using System; using P = System.IO.Path; using F = System.IO.File; public class GAssembly { private ICakeContext Cake; public bool Init { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string Dir { get; private set; } public string GDir { get; private set; } public string Csproj { get; private set; } public string RawApi { get; private set; } public string Metadata { get; private set; } public string[] Deps { get; set; } public string ExtraArgs { get; set; } public GAssembly(string name) { Cake = Settings.Cake; Deps = new string[0]; Name = name; Dir = P.Combine("Source", "Libs", name); GDir = P.Combine(Dir, "Generated"); var temppath = P.Combine(Dir, name); Csproj = temppath + ".csproj"; RawApi = temppath + "-api.xml"; Metadata = temppath + ".metadata"; } public void Prepare() { Cake.CreateDirectory(GDir); var tempapi = P.Combine(GDir, Name + "-api.xml"); Cake.CopyFile(RawApi, tempapi); // Metadata file found, time to generate some stuff!!! if (Cake.FileExists(Metadata)) { // Fixup API file var symfile = P.Combine(Dir, Name + "-symbols.xml"); Cake.DotNetExecute("BuildOutput/Tools/GapiFixup.dll", "--metadata=" + Metadata + " " + "--api=" + tempapi + (Cake.FileExists(symfile) ? " --symbols=" + symfile : string.Empty) ); var extraargs = ExtraArgs + " "; // Locate APIs to include foreach(var dep in Deps) { var ipath = P.Combine("Source", "Libs", dep, "Generated", dep + "-api.xml"); if (Cake.FileExists(ipath)) extraargs += " --include=" + ipath + " "; } // Generate code Cake.DotNetExecute("BuildOutput/Tools/GapiCodegen.dll", "--outdir=" + GDir + " " + "--schema=Source/Libs/Shared/Gapi.xsd " + extraargs + " " + "--assembly-name=" + Name + " " + "--generate=" + tempapi ); } Init = true; } public void Clean() { if (Cake.DirectoryExists(GDir)) Cake.DeleteDirectory(GDir, new DeleteDirectorySettings { Recursive = true, Force = true }); } }