glib-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. System.Object GLib.IWrapper System.IDisposable To be added To be added Constructor Creates a new instance. Constructor Pointer to the C object. Internal constructor This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Method GLib.Opaque Native opaque structure pointer to copy. Copies an existing opaque type. A copied reference, or the original if the type doesn't support copying. Method System.Void Disposes the raw object. Method System.Boolean object to test. Tests for equality. boolean equality indication. Method System.Void The raw pointer. Overridden in generated subclasses to free the raw data. Method System.Int32 Hashing value. integer hash value. Method GLib.Opaque a a a Used to obtain a CLI typed object associated with a given raw pointer. a This method is primarily used to wrap object references that are returned by either the signal system or raw class methods that return opaque type pointers. Property System.IntPtr The raw Opaque reference associated with this object. an object of type Subclasses can use Raw property for read/write access. Property System.Boolean Whether or not this wrapper owns the raw object. if the wrapper owns the raw object and will / it when the wrapper is disposed. By default, this is set to for opaque objects created with the no-argument constructor, and for opaque objects created with the constructor. Methods that return an opaque object can override this by setting the property accordingly to obey the memory-management conventions of the underlying C code. Property System.IntPtr Gets a pointer to an owned native copy. a native copy. Property System.IntPtr The raw Opaque reference associated with this wrapper. an object of type Only subclasses of Opaque can access this read/write property. Method System.Void The raw pointer. Overridden in generated subclasses that perform refcounting. Method System.Void The raw pointer. Overridden in generated subclasses that perform refcounting.