namespace GtkSharp.Generation { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class StructABIField : StructField { protected new ClassBase container_type; public string parent_structure_name; public string abi_info_name; public StructABIField (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type, string info_name) : base (elem, container_type) { this.container_type = container_type; this.getOffsetName = null; this.abi_info_name = info_name; } public override string CName { get { if (parent_structure_name != null) return parent_structure_name + '.' + elem.GetAttribute ("cname"); return elem.GetAttribute ("cname"); } } public override void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info, string indent) { base.Generate(gen_info, indent); } // All field are visible and private // as the goal is to respect the ABI protected override string Access { get { return "private"; } } public override bool Hidden { get { return false; } } public override bool Validate (LogWriter log) { string cstype = SymbolTable.Table.GetCSType(CType, true); if (elem.GetAttributeAsBoolean("is_callback")) return true; if (cstype == null || cstype == "") { log.Warn (" field \"" + CName + "\" has no cstype, can't generate ABI field."); return false; } if (!base.Validate (log)) return false; return true; } public void SetGetOffseName() { this.getOffsetName = "Get" + CName + "Offset"; } public override string GenerateGetSizeOf(string indent) { return base.GenerateGetSizeOf(indent) + " // " + CName; } public virtual StructABIField Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info, string indent, StructABIField prev_field, StructABIField next_field, string parent_name, TextWriter structw) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; IGeneratable gen = SymbolTable.Table[CType]; sw.WriteLine("{0}\tnew GLib.AbiField(\"{1}\"", indent, CName); indent = indent + "\t\t"; if (prev_field != null) { sw.WriteLine(indent + ", -1"); } else { if (parent_name != "") sw.WriteLine(indent + ", " + parent_name + "." + abi_info_name + ".Fields"); else sw.WriteLine(indent + ", 0"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + ", " + GenerateGetSizeOf("")); var prev_field_name = prev_field != null ? "\"" + prev_field.CName + "\"" : "null"; sw.WriteLine(indent + ", " + prev_field_name); var container_name = container_type.CName.Replace(".", "_"); var sanitized_name = CName.Replace(".", "_"); var alig_struct_name = container_name + "_" + sanitized_name + "Align"; var next_field_name = next_field != null ? "\"" + next_field.CName + "\"" : "null"; sw.WriteLine(indent + ", " + next_field_name); if (structw != null) { string min_align = gen != null ? gen.GenerateAlign() : null; // Do not generate structs if the type is a simple pointer. if (IsCPointer()) min_align = "(uint) sizeof(IntPtr)"; if (IsBitfield) min_align = "1"; if (min_align == null) { var tmpindent = "\t\t"; structw.WriteLine(tmpindent + "[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]"); structw.WriteLine(tmpindent + "public struct " + alig_struct_name); structw.WriteLine(tmpindent + "{"); structw.WriteLine(tmpindent + "\tsbyte f1;"); base.Generate(gen_info, tmpindent + "\t", true, structw); structw.WriteLine(tmpindent + "}"); structw.WriteLine(); var fieldname = SymbolTable.Table.MangleName (CName).Replace(".", "_"); if (IsArray && IsNullTermArray) fieldname += "Ptr"; sw.WriteLine(indent + ", (long) Marshal.OffsetOf<" + alig_struct_name + ">(\"" + fieldname + "\")"); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + ", " + min_align); } } gen_info.Writer = sw; uint bits = 0; var bitsstr = elem.GetAttribute("bits"); if (bitsstr != null && bitsstr != "") bits = (uint) Int32.Parse(bitsstr); sw.WriteLine(indent + ", " + bits); sw.WriteLine(indent + "),"); return this; } } }