gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. GLib.Object A tag that can be applied to text in a Tags should be in the for a given before using them with that buffer. is the best way to create tags. Constructor Pointer to the C object. Internal constructor This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor the name of the tag, or if it's an anonymous tag Creates a new Property GLib.Property("accumulative-margin") System.Boolean To be added. To be added. To be added. Property GLib.Property("background") System.String Background color Property GLib.Property("background-full-height") System.Boolean Whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters. Whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters. Property GLib.Property("background_full_height_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the BackgroundFullHeight property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("background-gdk") Gdk.Color Background color as a (possibly unallocated) . The background color Property GLib.Property("background_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Background property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("background_stipple_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the BackgroundStipple property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("direction") Gtk.TextDirection Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right. The text direction Property GLib.Property("editable") System.Boolean Whether the text can be modified by the user whether the text can be modified by the user Property GLib.Property("editable_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Editable property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("family") System.String Name of the font family The name of the font family Name of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace. Property GLib.Property("family_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Family property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("font") System.String Font description the font description as a string Font description as a string, e.g. "Sans Italic 12". Property GLib.Property("font-desc") Pango.FontDescription The FontDescription for the tag. a Property GLib.Property("foreground") System.String Foreground color the foreground color Property GLib.Property("foreground-gdk") Gdk.Color Foreground color as a (possibly unallocated) . The foreground color Property GLib.Property("foreground_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Foreground property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("foreground_stipple_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the ForegroundStipple property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Property GLib.Property("indent") System.Int32 Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels The indent of the paragraph Property GLib.Property("indent_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Indent property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("invisible") System.Boolean Whether this text is hidden. Whether or not this text is hidden Property GLib.Property("invisible_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Invisible property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("justification") Gtk.Justification Text justification the justification of the current text Left, right, or center justification. Property GLib.Property("justification_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Justification property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("language") System.String The language of the text The ISO code of the language of this text Property GLib.Property("language_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Language property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("left-margin") System.Int32 Width of the left margin in pixels. The width of the margin Property GLib.Property("left_margin_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the LeftMargin property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("name") System.String The name of this tag The name of this name, or if it's an anonymous tag Method GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(ConnectionMethod="OverrideTextEvent", Type=typeof(Gtk.TextTag)) System.Boolean a a a Default handler for the event. a Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Property GLib.Property("paragraph-background") System.String Paragraph background color. Background color as a . Property GLib.Property("paragraph-background-gdk") Gdk.Color Paragraph background color as a . a . The color returned may be unallocated. Property GLib.Property("pixels-above-lines") System.Int32 Pixels of blank space above paragraphs. The blank space above the paragraphs in pixels Property GLib.Property("pixels_above_lines_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the PixelsAboveLines property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("pixels-below-lines") System.Int32 Pixels of blank space below paragraphs. Pixels of blank space below paragraphs. Property GLib.Property("pixels_below_lines_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the PixelsBelowLines property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("pixels-inside-wrap") System.Int32 Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph An integer Property GLib.Property("pixels_inside_wrap_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the PixelsInsideWrap property holds a value. if the property is set. Property System.Int32 The tag's priority The priority of the current tag Sets the priority of a . Valid priorities are start at 0 and go to one less than . Each tag in a table has a unique priority; setting the priority of one tag shifts the priorities of all the other tags in the table to maintain a unique priority for each tag. Higher priority tags win if two tags both set the same text attribute. When adding a tag to a tag table, it will be assigned the highest priority in the table by default; so normally the precedence of a set of tags is the order in which they were added to the table, or created with ), which adds the tag to the buffer's table automatically. Method System.Boolean a , the object that received the event. a , the event to fire a , the location where the event was received Fires a signal on this Gtk.TextTag. A , true if the event was handled. TODO: show an example. Property GLib.Property("right-margin") System.Int32 Width of the right margin Width of the right margin Property GLib.Property("right_margin_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the RightMargin property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("rise") System.Int32 Offset of text above the baseline Offset of the text above the baseline Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in pixels. Property GLib.Property("rise_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Rise property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("scale") System.Double Font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size The font size as a scale factor This properly adapts to theme changes etc. so is recommended. Pango predefines some scales such as . Property GLib.Property("scale_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Scale property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("size") System.Int32 Font size The font size in Pango units Property GLib.Property("size-points") System.Double Font size in points. The font size Property GLib.Property("size_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Size property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("stretch") Pango.Stretch Font stretch font stretch Property GLib.Property("stretch_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Stretch property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("strikethrough") System.Boolean Whether to strike through the text Whether to strike through the text Property GLib.Property("strikethrough_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Strikethrough property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("style") Pango.Style Font style the font style of this text Property GLib.Property("style_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Style property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("tabs") Pango.TabArray Custom tabs for this text. the custom tabs for this text Property GLib.Property("tabs_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Tabs property holds a value. if the property is set. Event GLib.Signal("event") Gtk.TextEventHandler Raised whenever this text tag explicitly fires an event; general-purpose event. Property GLib.Property("underline") Pango.Underline Style of underline for this text. The underline style for this text Property GLib.Property("underline_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Underline property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("variant") Pango.Variant Font variant The font variant of this text Property GLib.Property("variant_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Variant property holds a value. if the property is set. Property Pango.Weight Font weight as an integer. a see predefined values in ; for example, . Allowed values: >= 0 Default value: 400 Property GLib.Property("weight_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the Weight property holds a value. if the property is set. Property GLib.Property("wrap-mode") Gtk.WrapMode Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries. a Property GLib.Property("wrap_mode_set") System.Boolean Indicates if the WrapMode property holds a value. if the property is set.