// introspect.cs: Add introspectable information to a docs file. // // Author: Rachel Hestilow // // (c) 2002 Rachel Hestilow namespace GtkSharp.DocGeneration { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; public class Introspect { Hashtable assemblies = new Hashtable (); Hashtable primitives = new Hashtable (); XmlDocument doc; string current_ns; public Introspect (XmlDocument doc) { this.doc = doc; primitives["System.Boolean"] = "bool"; primitives["System.Byte"] = "byte"; primitives["System.Char"] = "char"; primitives["System.Decimal"] = "decimal"; primitives["System.Double"] = "double"; primitives["System.Int16"] = "int16"; primitives["System.Int32"] = "int"; primitives["System.Int64"] = "int64"; primitives["System.Object"] = "object"; primitives["System.SByte"] = "sbyte"; primitives["System.Single"] = "single"; primitives["System.String"] = "string"; primitives["System.UInt16"] = "uint16"; primitives["System.UInt32"] = "uint"; primitives["System.UInt64"] = "uint64"; primitives["System.Void"] = "void"; /* FIXME: mcs does not support Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies*/ foreach (string asm in new string[] {"glib", "atk", "pango", "gdk", "gtk", "gnome"}) { string key = asm + "-sharp"; assemblies[key] = Assembly.Load (key); } } public Type LookupType (string typename) { foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies.Values) { Type type = assembly.GetType (typename); if (type != null) return type; } return Type.GetType (typename); } public string StringifyType (Type type) { string full = type.ToString (); bool isArray; if (full.EndsWith ("[]")) { full = full.Substring (0, full.Length - 2); isArray = true; } else isArray = false; if (type.IsArray) Console.WriteLine ("hi " + full); if (primitives.Contains (full)) { string ret = (string) primitives[full]; if (isArray || type.IsArray) ret += "[]"; return ret; } else { if (String.Compare (full, 0, current_ns, 0, current_ns.Length) == 0) { full = full.Substring (current_ns.Length + 1); } return full; } } public void FixArgs (XmlElement method_node, Type type, Assembly asm, string method_name, string orig, bool isCtor) { XmlNode args_node = doc.CreateNode ("element", "arguments", ""); method_node.AppendChild (args_node); if (orig == "") return; string[] args = orig.Split (','); Type[] signature = new Type[args.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (string arg in args) { string fix = arg.Trim ('@'); signature[i] = LookupType (fix); i++; } MethodBase method = null; MethodBase[] methods; if (isCtor) { MemberInfo[] bases = type.FindMembers (MemberTypes.Constructor | MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, Type.FilterName, ".ctor"); ArrayList ctors = new ArrayList (); foreach (MemberInfo info in bases) { if (info.MemberType == MemberTypes.Constructor) ctors.Add (info); } methods = new MethodBase[ctors.Count]; ctors.CopyTo (methods); } else methods = type.GetMethods (); foreach (MethodBase m in methods) { if (m.GetParameters () == null) continue; if (m.Name != method_name) continue; if (m.GetParameters ().Length != signature.Length) continue; bool valid = true; for (i = 0; i < signature.Length; i++) { // FIXME: cludge string t1 = m.GetParameters ()[i].ParameterType.FullName; t1 = t1.Trim ('&'); if (t1 != signature[i].FullName) { valid = false; break; } } if (!valid) continue; method = m; break; } i = 0; foreach (ParameterInfo p in method.GetParameters ()) { string modifiers = ""; // FIXME: another mono bug...this is always false if (p.IsOut || p.IsRetval) modifiers += "out "; XmlElement arg_node = (XmlElement) doc.CreateNode ("element", "argument", ""); args_node.AppendChild (arg_node); arg_node.SetAttribute ("modifiers", modifiers); if (p.ParameterType.IsArray) { Console.WriteLine (p.ParameterType); } arg_node.SetAttribute ("type", StringifyType (p.ParameterType)); arg_node.SetAttribute ("name", p.Name); i++; } } public void FixProperty (XmlElement prop, Assembly