glade-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. System.ValueType The structures described here are the output of libglade's XML parser. These structures are really only useful for people who are extending libglade to handle other widget sets, but it could also be useful for other applications that need to read glade XML files. If you only wish to use libglade, you don't need to worry about these functions and structures. Property Glade.AccelInfo Details about accelerators. a Property Glade.AtkActionInfo To be added a Property Glade.Property To be added a Property Glade.ChildInfo Details about child widgets. a Field System.String To be added Field System.UInt32 The number of accelerators this widget has. Field System.String This widget's name. Field System.UInt32 To be added Field System.UInt32 The number of AtkProperties this widget has. Field System.UInt32 The number of children this widget has. Method Glade.WidgetInfo an object of type Internal method an object of type This is an internal method and should not be used by user code. Field System.UInt32 The number of properties this widget has. Field System.UInt32 To be added Field System.UInt32 The number of signals this widget connects to. Property Glade.WidgetInfo This widget's parent widget. a Property Glade.Property To be added a Property Glade.AtkRelationInfo Details about this widget's relations. a Property Glade.SignalInfo To be added a Field Glade.WidgetInfo Returns an empty