/* cellrenderer.c : Glue for overriding pieces of GtkCellRenderer * * Author: Todd Berman (tberman@sevenl.net), * Peter Johanson (peter@peterjohanson.com) * * Copyright (C) 2004 Todd Berman * Copyright (C) 2007 Peter Johanson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the Lesser GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include const gchar *__gtype_prefix = "__gtksharp_"; #define HAS_PREFIX(a) (*((guint64 *)(a)) == *((guint64 *) __gtype_prefix)) static GObjectClass * get_threshold_class (GObject *obj) { GType gtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (obj); while (HAS_PREFIX (g_type_name (gtype))) gtype = g_type_parent (gtype); GObjectClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype); if (klass == NULL) klass = g_type_class_ref (gtype); return klass; } void gtksharp_cellrenderer_base_get_size (GtkCellRenderer *cell, GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *cell_area, gint *x_offset, gint *y_offset, gint *width, gint *height); void gtksharp_cellrenderer_base_get_size (GtkCellRenderer *cell, GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *cell_area, gint *x_offset, gint *y_offset, gint *width, gint *height) { GtkCellRendererClass *klass = (GtkCellRendererClass *) get_threshold_class (G_OBJECT (cell)); if (klass->get_size) (* klass->get_size) (cell, widget, cell_area, x_offset, y_offset, width, height); } void gtksharp_cellrenderer_override_get_size (GType gtype, gpointer cb); void gtksharp_cellrenderer_override_get_size (GType gtype, gpointer cb) { GObjectClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype); if (klass == NULL) klass = g_type_class_ref (gtype); ((GtkCellRendererClass *) klass)->get_size = cb; }