtk.FileSelection.custom - Gtk FileSelection class customizations // // Author: Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com) // Joe Shaw (joe@ximian.com) // // Copyright (C) 2002 Ximian, Inc. // // This code is inserted after the automatically generated code. // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2 of the Lesser GNU General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. public class FSButton : Gtk.Button { FileSelection file_sel; public FileSelection FileSelection { get { return file_sel; } } internal FSButton (FileSelection fs, IntPtr raw) : base (raw) { file_sel = fs; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_dir_list (IntPtr i); public Gtk.TreeView DirList { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_dir_list (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.TreeView; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_file_list (IntPtr i); public Gtk.TreeView FileList { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_file_list (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.TreeView; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_selection_entry (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Entry SelectionEntry { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_selection_entry (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.Entry; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_selection_text (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Label SelectionText { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_selection_text (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.Label; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_ok_button (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Button OkButton { get { return new FSButton (this, gtksharp_file_selection_get_ok_button (this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_cancel_button (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Button CancelButton { get { return new FSButton (this, gtksharp_file_selection_get_cancel_button (this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_help_button (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Button HelpButton { get { return new FSButton (this, gtksharp_file_selection_get_help_button (this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_history_pulldown (IntPtr i); public Gtk.OptionMenu HistoryPulldown { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_history_pulldown (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.OptionMenu; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_history_menu (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Menu HistoryMenu { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_history_menu (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.Menu; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_dialog (IntPtr i); public Gtk.MessageDialog FileopDialog { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_dialog (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.MessageDialog; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_entry (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Entry FileopEntry { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_entry (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.Entry; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_file (IntPtr i); public string FileopFile { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_file (this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_c_dir (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Button FileopCDir { get { return new FSButton (this, gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_c_dir(this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_del_file (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Button FileopDelFile { get { return new FSButton (this, gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_del_file (this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_ren_file (IntPtr i); public Gtk.Button FileopRenFile { get { return new FSButton (this, gtksharp_file_selection_get_fileop_ren_file (this.Handle)); } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_button_area (IntPtr i); public Gtk.HButtonBox ButtonArea { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_button_area (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.HButtonBox; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_file_selection_get_action_area (IntPtr i); public new Gtk.HButtonBox ActionArea { get { return GLib.Object.GetObject (gtksharp_file_selection_get_action_area (this.Handle), false) as Gtk.HButtonBox; } } [DllImport("libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll")] static extern IntPtr gtk_file_selection_get_selections (IntPtr handle); [DllImport("libglib-2.0-0.dll")] static extern void g_strfreev (IntPtr handle); public string[] Selections { get { IntPtr strv = gtk_file_selection_get_selections (Handle); System.Collections.ArrayList result = new System.Collections.ArrayList (); int i = 0; IntPtr strptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (strv, IntPtr.Size * i++); while (strptr != IntPtr.Zero) { result.Add (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (strptr)); strptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (strv, IntPtr.Size * i++); } g_strfreev (strv); return result.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string[]; } }