2017-09-04 22:36:28 -03:00

144 lines
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using System;
using Gtk;
using Cairo;
class CairoSample : DrawingArea
static void Main ()
Application.Init ();
Window win = new Window ("Cairo with Gtk# 3");
win.SetDefaultSize (400, 400);
win.DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit (); };
win.Add (new CairoSample ());
win.ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
void OvalPath (Context cr, double xc, double yc, double xr, double yr)
Matrix m = cr.Matrix;
cr.Translate (xc, yc);
cr.Scale (1.0, yr / xr);
cr.MoveTo (xr, 0.0);
cr.Arc (0, 0, xr, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
cr.ClosePath ();
cr.Matrix = m;
void FillChecks (Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height)
int CHECK_SIZE = 32;
cr.Save ();
Surface check;
using (var target = cr.GetTarget ()) {
check = target.CreateSimilar (Content.Color, 2 * CHECK_SIZE, 2 * CHECK_SIZE);
// draw the check
using (Context cr2 = new Context (check)) {
cr2.Operator = Operator.Source;
cr2.SetSourceRGB (0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
cr2.Rectangle (0, 0, 2 * CHECK_SIZE, 2 * CHECK_SIZE);
cr2.Fill ();
cr2.SetSourceRGB (0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
cr2.Rectangle (x, y, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE);
cr2.Fill ();
cr2.Fill ();
// Fill the whole surface with the check
SurfacePattern check_pattern = new SurfacePattern (check);
check_pattern.Extend = Extend.Repeat;
cr.SetSource (check_pattern);
cr.Rectangle (0, 0, width, height);
cr.Fill ();
check_pattern.Dispose ();
check.Dispose ();
cr.Restore ();
void Draw3Circles (Context cr, int xc, int yc, double radius, double alpha)
double subradius = radius * (2 / 3.0 - 0.1);
cr.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha);
OvalPath (cr, xc + radius / 3.0 * Math.Cos (Math.PI * 0.5), yc - radius / 3.0 * Math.Sin (Math.PI * 0.5), subradius, subradius);
cr.Fill ();
cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha);
OvalPath (cr, xc + radius / 3.0 * Math.Cos (Math.PI * (0.5 + 2 / 0.3)), yc - radius / 3.0 * Math.Sin (Math.PI * (0.5 + 2 / 0.3)), subradius, subradius);
cr.Fill ();
cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, alpha);
OvalPath (cr, xc + radius / 3.0 * Math.Cos (Math.PI * (0.5 + 4 / 0.3)), yc - radius / 3.0 * Math.Sin (Math.PI * (0.5 + 4 / 0.3)), subradius, subradius);
cr.Fill ();
void Draw (Context cr, int width, int height)
double radius = 0.5 * Math.Min (width, height) - 10;
int xc = width / 2;
int yc = height / 2;
Surface overlay, punch, circles;
using (var target = cr.GetTarget ()) {
overlay = target.CreateSimilar (Content.ColorAlpha, width, height);
punch = target.CreateSimilar (Content.Alpha, width, height);
circles = target.CreateSimilar (Content.ColorAlpha, width, height);
FillChecks (cr, 0, 0, width, height);
cr.Save ();
// Draw a black circle on the overlay
using (Context cr_overlay = new Context (overlay)) {
cr_overlay.SetSourceRGB (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
OvalPath (cr_overlay, xc, yc, radius, radius);
cr_overlay.Fill ();
// Draw 3 circles to the punch surface, then cut
// that out of the main circle in the overlay
using (Context cr_tmp = new Context (punch))
Draw3Circles (cr_tmp, xc, yc, radius, 1.0);
cr_overlay.Operator = Operator.DestOut;
cr_overlay.SetSourceSurface (punch, 0, 0);
cr_overlay.Paint ();
// Now draw the 3 circles in a subgroup again
// at half intensity, and use OperatorAdd to join up
// without seams.
using (Context cr_circles = new Context (circles)) {
cr_circles.Operator = Operator.Over;
Draw3Circles (cr_circles, xc, yc, radius, 0.5);
cr_overlay.Operator = Operator.Add;
cr_overlay.SetSourceSurface (circles, 0, 0);
cr_overlay.Paint ();
cr.SetSourceSurface (overlay, 0, 0);
cr.Paint ();
overlay.Dispose ();
punch.Dispose ();
circles.Dispose ();
protected override bool OnDrawn (Cairo.Context ctx)
Draw (ctx, AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight);
return true;