glib-sharp System.ValueType The GLib Runtime type identification and management system. The GType API is the foundation of the GObject system. It provides the facilities for registering and managing all fundamental data types, user-defined object and interface types. Constructor a Constructor for GType. Primarily used in generated wrappers for gtk objects. Generated code from gnome/generated/About.cs: [DllImport("gnomeui-2")] static extern IntPtr gnome_about_get_type(); public static new GLib.GType GType { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gnome_about_get_type(); GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret); return ret; } } Property GLib.GType To be added. To be added. To be added. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for "boxed" struct values. Field GLib.GType The for values. Property System.IntPtr To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.UInt32 To be added. To be added. To be added. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for GType-registered enum values. Method System.Boolean Object to test for equality. Tests for equality. if the native type is equivalent. Field GLib.GType The for GType-registered flag values. Field GLib.GType The for values. Method GLib.GType Native type name. Looks up a native type value by name. the requested type, or if lookup fails. Method System.Int32 Gets a hashing value. An integer hash value. Method System.Void Initializes the native type system. This operation is implicitly performed by . The native type system must be initialized before most glib API is used. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for unmanaged interface values. Field GLib.GType An invalid . Method System.Boolean a pointer to a native object. Checks if a native object is an instance of the native type. if , the instance is of this type. Field GLib.GType Native G_TYPE_LONG. Note, it is safer to use when using managed long types. Method System.Type a Looks up the corresponding to an unmanaged GType a Field GLib.GType A corresponding to . Field GLib.GType The for values. Method System.Boolean a type to compare. a type to compare. Equality operator. if , a and b are the same native type. Method System.Type a native type. Casts a native type to a managed type. a managed type corresponding to the given native type, or . Method GLib.GType a managed type. Casts a managed type to a native type. a native type corresponding to the given native type, or if no corresponding type is found. Method System.Boolean a type to compare. a type to compare. Inequality operator. if , a and b are not the same native type. Field GLib.GType The for paramspec values. Field GLib.GType The for pointer values. Method System.Void a a Registers a to mapping. Field GLib.GType The for values. Property GLib.GType To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.String The native type name. a string containing the native type name. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for values. Field GLib.GType The for gulong values. Note: it is safer to use for managed ulongs. Property System.IntPtr Read only property retrieves the representing the GType object in question. a