// Object.cs - GObject class wrapper implementation // // Authors: Mike Kestner // // (c) 2001-2003 Mike Kestner // // TODO: // Could remove `disposed' for a check if an object is on the dispose_queue_list. // namespace GLib { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; /// /// Object Class /// /// /// /// Wrapper class for GObject. /// public class Object : IWrapper, IDisposable { // Private class and instance members IntPtr _obj; EventHandlerList _events; bool disposed = false; Hashtable data; static Hashtable Objects = new Hashtable(); static Queue PendingDestroys = new Queue (); static bool idle_queued; // // The destructor is invoked by a thread // ~Object () { Dispose (); } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] static extern void g_object_unref (IntPtr raw); static bool PerformQueuedUnrefs () { Object [] objects; lock (PendingDestroys){ objects = new Object [PendingDestroys.Count]; PendingDestroys.CopyTo (objects, 0); PendingDestroys.Clear (); } lock (typeof (Object)) idle_queued = false; foreach (Object o in objects){ if (o._obj == IntPtr.Zero) continue; g_object_unref (o._obj); o._obj = IntPtr.Zero; } return false; } /// /// Dispose Method /// /// /// /// Disposes of the raw object. Only override this if /// the Raw object should not be unref'd when the object /// is garbage collected. /// public void Dispose () { if (disposed) return; disposed = true; Objects.Remove (_obj); lock (PendingDestroys){ PendingDestroys.Enqueue (this); lock (typeof (Object)){ if (!idle_queued){ Idle.Add (new IdleHandler (PerformQueuedUnrefs)); idle_queued = true; } } } GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] static extern void g_object_ref (IntPtr raw); /// /// GetObject Shared Method /// /// /// /// Used to obtain a CLI typed object associated with a /// given raw object pointer. This method is primarily /// used to wrap object references that are returned /// by either the signal system or raw class methods that /// return GObject references. /// /// /// /// The wrapper instance. /// public static Object GetObject(IntPtr o, bool owned_ref) { Object obj; WeakReference weak_ref = Objects[o] as WeakReference; if (weak_ref != null && weak_ref.IsAlive) { obj = weak_ref.Target as GLib.Object; if (owned_ref) g_object_unref (obj._obj); return obj; } obj = GtkSharp.ObjectManager.CreateObject(o); if (obj == null) return null; if (!owned_ref) g_object_ref (obj.Handle); Objects [o] = new WeakReference (obj); return obj; } public static Object GetObject(IntPtr o) { return GetObject (o, false); } private static void ConnectDefaultHandlers (GType gtype, System.Type t) { foreach (MethodInfo minfo in t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { MethodInfo baseinfo = minfo.GetBaseDefinition (); if (baseinfo == minfo) continue; foreach (object attr in baseinfo.GetCustomAttributes (true)) { if (attr.ToString () != "GLib.DefaultSignalHandlerAttribute") continue; DefaultSignalHandlerAttribute sigattr = attr as DefaultSignalHandlerAttribute; MethodInfo connector = sigattr.Type.GetMethod (sigattr.ConnectionMethod, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); object[] parms = new object [1]; parms [0] = gtype; connector.Invoke (null, parms); break; } } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_register_type (string name, IntPtr parent_type); /// /// RegisterGType Shared Method /// /// /// /// Shared method to register types with the GType system. /// This method should be called from the class constructor /// of subclasses. /// public static GType RegisterGType (System.Type t) { System.Type parent = t.BaseType; PropertyInfo pi = parent.GetProperty ("GType", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); if (pi == null) { Console.WriteLine ("null PropertyInfo"); return GType.Invalid; } GType parent_gtype = (GType) pi.GetValue (null, null); string name = t.Namespace.Replace(".", "_") + t.Name; GtkSharp.ObjectManager.RegisterType (name, t.Namespace + t.Name, t.Assembly.GetName().Name); GType gtype = new GType (gtksharp_register_type (name, parent_gtype.Val)); ConnectDefaultHandlers (gtype, t); return gtype; } /// /// Object Constructor /// /// /// /// Dummy constructor needed for derived classes. /// protected Object () {} /// /// Object Constructor /// /// /// /// Creates an object from a raw object reference. /// public Object (IntPtr raw) { Raw = raw; } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] static extern IntPtr g_object_new (IntPtr gtype, IntPtr dummy); /// /// Object Constructor /// /// /// /// Creates an object from a specified GType. /// protected Object (GType gtype) { Raw = g_object_new (gtype.Val, IntPtr.Zero); } /// /// Raw Property /// /// /// /// The raw GObject reference associated with this wrapper. /// Only subclasses of Object can access this read/write /// property. For public read-only access, use the /// Handle property. /// protected virtual IntPtr Raw { get { return _obj; } set { Objects [value] = new WeakReference (this); _obj = value; } } /// /// GType Property /// /// /// /// The type associated with this object class. /// [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] private static extern IntPtr gtksharp_get_type_id (IntPtr obj); public static GLib.GType GType { get { return GType.Invalid; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_get_type_name (IntPtr raw); public string TypeName { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (gtksharp_get_type_name (Raw)); } } /// /// GetGType Method /// /// /// /// Returns the GType of this object. /// public GLib.GType GetGType () { if (_obj == IntPtr.Zero) return GType.Invalid; return new GLib.GType (gtksharp_get_type_id (_obj)); } /// /// Handle Property /// /// /// /// The raw GObject reference associated with this object. /// Subclasses can use Raw property for read/write /// access. /// public IntPtr Handle { get { return _obj; } } /// /// EventList Property /// /// /// /// A list object containing all the events for this /// object indexed by the Gtk+ signal name. /// protected EventHandlerList EventList { get { if (_events == null) _events = new EventHandlerList (); return _events; } } /// /// GetHashCode Method /// /// /// /// Calculates a hashing value. /// public override int GetHashCode () { return Handle.GetHashCode (); } /// /// Data property /// /// /// /// Stores and Accesses arbitrary data on the Object. /// public Hashtable Data { get { if (data == null) data = new Hashtable (); return data; } } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] static extern void g_object_get_property ( IntPtr obj, string name, IntPtr val); /// /// GetProperty Method /// /// /// /// Accesses a Value Property. /// public void GetProperty (String name, GLib.Value val) { g_object_get_property (Raw, name, val.Handle); } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] static extern void g_object_set_property ( IntPtr obj, string name, IntPtr val); /// /// SetProperty Method /// /// /// /// Accesses a Value Property. /// public void SetProperty (String name, GLib.Value val) { g_object_set_property (Raw, name, val.Handle); } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern void gtksharp_override_virtual_method (IntPtr gtype, string name, Delegate cb); protected static void OverrideVirtualMethod (GType gtype, string name, Delegate cb) { gtksharp_override_virtual_method (gtype.Val, name, cb); } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] protected static extern void g_signal_chain_from_overridden (IntPtr args, IntPtr retval); [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern bool gtksharp_is_object (IntPtr obj); internal static bool IsObject (IntPtr obj) { return gtksharp_is_object (obj); } [DllImport("gtksharpglue")] static extern int gtksharp_object_get_ref_count (IntPtr obj); public int RefCount { get { return gtksharp_object_get_ref_count (Handle); } } } }