asm, Type type) { PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance); string prop_name = prop.GetAttribute ("name"); PropertyInfo pinfo = null; foreach (PropertyInfo i in props) { if (i.Name == prop_name) { pinfo = i; break; } } // FIXME: mono bug: why is PropertyType sometimes null? if (pinfo.PropertyType != null) prop.SetAttribute ("type", StringifyType (pinfo.PropertyType)); else prop.SetAttribute ("type", "[unknown]"); } public void FixMethod (XmlElement method, Assembly asm, Type type) { MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance); string method_name = method.GetAttribute ("name"); string op = "op_Explicit -> "; if (String.Compare (method_name, 0, op, 0, op.Length) == 0) { method.SetAttribute ("type", StringifyType (LookupType (method_name.Substring (op.Length)))); method.SetAttribute ("name", "op_Explicit"); return; } FixArgs (method, type, asm, method_name, method.GetAttribute ("args"), false); MethodInfo minfo = null; foreach (MethodInfo i in methods) { if (i.Name == method_name) { minfo = i; break; } } method.SetAttribute ("type", StringifyType (minfo.ReturnType)); } public void FixConstructor (XmlElement method, Assembly asm, Type type) { string method_name = method.GetAttribute ("name"); FixArgs (method, type, asm, ".ctor", method.GetAttribute ("args"), true); } public bool BaseClassImplements (Type type, Type target) { if (type.BaseType == Type.GetType ("System.Object")) return false; foreach (Type iface in type.BaseType.GetInterfaces ()) { if (iface == target) return true; } return BaseClassImplements (type.BaseType, target); } public void FixClass (XmlElement klass, string ns) { current_ns = ns; string asm = klass.GetAttribute ("assembly"); Assembly assembly; if (assemblies.Contains (asm)) assembly = (Assembly) assemblies[asm]; else { assembly = Assembly.Load (asm); assemblies[asm] = assembly; } Type type = LookupType (ns + "." + klass.GetAttribute ("name")); if (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType != Type.GetType ("System.Object") && type.BaseType != Type.GetType ("System.Enum")) klass.SetAttribute ("base", StringifyType (type.BaseType)); Type[] unfiltered = type.GetInterfaces (); ArrayList ifaces = new ArrayList (); if (unfiltered != null && unfiltered.Length > 0) { foreach (Type iface in unfiltered) { if (type.BaseType == null || !BaseClassImplements (type, iface)) ifaces.Add (iface); } } if (ifaces.Count > 0) { XmlNode implements = doc.CreateNode ("element", "implements", ""); klass.AppendChild (implements); foreach (Type iface in ifaces) { XmlNode iface_node = doc.CreateNode ("element", "interface", ""); implements.AppendChild (iface_node); XmlText text = (XmlText) doc.CreateNode ("text", "", ""); text.Value = StringifyType (iface); iface_node.AppendChild (text); } } foreach (XmlNode member in klass.ChildNodes) { switch (member.Name) { case "property": FixProperty ((XmlElement) member, assembly, type); break; case "method": FixMethod ((XmlElement) member, assembly, type); break; case "constructor": FixConstructor ((XmlElement) member, assembly, type); break; default: break; } } } public static int Main (string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine ("usage: introspect "); return 0; } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); try { doc.Load (args[0]); } catch (XmlException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Failed to load {0}", args[0]); return 1; } Introspect introspector = new Introspect (doc); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; foreach (XmlNode ns in root.ChildNodes) { if (ns.Name != "namespace") continue; XmlElement ns_elem = (XmlElement) ns; foreach (XmlNode klass in ns.ChildNodes) { if (klass.Name != "class") continue; introspector.FixClass ((XmlElement) klass, ns_elem.GetAttribute ("name")); } } FileStream stream = new FileStream (args[1], FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); doc.Save (stream); return 0; } } }