import subprocess from argparse import Namespace, ArgumentParser from ryujinx_mako._const import NAME, GH_BOT_SUFFIX, GH_EMAIL_TEMPLATE from ryujinx_mako.commands._subcommand import GithubSubcommand class SetupGit(GithubSubcommand): @staticmethod def name() -> str: return "setup-git" @staticmethod def description() -> str: return f"Configure git identity for {NAME}" def __init__(self, parser: ArgumentParser): parser.add_argument( "-l", "--local", action="store_true", help="configure the git identity only for the current repository", ) super().__init__(parser) def run(self, args: Namespace): base_command = ["git", "config"] gh_username = f"{NAME}{GH_BOT_SUFFIX}" self.logger.debug(f"Getting GitHub user for: {gh_username}") user = self.github.get_user(gh_username) email = GH_EMAIL_TEMPLATE.format(, username=user.login) if args.local: self.logger.debug("Setting git identity for local repo...") else: self.logger.debug("Setting git identity globally...") base_command.append("--global") config = {"": user.login, "": email} for option, value in config.items():"Setting git {option} to: {value}") command = base_command.copy() command.extend([option, value]) process = command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) process.check_returncode()"Success!")