Fraser Waters 1d563f1749 Pin paket version and reinstall dependencies
Pinning the version of paket used should ensure that running of "paket
install" is reproducible ensuring our CI git diff check doesn't spuriously
2018-01-28 17:42:55 +00:00

21 lines
588 B

version 5.132.4
source https://nuget.org/api/v2
#Open packages
nuget CommandLineParser >= 2.1.1-beta
nuget FSharp.Formatting
nuget FsCheck
nuget FsCheck.Xunit
nuget StyleCop.Analyzers
nuget xunit 2.2.0 restriction: >= net452
nuget xunit.abstractions 2.0.1 restriction: >= net452
nuget xunit.extensibility.core 2.2.0 restriction: >= net452
nuget xunit.extensibility.execution 2.2.0 restriction: >= net452
nuget xunit.runner.console
nuget xunit.core 2.2.0 restriction: >= net452
nuget xunit.assert 2.2.0 restriction: >= net452
nuget FAKE
nuget Mono.Cecil >= 0.10.0-beta6
nuget gtk-sharp3