Mike, We have some problems. Some methods are going to return a gtk widget which will need to be wrapped again into a c# class. This will have a nasty reaction when callbacks are added to the wrapper, then the wrapper is nuked when complete. It will leave a rogue pointer of some kind laying around, and callbacks won't work as expected. Proposed solution: Every GTK# class is a wrapper class. With a constructor for a GtkWidget* and one for a default _new. Events are done as in CVS, except that the events object will need to be bound to the GtkWidget owning it, and when a wrapper is created, that Events object is resurected. This way, even if there is no wrapper in existance, signals will function properly, and multiple wrappers will work properly too. The event object will register a delete signal with the widget so that when its nuked, it has a chance to free itself. Are we going to have to tell the garbage collector to stay away from this class? We might need our own class for this, and this class might not be able to be written in c#. Problem number two is with taking an arbitrary GtkWidget, and constructing a wrapper as needed. Which wrapper is created? A simple GtkWidget wouldnt work too well if the GtkWidget is really a button. We need to deside how to handle this. Should we just return a GtkWidget, and force the developer to pass the GtkWidget back to a constructor for the desided apon Widget wrapper? How does gtk itself deal with this? Are we going to need a database of widget wrappers for this? Bob