gdk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Describe the how pixel values are converted into RGB values for display. Visuals are a very important concept that is often overlooked. Roughly, a visual defines the memory representation that a piece of hardware uses to store the contents of an image. X supports different kinds of visuals to suit the different kinds of hardware out there. Some of this information comes from Federico Mena's excellent "X Concepts" document from System.Enum GLib.GType(WrapperType=typeof(Gdk.VisualTypeGType)) Field Gdk.VisualType Static gray visuals are those in which you cannot change the gray intensities of the hardware. Plain monochrome (B/W) displays or fixed 4-gray displays may be of the static gray kind. Grayscale visuals are those in which you can change the gray intensities used by the hardware. Exotic 12-bit grayscale displays (as used for medical visualization) that let you change the gray intensities may be of the grayscale type. Field Gdk.VisualType Grayscale visuals are used for displays that use a single channel of color information. Black and white or grayscale monitors (including amber and green monitors) may use this type of visual. These visuals can be either static gray or grayscale. Field Gdk.VisualType An indexed color visual, where colors can not be changed. Static color visuals are those in which you cannot change the actual colors that the indexes correspond to (a static palette). Remember the old CGA cards with four fixed colors in graphics mode? These could be considered of the static color type. Field Gdk.VisualType An indexed color visual, where colors can change. Pseudo color visuals are those in which you can change the actual colors that the indexes correspond to. Each index maps to an RGB triplet that defines the color that will be displayed on the screen. You can change these RGB triplets for each index. Pseudo color visuals are very common in graphics cards. Graphics cards with 256 colors that you can change, for example, VGA cards, are of the pseudo color type. Field Gdk.VisualType True color visuals use the exact RGB values you specified for a pixel TrueColor visuals store explicit RGB values for every pixel, instead of storing a single value like indexed visuals. TrueColor visuals map the RGB into the screens RGB values without any changes. There is no transformation applied to it. Field Gdk.VisualType DirectColor visuals use RGB encoding, with a correction palette. TrueColor visuals store explicit RGB values for every pixel, instead of storing a single value like indexed visuals. The values in a direct color visual go through an indirection step before being sent to the display. Each of the R/G/B values you specify is an index in separate tables, and those tables contain a translated value. So an RGB triplet gets translated into an R'G'B' triplet, i.e. the three tables together define an f(r, g, b) -> (r', g', b') function. For most purposes, your tables will be filled by the identity function and you will get linearly increasing intensity values for each of the RGB channels. Things can become quite interesting, however, when you modify the tables to have a nonlinear mapping. If you fill them using an exponential function, you can do color correction on hardware