gtkhtml-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Enumeration of commands that knows how to respond to. System.Enum Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Undo the last command Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Redo the last un-done command. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Copy the current selection. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Copy the current selection and make further selection impossible. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Cut the current selection. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Paste the current clipboard contents. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Cut the current line to the clipboard. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a new paragraph at the cursor location. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a tab character. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a rule line. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert parameters for a rule line. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert parameters for an image. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Add a new tab or increase the current indent level. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a new tab or go to the next table in a cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Create a new link. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Remove an existing link. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete the character before the cursor. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete the character before the cursor or remove an indent level. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Go into selection mode. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Disable selections. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make text bold. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make text non-bold. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Toggle the bold style for a character or region. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make text italic. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make text non-italic. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Toggle the italic attribute for a character or block of text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make text underlined. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make text non-underlined. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Toggle the underline attribute on a character or block of text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Strike out text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Remove strikeouts from text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Toggle the strikeout attribute on a character or block of text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to the smallest size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to the second-smallest size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to normal size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to a medium-large size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to a large size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to a very large size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets text to the largest possible size. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Makes text one size larger. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Makes text one size smaller. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Left-aligns text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Center-aligns text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Right-aligns text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Clears indent values on text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Indents text one level. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Indents text one level or moves it to the next cell in a table. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType De-indents text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Goes to the previous cell in a table. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Indents an entire paragraph. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Adds a new linebreak and re-flows text appropriately. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Adds a new space and re-flows text appropriately. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets the style of this paragraph to normal. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H1 element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H2 element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H3 element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H4 element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H5 element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H6 element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML <address> element. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be preformatted (i.e. fixed-width with carriage returns being significant). Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be an HTML <LI> item. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be part of a sequentially-Roman-numeral-numbered list. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be part of a sequentially-numbered list. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Sets this paragraph to be part of a sequentially-alphabetically-numbered list ("a. Item one; b. Item two; c. Item three.") Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection up. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection down. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection to the left. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection to the right. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection by one page upwards. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection by one page downwards. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection to the beginning of the line. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extends the current selection to the end of the line. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extend the selection to the beginning of the document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extend the selection to the end of the document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extend the selection to include the previous word. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Extend the selection to include the next word. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Capitalize the current word. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Turns this word into all-upper-case. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Turns this word into all-lower-case. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Suggest a spelling for the current (misspelled) word. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Add this word to the user's personal spellchecker dictionary. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Add this word to the spellchecker dictionary for this session, so that it doesn't show up as misspelled. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Search the widget for a given term. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Incremental search forward. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Incremental search backward. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Search the text using a regular expression. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Move focus forward one widget. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Move focus backward one widget. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Popup the context menu. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Pop up the properties dialog. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Move the cursor forward. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Move the cursor backward. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a table with empty text, one row, and one column. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a table column after the current one. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a table column before the current one. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a table row after the current one. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Insert a table row before the current one. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete a table column. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete a row from the current table. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Widen/increase the COLSPAN attribute for a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Narrow/decrease the COLSPAN attribute for a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Increase the ROWSPAN attribute for a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Decrease the ROWSPAN attribute for a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Join this table cell with one to its left. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Join this table cell with one to its right. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Join this table cell with one above it. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Join this table cell with one below it. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make the borders of this table wider. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make the borders of this table narrower. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make the borders of this table zero. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Set the default color of text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Select the current word. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Select the current line. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Select the current paragraph. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Select a paragraph or more. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Select all of this document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Save the cursor's current position to the cursor position stack. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Restores a cursor position that was saved to the cursor position stack. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Move the cursor to the beginning of the document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Move the cursor to the end of the document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Stops the widget from redrawing. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Allows the widget to redraw. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Magnify the text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make the text display size smaller. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Reset the zoom level to normal size text. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Increase the spacing between table cells. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Decrease the spacing between table cells. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Make the spacing between table cells zero. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Increase the padding between table cells. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Decrease the padding between table cells. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Set the padding between table cells to zero. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete an entire table. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete a row from a table. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Delete a column from a table. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Clear the contents of a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Grab the keyboard focus. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Deletes a word. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Deletes the word before the cursor. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Apply a certain color to a text selection. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Turn data-saving on. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Turn data-saving off. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Whether this data has been saved since the last change. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Whether this data has been saved since the last change. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Go to the beginning of the document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Go to the end of the document. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Increase the COLSPAN value of a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Increase the ROWSPAN value of a table cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Decrease the COLSPAN attribute of a cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType Decrease the ROWSPAN attribute of a cell. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added. Field Gtk.HTMLCommandType To be added.