gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. GLib.Opaque An object to represent the possible attributes of text in a Constructor Public constructor. Constructor An , a pointer to the C object. Constructor for internal use only. Property Gtk.TextAppearance The appearance of this text: colors, underlining, etc. To be added. See for more details. Property System.Boolean Whether background is fit to full line height a Method Gtk.TextAttributes Makes a new copy of this object. A new FIXME: elaborate the difference between this and Copy, and see if the differences in the underlying C library carry over to the C# library Method System.Void A new Copy the values in this object to and free the values in this object.. Property Gtk.TextDirection Whether this text runs right-to-left or left-to-right. To be added. Property System.Boolean Whether or not the text is editable. a Method System.Void To be added. To be added. Property Pango.FontDescription The font for this text. To be added. Property System.Double The scale of this text. To be added. For more information about font scaling, see Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Property System.Int32 The size of the indent. To be added. Property System.Boolean Whether or not the text should be hidden. a Property Gtk.Justification The justification of this text. To be added. Property Pango.Language The language of this text. To be added. Property System.Int32 The size of the left margin. To be added. Property System.Int32 The number of blank pixels above a line of text. To be added. Property System.Int32 The number of blank pixels below a line of text. To be added. Property System.Int32 The number of pixels between wrapped lines. To be added. Method System.Void To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.Int32 The size of the right margin. To be added. Property Pango.TabArray The tab stops for this text. To be added. Method System.Void To be added. To be added. To be added. Property Gtk.WrapMode The line-wrapping style for this text. To be added.