gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Gtk.Misc used to display an image. can be used as a container for a or a to get custom interfaces. cannot launch events, it is necessary to include it inside an for that purpose. Constructor Default parameterless constructor. Constructor to be displayed by the Image. This constructor is used to create an instance of containing the passed to it. Constructor to be displayed by the Image. This constructor is used to create an instance of containing the passed to it. Constructor Pointer to the C object. Internal constructor This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor a Loads an image from a . This is equivalent to calling or and then creating an from the resulting pixbuf. Constructor representing the path to the image file. This constructor is used to create an instance of containing the image stored in the filename whose path is given by the 'filename' parameter. Constructor To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Constructor to be displayed by the Image. to be used by the Image. This constructor is used to create an instance of containing the and using the passed to it. Constructor The that contains the image. If the value is , the image will be looked up on the calling assembly. The name given as the resource in the assembly Loads an image embedded in an assembly This is equivalent to calling or and then creating an from the resulting pixbuf. Constructor identifier for the . used by the Image. This constructor is used to create an instance of containing the represented by the passed to it and with the size represented by the passed. Property Gdk.PixbufAnimation Get the animation for this image. an object of type Method System.Void Resets the image to be empty. Property GLib.Property("file") System.String The file this image was loaded from. an object of type Property System.Obsolete("Use the Animation property instead") Gdk.PixbufAnimation Causes the Image object to display the given animation (or display nothing, if you set the animation to ). an object of type Property System.Obsolete("Use the File property instead") System.String

Creates a new displaying the file If the file isn't found or can't be loaded, the resulting Image will display a "broken image" icon. This function never returns , it always returns a valid Image widget. If the file contains an animation, the image will contain an animation.

If you need to detect failures to load the file, use to load the file yourself, then create the Image from the pixbuf. (Or for animations, use ).

The storage type () of the returned image is not defined, it will be whatever is appropriate for displaying the file.

an object of type
Property System.Obsolete("Use the Pixbuf property instead") Gdk.Pixbuf Creates a displaying . an object of type Creates a displaying . Method System.Void To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.Void To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.Void the the icon size, a Get the icon set and size, if this image is using an icon set If the is displaying an image from an icon set, this method can be used to retrieve the icon set and the size. Method System.Void the stock item name the stock item size, a Get the stock item name and size, if this is a stock image If the is displaying a stock image, this method can be used to retrieve the stock item name and the size. Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Property GLib.Property("gicon") GLib.Icon To be added. To be added. To be added. Property GLib.Property("icon-name") System.String To be added a To be added Property GLib.Property("icon-set") Gtk.IconSet Gets or sets the associated to the Image. that the Image contains. Property GLib.Property("icon-size") System.Int32 The size (dimension on a side) for a square icon. an object of type Method Gtk.Image the name of the resource Loads an image from a resource file. a This load an image from a resource in the calling assembly. This is equivalent to using the constructor with a assembly. Method Gtk.Image a a To be added a To be added Property GLib.Property("pixbuf") Gdk.Pixbuf Gets or sets the associated to the Image. that the Image contains. Property GLib.Property("pixbuf-animation") Gdk.PixbufAnimation Gets or sets the associated to the Image. that the Image contains. Property GLib.Property("pixel-size") System.Int32 To be added a To be added Method System.Void To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.Void a a To be added To be added Method System.Void an object of type an object of type Creates a displaying an . Creates a displaying an . Sample stock sizes are , . Instead of using this function, usually it is better to create a , put your in the , add the to the list of default factories with , and then use . This will allow themes to override the icon you ship with your application. Method System.Void an object of type an object of type Creates a displaying a stock icon. Creates a displaying a stock icon. Sample stock icon names are , . Sample stock sizes are , . If the stock icon name is not known, a "broken image" icon will be displayed instead. You can register your own stock icon names, see and . Property GLib.Property("stock") System.String A stock item name, if this is a stock image. an object of type Property GLib.Property("storage-type") Gtk.ImageType The type of representation being used by the to store image data. If the Image has no image data, the return value will be . an object of type Property GLib.Property("use-fallback") System.Boolean To be added. To be added. To be added.