pango-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. This enumeration is used to distinguish between different types of attributes. This enumeration is used to distinguish between different types of attributes. Along with the predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values for custom attributes using . The predefined values are given below. The type of structure used to store the attribute is listed in parentheses after the description. System.Enum System.IComparable System.IConvertible System.IFormattable Field Pango.AttrType Invalid This marks it as an invalid attribute Field Pango.AttrType Language () Field Pango.AttrType Font family name list () Field Pango.AttrType Font slant style () Field Pango.AttrType Font weight () Field Pango.AttrType Font variant (normal or small caps) () Field Pango.AttrType Font stretch () Field Pango.AttrType Font size in points divided by () Field Pango.AttrType Font description () Field Pango.AttrType Foreground color () Field Pango.AttrType Background color () Field Pango.AttrType Whether the text has an underline () Field Pango.AttrType Whether the text has an struck-through () Field Pango.AttrType Baseline displacement () Field Pango.AttrType Shape () Field Pango.AttrType Font size scale factor () Field System.Int32 Internal field. Do not use. Field Pango.AttrType To be added To be added