// GLib.Signal.cs - signal marshaling class // // Authors: Mike Kestner // Andrés G. Aragoneses // // Copyright (c) 2005,2008 Novell, Inc. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2 of the Lesser GNU General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. namespace GLib { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [Flags] public enum ConnectFlags { After = 1 << 0, Swapped = 1 << 1, } public class Signal { [Flags] public enum Flags { RunFirst = 1 << 0, RunLast = 1 << 1, RunCleanup = 1 << 2, NoRecurse = 1 << 3, Detailed = 1 << 4, Action = 1 << 5, NoHooks = 1 << 6 } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct InvocationHint { public uint signal_id; public uint detail; public Flags run_type; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct Query { public uint signal_id; public IntPtr signal_name; public IntPtr itype; public Flags signal_flags; public IntPtr return_type; public uint n_params; public IntPtr param_types; } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate bool EmissionHookNative (ref InvocationHint hint, uint n_pvals, IntPtr pvals, IntPtr data); public delegate bool EmissionHook (InvocationHint ihint, object[] inst_and_param_values); public class EmissionHookMarshaler { EmissionHook handler; EmissionHookNative cb; IntPtr user_data; GCHandle gch; public EmissionHookMarshaler (EmissionHook handler) { this.handler = handler; cb = new EmissionHookNative (NativeCallback); gch = GCHandle.Alloc (this); } public EmissionHookMarshaler (EmissionHookNative callback, IntPtr user_data) { cb = callback; this.user_data = user_data; handler = new EmissionHook (NativeInvoker); } bool NativeCallback (ref InvocationHint hint, uint n_pvals, IntPtr pvals_ptr, IntPtr data) { object[] pvals = new object [n_pvals]; for (int i = 0; i < n_pvals; i++) { IntPtr p = new IntPtr ((long) pvals_ptr + i * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Value))); Value v = (Value) Marshal.PtrToStructure (p, typeof (Value)); pvals [i] = v.Val; } bool result = handler (hint, pvals); if (!result) gch.Free (); return result; } public EmissionHookNative Callback { get { return cb; } } bool NativeInvoker (InvocationHint ihint, object[] pvals) { int val_sz = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Value)); IntPtr buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (pvals.Length * val_sz); Value[] vals = new Value [pvals.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pvals.Length; i++) { vals [i] = new Value (pvals [i]); IntPtr p = new IntPtr ((long) buf + i * val_sz); Marshal.StructureToPtr (vals [i], p, false); } bool result = cb (ref ihint, (uint) pvals.Length, buf, user_data); foreach (Value v in vals) v.Dispose (); Marshal.FreeHGlobal (buf); return result; } public EmissionHook Invoker { get { return handler; } } } GLib.Object obj; string name; Type args_type; SignalClosure before_closure; SignalClosure after_closure; Delegate after_handler; Delegate before_handler; Delegate marshaler; internal Signal (GLib.Object obj, string name, Delegate marshaler) { this.obj = obj; this.name = name; this.marshaler = marshaler; } internal Signal (GLib.Object obj, string name, Type args_type) { this.obj = obj; this.name = name; this.args_type = args_type; } internal void Free () { if (before_closure != null) before_closure.Dispose (); if (after_closure != null) after_closure.Dispose (); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } void ClosureDisposedCB (object o, EventArgs args) { if (o == before_closure) { before_closure.Disposed -= new EventHandler (ClosureDisposedHandler); before_closure.Invoked -= new ClosureInvokedHandler (ClosureInvokedCB); before_closure = null; before_handler = null; } else if (o == after_closure) { after_closure.Disposed -= new EventHandler (ClosureDisposedHandler); after_closure.Invoked -= new ClosureInvokedHandler (ClosureInvokedCB); after_closure = null; after_handler = null; } } EventHandler closure_disposed_cb; EventHandler ClosureDisposedHandler { get { if (closure_disposed_cb == null) closure_disposed_cb = new EventHandler (ClosureDisposedCB); return closure_disposed_cb; } } void ClosureInvokedCB (object o, ClosureInvokedArgs args) { Delegate handler; if (o == before_closure) handler = before_handler; else handler = after_handler; if (handler != null) handler.DynamicInvoke (new object[] {args.Target, args.Args}); } ClosureInvokedHandler closure_invoked_cb; ClosureInvokedHandler ClosureInvokedHandler { get { if (closure_invoked_cb == null) closure_invoked_cb = new ClosureInvokedHandler (ClosureInvokedCB); return closure_invoked_cb; } } public Delegate Handler { get { InvocationHint hint = (InvocationHint) Marshal.PtrToStructure (g_signal_get_invocation_hint (obj.Handle), typeof (InvocationHint)); if (hint.run_type == Flags.RunFirst) return before_handler; else return after_handler; } } public void AddDelegate (Delegate d) { if (args_type == null) args_type = d.Method.GetParameters ()[1].ParameterType; if (d.Method.IsDefined (typeof (ConnectBeforeAttribute), false)) { before_handler = Delegate.Combine (before_handler, d); if (before_closure == null) { if (marshaler == null) before_closure = new SignalClosure (obj.Handle, name, args_type); else before_closure = new SignalClosure (obj.Handle, name, marshaler, this); before_closure.Disposed += ClosureDisposedHandler; before_closure.Invoked += ClosureInvokedHandler; before_closure.Connect (false); } } else { after_handler = Delegate.Combine (after_handler, d); if (after_closure == null) { if (marshaler == null) after_closure = new SignalClosure (obj.Handle, name, args_type); else after_closure = new SignalClosure (obj.Handle, name, marshaler, this); after_closure.Disposed += ClosureDisposedHandler; after_closure.Invoked += ClosureInvokedHandler; after_closure.Connect (true); } } } public void RemoveDelegate (Delegate d) { if (d.Method.IsDefined (typeof (ConnectBeforeAttribute), false)) { before_handler = Delegate.Remove (before_handler, d); if (before_handler == null && before_closure != null) { before_closure.Dispose (); before_closure = null; } } else { after_handler = Delegate.Remove (after_handler, d); if (after_handler == null && after_closure != null) { after_closure.Dispose (); after_closure = null; } } } // format: children-changed::add private static void ParseSignalDetail (string signal_detail, out string signal_name, out uint gquark) { //can't use String.Split because it doesn't accept a string arg (only char) in the 1.x profile int link_pos = signal_detail.IndexOf ("::"); if (link_pos < 0) { gquark = 0; signal_name = signal_detail; } else if (link_pos == 0) { throw new FormatException ("Invalid detailed signal: " + signal_detail); } else { signal_name = signal_detail.Substring (0, link_pos); gquark = GetGQuarkFromString (signal_detail.Substring (link_pos + 2)); } } public static object Emit (GLib.Object instance, string detailed_signal, params object[] args) { uint gquark, signal_id; string signal_name; ParseSignalDetail (detailed_signal, out signal_name, out gquark); signal_id = GetSignalId (signal_name, instance); if (signal_id <= 0) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid signal name: " + signal_name); GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [args.Length + 1]; GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray ((uint) args.Length + 1); vals [0] = new GLib.Value (instance); inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]); for (int i = 1; i < vals.Length; i++) { vals [i] = new GLib.Value (args [i - 1]); inst_and_params.Append (vals [i]); } object ret_obj = null; Query query; g_signal_query (signal_id, out query); if (query.return_type != GType.None.Val) { GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty; g_signal_emitv (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, signal_id, gquark, ref ret); ret_obj = ret.Val; ret.Dispose (); } else g_signal_emitv (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, signal_id, gquark, IntPtr.Zero); foreach (GLib.Value val in vals) val.Dispose (); return ret_obj; } private static uint GetGQuarkFromString (string str) { IntPtr native_string = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (str); uint ret = g_quark_from_string (native_string); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_string); return ret; } private static uint GetSignalId (string signal_name, GLib.Object obj) { IntPtr typeid = GType.ValFromInstancePtr (obj.Handle); return GetSignalId (signal_name, typeid); } private static uint GetSignalId (string signal_name, IntPtr typeid) { IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (signal_name); uint signal_id = g_signal_lookup (native_name, typeid); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name); return signal_id; } public static ulong AddEmissionHook (string detailed_signal, GLib.GType type, EmissionHook handler_func) { uint gquark; string signal_name; ParseSignalDetail (detailed_signal, out signal_name, out gquark); uint signal_id = GetSignalId (signal_name, type.Val); if (signal_id <= 0) throw new Exception ("Invalid signal name: " + signal_name); return g_signal_add_emission_hook (signal_id, gquark, new EmissionHookMarshaler (handler_func).Callback, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } internal static void OverrideDefaultHandler (GType gtype, string name, Delegate cb) { IntPtr closure = g_cclosure_new (cb, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); gtype.EnsureClass (); uint id = GetSignalId (name, gtype.Val); g_signal_override_class_closure (id, gtype.Val, closure); } [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr g_cclosure_new (Delegate cb, IntPtr data, IntPtr notify); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr g_signal_get_invocation_hint (IntPtr instance); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void g_signal_emitv (IntPtr instance_and_params, uint signal_id, uint gquark_detail, ref GLib.Value return_value); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void g_signal_emitv (IntPtr instance_and_params, uint signal_id, uint gquark_detail, IntPtr return_value); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint g_signal_lookup (IntPtr name, IntPtr itype); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void g_signal_override_class_closure (uint id, IntPtr gtype, IntPtr closure); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void g_signal_query (uint signal_id, out Query query); //better not to expose g_quark_from_static_string () due to memory allocation issues [DllImport (Global.GLibNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint g_quark_from_string (IntPtr str); [DllImport (Global.GObjectNativeDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong g_signal_add_emission_hook (uint signal_id, uint gquark_detail, EmissionHookNative hook_func, IntPtr hook_data, IntPtr data_destroy); } }