gdk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. System.ValueType Represents a rectangle with x, y, width and height. Constructor a a Creates a rectangle from a point and a size. To be added. Constructor X value. Y value Width of the rectangle. Height of the rectangle Initializes a rectangle from the given values. Property System.Int32 The Y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. a To be added. Method System.Boolean a Does hit testing for a point a To be added. Method System.Boolean a Tests if a rectangle is contained in this rectangle. a The rectangle must be fully enclosed for this test to return true. That is, the intersection of this and must equal . Method System.Boolean a a Does hit testing for a point a To be added. Method System.Boolean To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle a a a a Creates a rectangle given the left, right, top, and bottom. a To be added. Method System.Int32 To be added. To be added. To be added. Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Field System.Int32 The rectangle height. Method System.Void a Inflates this rectangle by a given size. To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle a A change in size. Changes the size of each side of the rectangle by the specified amount. a The rectangle's center is the same as the center of . Method System.Void a a Inflates this rectangle by a given size. To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle a Change in the X size Change in the Y size Changes the size of each side of the rectangle by the specified amount. a The rectangle's center is the same as the center of . Method System.Void a Modifies this rectangle to be the intersection with another rectangle To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle a a Gets the largest rectangle (if any) which is contained by both parameters. a To be added. Method System.Boolean To be added. a representing the intersection of this and the src2 Obtains the intersection of a this and another. Returns true if the two objects intersect. The result is the rectangular region occupied by both source rectanlges. Method System.Boolean a Tests if there is any overlap of this rectangle and another a To be added. Property System.Boolean Gets if the area of the rectangle is zero a This will return true if either the height or the width is zero. Property System.Int32 The X coordinate of the left of the rectangle. a To be added. Property Gdk.Point Gets the point represented by (X, Y) a To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle An , the underlying unmanaged C object. Makes a new rectangle. A Not for general developer use. Method System.Void a Offsets this rectangle by the vector dr To be added Method Gdk.Rectangle a a Returns a rectangle shifted by the vector dr a To be added. Method System.Void a a Offsets this rectangle by (dx,dy) To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle a a a Returns the rectangle shifted by (dx,dy) a To be added. Method System.Boolean To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method GLib.Value To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.Boolean To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.Int32 The X coordinate of the right of the rectangle. a To be added. Property Gdk.Size Gets the size represented by (Width, Height) a To be added. Property System.Int32 The Y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. a To be added. Method System.String To be added. To be added. To be added. Method Gdk.Rectangle a Obtains the union of a this and another. a representing the union of the two objects. The result is the smallest that contains both objects within its boundaries. Method Gdk.Rectangle a a Gets the smallest rectangle that contains both parameters a To be added. Field System.Int32 The rectangle width Field System.Int32 The X element of the rectangle. Field System.Int32 The Y element of the rectangle. Field Gdk.Rectangle A zero initialized rectangle.